Hillary Clinton is making a campaign stop in the Valiant Comics universe

>Hillary Clinton is making a campaign stop in the Valiant Comics universe.
>The presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee will appear in the fifth issue of Valiant Comics’ Faith, which will be an “Election 2016 Special” releasing Nov. 2.
>Clinton will appear on the issue’s cover, by Paolo Rivera, alongside the titular hero, and will be a part of one of the 48-page issue’s three stories

Are you getting your copy, Sup Forums?



what fresh hell is this

I'll wait for the Trump variant cover

You guys prepared for the future?

Didn't the mods already delete your last bait thread, OP?

At least this one isn't just

What comic should Trump appear in?

Delete your thread.

At least they give equal representation

What's wrong, user? Not ready for Hillary?
The Punisher

>not wanting to read superior comic

He got beat by SJW bullshit from Marvel's new PoC DIVERSITY character.
Damn sad.

Oh great what comics exactly need, more political propaganda.


>Comic news is bait in Tumblr's eyes.

OooooooOOOOOOooooo your safe space has been invaded!

did that comic even sell well?
SJWs aren't really consumers

I don't like Trump but I also don't like this character. I'm conflicted.

>implying SJWs have reading comphrension

Spider-Gwen annual

>not selling well

What is this?

See, I was thinking he should show up in this thing, maybe with Todd Ziller in tow.

It's not like it's anything new. Comics have been taking political sides since they existed.

Remember when Nixon turned out to lead a massive terrorist conspiracy that drove Captain America to abandon the whole "America" thing?

Marvel is fucking forcing BLACKED on her.
Fucking god damn sad. Now she's ruined forever.

>Oh great what comics exactly need, more political propaganda.

careful someone might call you Sup Forums and tell you to go back

You never read a Blue Water Comic before? They exclusively make biographical comics. Political Power is their line on political figures. They also have one called FAME for celebrities.

I have the Political Power for Joe Biden, and the FAME for Lady Gaga. They're pretty good.

Sup Forums doesn't read comics, they wouldn't know about that.

>Spider Gwen

>Implying she was ever any good.

I want this shitty Gwen meme to die.

>implying anyone here reads Faith

Haven't presidents and a few senators been appearing in comics and a few cartoon adaptations for decades?

Is so hard to have some political-free comics these days. Once comics were about escapism, melodrama, entertainment. Now they become the political agenda for any hypocritical politician. It sucks.

>implying anyone here reads

Oh shit. I think I actually read one on the actors for Doctor Who.

t. someone who doesn't read comics

>Once comics were about escapism, melodrama, entertainment
They are still about that. The fact that 1% of comics are political doesn't suddenly make the other 99% not exist. You just have a warped vision of what comics are because you only pay attention to /col/ and clickbait articles.

Is there any decent porn of Faith?

the past was like today except worse technology and everyone wore hats

Someone that doesn't read political related bullshit comics yes, i agree.


Can we stop pretending that anyone is actually excited about Hillary Clinton being president? Sure, I'd vote for her too as long as the only alternative is Donald Trump but it's not like I'd expect anything good to come from it.

A valid complaint conservatives have is that liberals absolutely can not keep their politics out of everything

I don't read Faith so I don't give a shit. Not gonna throw money at something that looks like garbage.

>US election has two criminals running for president
>two party system means you can't even vote for an independent unless you want to see your vote thrown away

Why is US politics so horrible? Get your shit together, burgers.

D. Trump's Wikipedia entry; the comic

>Implying Marvel was any good before the 70s.

>a criminal
Pick one

So you don't know who captain america is? What about tdkr? Miller didn't portray Reagan as that great of a person.

>Not a criminal

>I'd vote for a legit femnazi criminal over a guy who says mean stuff
You misclicked Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums you cuck.

The fuck? Do you not remember Superman telling kids to "slap a Jap"? Comics have been a political mouthpiece for fucking decades dude.

I thought that Captain America evolved from this kind of propaganda archetype.

Faith stuck me as more a Bernie Bro.
Too passionate to be a Clintonfag.
Too female to be a Trumptard.
But just stupid enough to believe Bernie is a good idea.

>Trump is a criminal
How? What ass are you pulling this out of?

>hasn't committed any crimes
>Hillary "She Broke The Law And Sold American Secrets Abroad But She's Special And Above The Law" Clinton
I bet you voted for Bernie. Have fun knowing you gave all your money to Hillary!

