SUICIDE SQUAD "Deadshot" Trailer

Please don't suck.


I'm ready for some

Ballroom Blitz

Comments like this are why girls and gays becoming "nerds" was the biggest mistake

Yep they want things to be super soft, any thing that's not their liking is edgy

It will.

Are we getting a new minute of the movie everyday until release or something?

FUCK this movie looks so good.

I can't wait for Sup Forums to get mad about him being quippy, which is pretty Deadshot.

still wish he had the mask for most of the movie

This shit isn't even remotely edgy. It's made up almost 80% of jokes.

yes by every time i put my dick in your hole.

Sup Forums doesn't read comics dude, they just read up on the wikipedia page of any character getting adapted and complain about how unfaithful the adaptation is.

He wears his mask plenty but i bet it gets damaged and he has to take it off

Character trailers instead 1 big one

Yeah, fuck that. I'll just wait for the movie rather than watch a dozen of these with a small character scene added

>The trailers showed 80% of the jokes

I just hope Will Smith plays Deadshot and not just be himself in a Deadshot outfit

Let's be honest, if Will Smith played himself, he'd be pretty damn close to Deadshot. It's not exactly like Will doesn't have range anyway, he's just mostly hired to play himself, and he's certainly not a character actor. I have a decent bit of hope.

oh god, too will smith, not enough deadshot

this doesn't look promising

They fucked up by going with his daughter as his motivation rather than just being a suicidal burnout who's trying to die in a blaze of glory. The Suicide Squad needs Deadshot as the protagonist to actually be suicidal

Thought he wasnt looking to die but if he does meet death he wants it to ve glorious.

>if Will Smith played himself, he'd be pretty damn close to Deadshot.

Kinda, but Deadshot is kind of like a mix between bullseye & RDJ

Movies never wear the mask unless it's necessary. Showing the character's face is a basic rule.

Mask is just there to make stunt double switches seamless.





even better reason for him to have it during the action!

Lmao this is so true. They'll post comments like "literally who?" even on prominent B-listers.

Wrists the point of the mask anyway? At this point it can't be about concealing his identity right?

so instead of will smith playing deadshot it`s will smith playing will smith

That's why you hire Will Smith. Because he's great when he plays himself.

Give me a break, it's not like Deadshot is this great 3 dimensional character with amazing development. He's Quippy McShootshoot, which seems to be what Will Smith is playing. Basically what said

>Movies never wear the mask unless it's necessary. Showing the character's face is a basic rule.
>What's Spider-man
>What's Batman
>What's Daredevil
Motherfucker only Marvel movies keep taking the characters out of their masks


You never read anything with Deadshot by John Ostrander, did you?

So, Will Smith as Will Smith cosplaying as Deadshot?


Is he competing against Chris Evans for the biggest man titties on the big screen?

It's fine. I'm watching for Harley, Joker and Batman anyway. To a lesser extent Croc (finally! a cinematic rendition!) and the expansion of the DCEU.

I actually find Will Smith pretty dull these days, and the closest I've come to finding Deadshot interesting was when I had to beat the shit out of him in Arkham Origins and he went down like a bitch.

>Not watching for Deadshot, Waller, or Boomerang.


Fuck Deadshot. Boomerang might be fun, but I don't know much about him.

Waller will be interesting though. I'm primarily a Batfag.

not surprised at all