What does /co think of The Pro?

What does /co think of The Pro?

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I like what I see, I may read it eventually along with preacher and cobweb.

Started reading it when I was like 15 planning to fap. Read like 3 issues or whatever and got the picture and then went to find some hentai

It's fine but it could have been better.

>an amazing blowjob
>with a condom on
I don't believe it

The weakest of Ennis' "fuck superheroes" books. I don't regret reading it but it doesn't have anything amazing or anything that Ennis hasn't done better elsewhere

It's only 1 issue long, you fucking liar.

What part of "pro" don't you get?

>skipping leg day

He probably doesn't get off that often considering
I'm surprised that he didn't immediately cum and start farting

LMAO get it?? It's Superman getting a blowjob!!! Hilarious!!!

Even his sphincter is super

tell me more of this Cobweb you speak of. Hot women tying up fatties so they can be put to better use as furniture has me intrigued.

Post the edit. You guys know the one.

I thought it was funny. There's like two pages where it goes that super heroes suck. Does Ennis hate superheroes? I heard he wrote Superman really well in an issue of Hitman

He likes Superman but hates other capes.

This pretty much
One of Ennis' worst comics. Only thing good is Conner.

hey, could anyone story time this?
I've never read it

>Does Ennis hate superheroes?
He doesn't love them, but I believe he hates them. He just loves to poke fun at the concept which causes some fans to go on the defensive

Pat Mills, the writer of Marshal Law, is the one who hates superheroes

Besides Grant Morrison none of the British Invasion people shared the near religious devotion to the characters as some of the American pros

Yeah, there's a lot of poking fun at superheroes in this book. Which I thought was funny

A shorter, funnier, cliff-notes version of his other story "The Boys". Same story but still really good.

*but I don't believe he hates them

Jesus I wish we could edit our posts without just deleting them and reposting


That's awesome. Source?

The Pro by Garth Ennis and Amanda Conner

Does a blowjob still feel good through a condom? Compared to simply masturbating?

I get how triggered you are, yes.

Welp, Just bought it off amazon for 4 bucks

Yes, just not as good.

Fuck off, Ennis.

Seemed longer. Besides it was like 10 years ago who can be remember

It's pretty "Meh".

If you ignore the taste of latex in your mouth is okay.

They have flavored condoms now though. Bubblegum tastes pretty nice

It's pretty terrible. Not very funny, tired jokes you can see coming from a mile away, and it contradicts its own message by showing the capes as genuinely good people who are dealing with genuine threats.

H-how do you know this

He sucks cock.

I go places on Saturday night.

The dude was asking if RECEIVING a blowjob with a condom on feels good. Not whether GIVING a blowjob with a condom feel good.

I'm pretty sure it was a joke

Like if user asked the same question, but with anal the response would've been " No, it hurts about the same at first for both"

Oh, Haha. Carry on then

It's lame user.
Only thing that feels nice is the slobber running down your balls and even then it's shit and despite getting rough with her I ended up having to finish myself off.
Whoopee fucking doo.

I tried to storytime it once. Than the fucking janitors started deleting any of the posts with nipples.

And I sure as hell aint storytiming on /aco/.


damn, it's near impossible to find scans of it online.

I found the trade at my lcs a few weeks ago.

It's not gay if you're sucking a girl's cock.


>blowjob with a condom on

That's how hookers do it.

It's pronounced "feminine penis".



No just boys and trannies


Someone hasn't been on /r9k/

>Going to /r9k/
I think anons better off for it.

Wish it had a full animated adaption

kat has it
search Garth Ennis The Pro

Well not high class or super cheap ones at least.

Which is really fucking Bizzaro

>Pat Mills, the writer of Marshal Law, is the one who hates superheroes
Thats kind of a face value interpretation man, he hates how they can be represented more than the idea themselves. If you can read the essay he wrote for the recent DC release

Haha, she said fuck and talks about taking a shit! That's so fuckin' hardcore, just like me, a 14-year-old boy!

I always picture Garth Ennis wearing a fedora