Do you like blondes?

Do you like blondes?

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they alright

Blonde girls are usually mean and high maintenance with envious, self-centered personalities

Just the one.
The one, TRUE blonde.

>not fixing your woman
it's like fixing a radiator

Are you implying that they have blond personality?

.... Why do I have to find bugs hot every Damn time he does this?


It's your destiny man, just go with it.

>dem buttcheeks

Not really.

Black/brown = anime (green, blue, purple, etc) > red > blonde

Never post in this board again, faggot.

>Not including the voice actress' song about being blonde.

I can think of a few to post.

Curvy blonds are my favorite.


Having Taste This Bad.

Most of the miserable, mean, arsehole girls I know are brunette.

Redheads FTW

Shaddap you. Your cartoons were banned for sucking.

I think it's an edit


They were banned for being too hot


Blondes are the best

I don't even have to open that spoiler to know that it's Goldie





>literally YELLOW hair
I'm going to puke

>Not loving the golden glow

why are blonde pubes so enticing?

Any other blonde except that one.
Besides her physical appearance there was nothing even remotely likeable about her; she's shallow, manipulative and a hypocritical cunt towards others who show interest in her.

>inb4 "but that's the joke"

Doesn't make her exempt from being criticized for being a terrible character (personality-wise, I mean).

For those familiar with the comics; was she any different there?

But Gadget is a ginger.

If you're not blonde please stay away from blonde women. We're a diminishing natural resource and every race mixing blonde woman is always another lost bloodline.


her voice gets me rock hard every time i think of that movie.

>was she any different there?

no, she was still a cunt.


Dont forger her

She liked bad puns.

I feel like I was supposed to hate her, but I really can't. She's so southern and cute.

I don't see why anyone would hate her. For a rich daddy's girl she was surprisingly nice and a good friend.

Eh, we'll genetically engineer you back some day. As long as we don't run out of white people entirely.

Why is furfaggotry still allowed here

One of reason why all like her is because she totally subvert the rich bitch clichè. She is nice, cute and funny.

Because this is Sup Forums in the year of our Lord 2016.


because cartoons have and will always be full of animal characters and a lot of them will be drawn in attractive ways

Shut up Boco.

>She liked bad puns.
And that is why I love her.



Red head >Blonds

>tfw you dowloaded all 50 animaniac comics but stopped reading because you didn't want to binge read them and get sick of it early.

it's suffering.

That episode did things to my penis.


She actually LOVES bad puns.


Where are the backgrounds?

why is minerva sun tanning her fur?
i'm finally confused by this after fapping my dick to infinity, giving me enough time for cognitive thought.

implying she's tanning and not actually showing off.

Is it true blondes have more fun?


This is also a top blonde. Mm.

They are usually whores.

because they are cartoon characters older than most people on this site

and they are Sup Forums first, furry second, so they should be exempt from the rules

Sure they do

damn, she is a pun machine
she just doesn't run out
like her stamina during sex, fucking minks man

i could see that from her
but, its rare someone just lays a towel down to read a book and show off

Are you still here?

but thats the supergirl who wears a blonde wig over her natural brown hair


That image made mu chuckle.



It was a music video. Made to parody the Macorena music video, which itself, was shot against a white back drop.

>using my gift money to comission Palcomix
>my mom asks if I gave it good use

Your mother would be ashamed of your shit taste.

Yes. Minerva a shit tho.

she may be, but i bet she is soft as silk
dat mink fur yo

A. Shit.

Minerva has a shit personality, but that just makes me want to bang her even harder.

Is she tanning? Some furred animals just like to lie down in the sunlight.

I like certain characters of which blonde is part of their design, but it's not like "oooh look she's blond, I like that"
