Contest of Champions Storytime

Story time of a book that's dying tomorrow. It's better than we deserved.

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First up, we meet my new (and only) favorite Punisher.




Good looks, OP. This was a great book.

Tbh, I ignored it at first because I thought it was just a trashy video game tie-in.

I have never played the video game this is based on, but I assume its 'free-to-play" and tedious as all hell.

I really want Garth Ennis to write an Outlaw series. He's from the UK i'd love to see his stance on him

To the writer we need, but not the one we deserve!
Long Live USAvengers!


When's future fight get a comic?
We have a pretty cool OC.



Flowers aren't food captcha


>that Gamora
I'm sad now.











What ever happened the the generals? I still play every day

>posting an image in a storytime
C'mon man


Who's the red one? And why the fuck is stick there

Have to say, if Outlaw wasn't the best, Guillotine would probably be my favorite Champion. I would totally read a Guillotine ongoing if weaved through all these characters.






They're on /vg/ now.

Oh, guess who's back and no one knows cause they don't read good books.

There are a lot of cursed bloodthirsty swords in the MU.


I'm a huge Ewing fag and just lost track of this book. feels bad. Glad he got a decentish run to play with, that Civil War 1 cover is amazing. Hope he gets another personal fun book

quick variant I like and then to the story.


man this comic has been fucking crazy. Unfortunately it's way too DEEPEST LORE to really ever sell well.

Yeah but this one's French.

For anyone interested in previous appearances.

That's not even what killed it from what I heard. It's mostly because everyone thought it was just a cheap tie-in and they felt their money was better spent on events or some shit, I don't know.

Reminds me of the lady from Ennis's run who named her dog Frankie.

I'm pretty sure it even had as close to a Frank Face as a dog can get.

Thanks dude.





There's a kind of "Zero Issue" that showed why the Maestro resurrected him.








This book has the two best Punishers in it. Nigel is a saint. Gallows is... Gallows.







So it's bloodthirsty and sounds like Pepé Le Pew.

While I understand that sometimes taking a simple story premise and trying to turn it into an "Event" can suck some of the fun out of the story and drain the writer of the main plot who now had to work with lots of other writers to coordinate on tie-ins, does anyone think that having Contest of Champions be the big event this summer INSTEAD of Civil War II would have worked out better for everyone?
>So much more stuff to work with
>A legitimate follow up to the events of Hickman's glorious Secret Wars
>Bringing back old heroes who have died with an explanation instead of a hand wave, and using them to a fulfilling end
>Killing characters for the all important "Shock Value" but without needing to make their deaths permanent so you don't make waves with the writers working with those characters
>So much room for tie-ins to show off some of the off-screen battles
This is the story Marvel should have backed for an event comic. It even has a flarking mobile game they can push with it! It's got buzz all over it. But instead of hyping it and making it their big Event they went with a limp idea like "Civil War but Minority Report" and even limper writer like Bendis.
I just... I just wanted to say that. I'm gonna miss this comic guys. I'm gonna miss it and I don't know how to deal.



I fucking love Pirate Punisher.
Shame he can't really show up in anything else after this without diluting the "he's happier having retired" element.


the biggest problems
-not a movie.
-people want "Stakes" which means "real" versions of the characters are effected.
-the people who care about and enjoy ewing's continuity wank are minuscule

Don't do this to me, man.



A strong enough motivation might make it okay, maybe? He would never have Punished TM in the first place without the ability to be moved to action at all costs.


It was fun while it lasted, so we can at least be happy about that.

>-the people who care about and enjoy ewing's continuity wank are minuscule
You prefer Bendis' Lack of Continuity Wank?

Search your feelings user. You know we now live in the darkest timeline.

i'm saying not enough people care about the lack of continuity .

tho i have seen Sup Forums rant about shit that isn't a fuck up like Bruce being paranoid about Hulk returning





People should post this page in every Hulk thread.

"Born to break the rules of uncool fools!"

Bendis is still a shitty writer.
Maybe they could have just put Ewing in charge of Civil War II. He could have probably spun gold out of that shit.


This numberings weird, I am 90% certain I'm not missing a page 18.





In other news Tony sucks. What else is new.




I miss this Eddie, RIP.