>Over an egotistical narcissistic sociopath who's known for scamming students out of their money, encouraging violence against peaceful protestors, flip-flopping on literally every single issue he's ever discussed, and knowing next to nothing about how politics work


actually there is an independent option on the ballots for all 50 states this year, a first in a while

>says mean stuff
>cheats people out of money
>completely out of touch with everything that isn't his rich ass little world
>a fucking business retard who's had to repeatedly file for bankrupcy
>so many failures
>doesn't actually have a plan beyond "Muslims = bad, build a wall, 'make America great again'"

They're both awful choices, user. Neither one of them is fit to run the country.

Islamophobia and racism are crimes shitlord

But you said that comics were never like that. Are you admitting that you're wrong?

I knew Valiant was worth buying.

How's that Brexit working out for you, Eurocuck?

The Clinton campaign believes that they inherited all the Bernie supporters when they forced him to endorse her

Yes but nowdays it becomes overwhelming. It's like the comics are turning more to a media which is trying to push various political ideologies and agendas. Only yesterday we had 4 threads talking about Cho leaving Wonder Woman because of censorship and ideological differences with Rucka.

at least Trump didn't destabilize the entire North African region and encourage the Muslim Brotherhood, a decision which has led to the deaths of thousands
I'd take a scam artist over a psycho murderer

Oh okay. the same made up bullshit people use.
Man you guys need new excuses.

If anything, it's less political than it used to be.

>Hillary is a Vine plantling

>encouraging violence against peaceful protestors
and which protestors are these? the ones who attack his supporters or the ones killing cops?

Isn't it ending?

I miss hats

Soliciting foreign countries for a donation to your campaign is not very legal.

Not to that extent i mean.

you're disgusting

Looks like someone is backpedaling after getting called out for not knowing shit about comics.

>made up
You...what? Do like a 5 second fucking google search, you idiot. Everything people've said about him is true. Refusing to believe overwhelming evidence is essentially you putting your hands over your ears and yelling "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Grow up and face facts, your orange waifu is a fucking moron and one half of one of the worst presidential elections in American history.

Is BELIEVE the keyword in that phrase or do you think they were successful?

Well now everyone's fighting I hope you're happy OP

Neither does Sup Forums

Yea Hilary does that.
She's also accepted nonstop bribes from many outside countries to push their agenda's.

>No U.S.Agent


>Englehart never showed the president’s face, but Marvel called him when the pages arrived, asking for reassurance that it was not intended to be Nixon. “I swore up and down that it wasn’t,” he said. “But once it was in print, I had no problem admitting it.”
Based Steve. Marvel is a sissy.

>Faith #5
I could have sworn I remembered hearing about this comic like 2 or 3 years ago but apparently it just came out in September of last year.

What the fuck

You know Hilary is bad when even my Welfare Queen cousin with five kids is voting for Trump.

It's pretty much Hillary getting real close to the Bernie supporters' ears and whispering "you're going to vote for me anyway, bitch, because the only alternative is Trump" and then maniacally laughing as she pretends to know anything about anyone under the age of 40.

Kill yourself.

>I'm trying to figure out how to make young people Pokémon... Go to the polls!

>white trash is voting for Trump

Watching her pander to people is one of the funniest things ever. The hot sauce was so cringy and then she tried to pander with pokemon go.

But Trump did it as well. Is it okay when Trump does it?

Comics are a media form and can be an art form.
Comics may be political, but should not be propaganda / subservient to an agenda or an ideology!
Maus is a good comic and an art piece. It is political, but no propaganda.
Fables (part of) and shit like aren't comics, but a scam and a step torwards [any distopia of your choiche].



>not Zionist propaganda

Oh my god I physically recoiled when she said that. I was hoping at least SOME of her husband would've rubbed off on her, but I guess he was too busy rubbing himself on other women.

>YWN see Cap, Sam and Black Dynamite team up to battle Nixon and the Nixettes, who're just the Dolls from Street Fighter

>I was hoping at least SOME of her husband would've rubbed off on her
If you're looking for that you might wanna try Monica Lewin-
>but I guess he was too busy rubbing himself on other women
Ah, dammit.

When is Hillary going to answer for the fact that her husband was exposed as having a close friendship with the billionaire vhild sex trafficker Jeffery Epstein and VIP status in his pedophilia club? Bill had 27 flights on Epsteins private jet the Lolita Express recorded on it's flight log.

This kind of shit isn't a joke. Hillary Clinton has been aware of this global scale organized pedophilia ring this entire time and has said nothing. This is beyond liberal/conservative political bickering

I don't know why America wants to vote in a literal cuck as a president, especially with so much blood on her hands.


>implying it's a bad thing

Delete your post.

No seriously, DELETE YOUR POST.