DC vs. Marvel: Line-Wide Events of the 21st Century

Which company does them better?

For reference, I would include the following as "line-wide events" of the 21st century. Obviously this can be argued.

2005- House of M
2006-07- Civil War
2008- Secret Invasion
2010- Siege
2011- Fear Itself
2012- Avengers vs. X-Men
2013- Infinity
2014- Original Sin
2014- AXIS
2015- Secret Wars
2016- Civil War II

2004- Identity Crisis
2005- Infinite Crisis
2007- Final Crisis
2008- Blackest Night
2011- Flashpoint
2013-14- Forever Evil

You forgot Convergence for 2015
And including that, I'd consider two DC events to be shit, the rest either mediocre or okay.

I hate just about every marvel event listed.

>I'd consider two DC events to be shit
Which two? Final Crisis and Flashpoint?

I'm an old fart Marvel fan but honestly DC has had better events with the ones listed.

You forgot Age of Ultron. I'm pretty sure AXIS and Infinity were supposed to be contained in their own books before upper-management turned them into events.

I'm a Marvel guy, but DC does it better for the sole fact they don't shove it down your throat every year.

I find DC events to be more interesting. Not always good, mind you, just more interesting.

Convergence and Identity Crisis

Am I missing anything? I think Convergence can be argued. It was really unique in that it didn't tie into anything, but took up 2 full months of publications. I think there was a few from both publishers before 2004, but none of them had the impact that any of the ones listed had (on story and sales).

Marvel only had one good event

I find DC's more enjoyable generally

>You forgot Age of Ultron.
I don't think that counts. It didn't tie into any ongoing, just spawned a few one-shots.

6 tie-ins and a one-shot.

I didn't think you were, but it kind of goes to show from post that Marvel has really chosen quantity over quality. Not that DC's were amazing by most standards.

>a bunch of shit

>a bunch of shit

Shit is still shit user

>2005- House of M
>2006-07- Civil War
Also fair
>2008- Secret Invasion
>2010- Siege
>2011- Fear Itself
>2012- Avengers vs. X-Men
>2013- Infinity
>2014- Original Sin
>2014- AXIS
>2015- Secret Wars
>2016- Civil War II
Never gonna know

>2004- Identity Crisis
>2005- Infinite Crisis
>2007- Final Crisis
>2008- Blackest Night
>2011- Flashpoint
2 fast 4 me
>2013-14- Forever Evil

If you factor in Messiah CompleX and Second Coming (though I understand why you wouldn't) they have parity, but Marvel's events are just too damn bloated and D.C. wins.

t. Marveldrone

Back to the reservation my little Indiean.

I noticed a similar trend in . Right around 2010 things started going downhill at Marvel. Was it the purchase by Disney in '09?

Bullshit. Just because it says AU at the end of the number doesn't mean they're "tie-ins." They were one-shots.

>I typed

oh, thanks user.

Arguably things were already going downhill in 2008 with OMD and Secret Invasion.

Has this caught on with anybody else or are you still the only person pushing it?

I saw one other guy use it ONCE, but i'm mostly a lonr wolf.

i didnt think i came up with it tho

You could maybe start making arguments including the X-Men and cosmic events.
But as it stands, everything line-wide usually sucks at Marvel. DC does it a bit better.

I think X-Men have crossovers, not events.


One might argue that Future's End was an event.

That's a weekly

I only know Civil War is happening because Nova and Hellcat have tie-ins
besides that
Vision, Silk, Carnage, Venom, Gwenpool, Squadron Supreme and Mockingbird are just chilling, untarnished
people reading a Bendis event should expect what they're going to get by now

With a tie-in oneshot for every ongoing at the time. Something that, as far as I'm aware, only happens with events.

No more Inhumans?

I'm a Crystalfag and refuse to read anything involving Inhumans until they give her back her hair

oh yeah
forget to mention I'm reading Captain Marvel and I think that's getting a tie-in or two unfortunately
shame they're gonna drop Carol's first actual ok writer

I'm sorry you'll never read Inhumans for many, many years.

>event comics are shit

I'm not sorry at all
why would you want to read that?
If they try to use her new design in the MCU it would be the absolute dumbest thing ever
Why did Marvel try to push Medusa over Crystal anyway? That's the most illogical marketing move ever.

>If they try to use her new design in the MCU
But it's dead in the water.

the Inhumans movie?
get a long haired beautiful and badass Crystal to be star of AoS and randomly appear in movies/shows because why not
it will inspire some new good fanart anyhow

You forgot Age of Ultron.

>the Inhumans movie?
It might not be, but they've pushed it back and Disney seems to be leveraging other properties.

I'm thinking they may've worked something out with Fox.

You niggers forgot World War Hulk, was that even that hated? That shit got me into comics.

Like I read a couple of random issues as a little kid of Batman, Superman and surprinsingly, Green Arrow.

Then I read Sandman, then I heard about Marvel Zombies and while looking info about it I got a link for a ''trailer'' for World War Hulk, I read every single issue of that shit!

I don't see me doing that ever again, it was a different time, I didn't knew how to talk to girls

Not a "line-wide" event.
The whole thing was contained in issues specifically imprinted for it.

You also forgot Brightest Day, like 20 books were doing Brightest day shit, that and Convergence.

The sad thing is that the Marvel list is bigger and there still events missing from the list...

I think a few books had tie-ins. I know Ant-Man did

AoU and WWH were set up more like the big Marvel events, like moreso than Annihilation and Spider-Island.

not convergence and final crisis

Identity crisis wasn't as bad.

Then how is Final Crisis a line-wide event? It only affected Batman.

All events are pretty much shit, but I hate that Marvel has so many.

I liked Annihilation and Conquest though.