Bravo Estonia!


Other urls found in this thread:

>The New Estonian

Can you link the article or are you just a Sup Forumstard who faked the pic?

I'm sorry but those are mostly estonians returning

>that Nigerian in the comment asking people how to get to Estonia
lmao tragic

There is nothing in the article indicating that the immigrants are non-European or not returning Estonians.

>Cover: Estonia is slowly becoming more multicultural (the image is illustrative

So fake news by Russian """Estonians""".



The pic is Russian fake news trickery for Sup Forumstard consumption.

Also, let's not forget about Finland! They are also one of our noble Finno-Ugric brothers
>I wonder for how long

Bravo Finland!

>labor shortage
>8% unemployment

activated my almond

You will take thousands of migrants, and you are going to like it!

>needs skilled workforce
>import nig nogs
We're in the EU why don't we get people from other EU countries, isn't this one of the reason wwhy EU exists.
I've never understood why we need immigrants outside EU when there's countries like Greece and Spain with high unemployment rates

Why do the Greek security and staff members look like refugees too?

>there are esstiboys getting BLACKED right now

European like us now!

Honestly, this is not so bad. The black dudes will be a hit among Russian women in Estonia which will put an end to the dreadful process of Slavicization which has been driving down the Estonian race for centuries.

>returning Estonians.

Estonians used to BLACK


>even this backwater attracts more people than it repels
>meanwhile we still had negative migratory balance last year

We basically always migrate to the same countries.

Have thought about moving to Spain or Portugal a few times desu if there were any jobs there. Many richfags from here go to live in Spain. Porto seems cool also.


Here some companies have moved their customer support to Spain since they have to pay less in wages, but still that's good in Spanish tier.
I considered that possibility when I was younger before starting studies

Old news. Tallin is full of Africans and their half Estonian babies.

Can I save it? Pretty proud to have the Estonian one at last.
>Not wanting to destroy Bolshevism






Is everyone in Estonia so droopy-looking?

Afro Parties pictures aren´t probably the best examples of Estonian people.


He knows what is good

t. fennoswede

why are estonians so ugly
let me guess, they are russian minority hahahahhha
this time you cant draw this excuse

Äh, is that face very typical of Estonians? Because it could literally be me (besides that I have a beard). Pretty much the same hair and eye colour, freckles on my nose and even two moles in the same place.

Because banks and jews need idiots who can take loans and occupy the market for them.
Pretty much how the housing market is in Sweden.
It's purely based on who can take the most out of a loan to buy a house or apartment.

wtf is an afro party

African party with African music

he sure looks like a finn
getting some choco pussy :^)

it's pretty much what you'd think it is. a party where dancehall, afrobeat etc. music is played, where being afro is cool and people get fucking high and have a good time. people from all over the region go there

It's where Estonian women go to get BLACKED


She's clearly not a Russian

>immigrating to a poor, cold post-soviet shithole

it's also the best place to go if you have junglefever.

Finns are just too entitled and lazy to work. This is why we need Syrians with high work morale.

The problem is that if you integrate and assimilate your immigrants they will leave like your ethnic citizens

if he's a good electrician there's little reason to shut him out, but i have a feeling he'd have more work in africa what with the growing electric grid

fake news
niggers arent moving to estonia

Wake up
Estonia is already 25% nigger.