San Diego Comic-Con General

Leaving for SD in a few hours! Who's going?

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Sup Forums is primarily teenagers expect few responses. I'd love to go but they sell out on like the first day. Also poorfag. What panels are you going to?

I went last year. It was fun but once was enough. Though I promptly got into the DCW right after I said that, lol.

You gonna brave any of the big merch lines?

I want to attend when I'm older and or have more money, what panels are usually good to see?

SDCC hasn't been about comics for like 10 years I stopped going long ago

i live a few blocks away from the comic con thing in some shitty roach motel

i really hope my usual lunch spot aint filled to the brim with you faggots today

I just noticed it's this weekend.

Is there anything comic related this year? Marvel blew their load, DC, Valiant, they already had announcements... is there anything left?

To anyone that is going to the DDCW thing, AT's official tumblr says that they may release something related to Preboot/Reboot. You faggots better find out.

Sitting here I can't help but wonder if OP will find my friend. Look for the big guy in a maid costume with his leg hair braided.

I'm waiting for news about new comic books but I can't say I'm too interested in SDCC.

Unpopular Opinion:

I wish SDCC were a bit like E3, in the sense that each company would do livestreams with the announcements

Nah, too expensive and faraway for me. All the good stuff leaks online anyway.

Looking forward to Sup Forums's live threads during the big announcements, though.

>big announcements

What big announcements?

>Who won SDCC this year!
>Well DC showed us some cool shit happening with the Justice League and teased Darkside getting his hands dirty.
>White Lanters are apparently doing something to the source wall.
>It seems that they're hinting at finally explaining the Speed Force.

>Marvel on the otherhand showed some good things too.
>Spider-Man vs Mephisto is becoming one of the most anticipated events and it's even been hinted that Peter Parker will die.
>Bendis has been fired after trying to give Miles a harem.
>Fuck only knows why the Terragen Mist has turned the X-Men into zombies.
>Also where the fuck is Blade?
>No, for real. Where is my new Blade book.
>Ghost Rider too.
>Fucking hacks.

>Action Labs is doing something.
>I donno what though.
>After the Zombie Tramp padgent I stopped caring.

Marvel comics stuff, DC Comics stuff, movie stuff, TV stuff, cartoon stuff.

y'know... Stuff.

But are there any this year?

Only have a ticket for sunday this year but I'll be walking around outside tomorrow with a few friends.

Marvel is announcing more comic stuff also we still don't know who is writing Dick Rider comic and who is replacing Bendis for GotG.

You should have to go more wild

If it's anything like Dragon-Con, expect hour plus wait times for shitty chinese food.

Hell, SDCC is way bigger so more like 3 hours.

SDCC has the Gaslamp Quarter so there are plenty of restaurants and fast food places for everyone

But yes the subway that's a few blocks from the Convention Center is fricking full but it takes no more than 30 minutes to get your order.

I live in San Diego and I never get tickets

Shit sucks

How much wilder could you go?
Making all the fans sit through a cringey skit?

That's what's fun about E3 tho, the cringey shit. But yeah, I wish they could do a livestreams of the announcements

have you tried hard enough

even some radio stations are doing those caller numbre 9 things and give out free tickets

I excited about comic news coming in next sdcc

Trick is to make and use multiple e-mails for accounts so when trying to get a badge you load them in different browsers.

Tomorrow I'll be going to DC's All Access panel and *try* to get into the Netflix Luke Cage panel that evening. Saturday I'll be in Hall H all day, so I'll see DC Films and Marvel Studios (Star Trek 50th Anni will also be very cool to see). Sunday, I'm gonna go to the Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends panel to see if Slott will continue to shit the bed, and a retro gaming panel (my other passion) that afternoon. Hope you can go someday!!

Not this year, I don't see the point in waiting hours upon hours for just stuff. Especially considering I'll be camping overnight to go to Hall H.

I feel you on your frustrations. This is my sixth time going, and each year it feels more packed and less focused on comics.

I have a professional badge and I'm not even going. So burnt out on this con

So many fucking people.

What are the chances that Snyder gets booed?

I live like 50 miles away from the city but SDCC always shits up the 5 so i cant even go south without hitting traffic.

Most of Sup Forums doesn't go outside, so little to none.

I'm fine not going this year. All the info will be online in no time, anyway. My favorite part of SDCC was the few chill signings I could find (Drunk History was a highlight)

Not this year, too busy with a friend who's coming back from a trip. Also, I got a date with pain this weekend.

Going back for the first time in 18 years. Bringing my daughter to the DC Superhero Girls panel so we can watch the new movie and grab some swag.

I'm an SD resident myself, so I'll be going with a couple of friends.

But they're cosplaying as FNAF characters.

Kill them and find better friends.
Unless they're chill.
Most FNAF fans are scarily obnoxious.

My best friend is cosplaying as Foxy, but I'll give him a pass since he's taking it in stride.

Just saying' if you find Carmen Sandiago you better go sneak around the world.

Is the costume at least of a good quality?

I agree. SDCC would be more hype that way.

I've got passes for tomorrow and sunday. Just got in to SD a few hours ago.

>Saturday I'll be in Hall H all day, so I'll see DC Films and Marvel Studios
lol good luck, find a spot to stay camped out friday morning

Well user, post cosplay qts and cool shit at boothes.
Also cool comics you pick up.

I will be there Friday-Sunday

Anyone going to the Injustice 2 panel? I need someone to do a liveblog or at least post whatever happens there...And the DC Animated Movie panel

Vendor here. Come say hi.

Can you tell the Mega64 boyz that I said hi

I will user.

Whatcha peaddalin' user?

They are going to kill someone with that forklift.

>been hinted that Peter Parker will die.
Marvel clearly lost.

What has your experience been trying to get passes? I've been to SDCC twice. Once with my dad when the system was first-come-first-serve, so we had no problems getting a ticket because we were on the ball with opening ticket sales. Shit sold out fast.

Second time I went, a buddy had bought a couple tickets that were scalped.

Last time I tried they had brought in this room / lottery system bullshit. I got in early and then just slowly watched all the passes disappear and get scooped up by other people while being fed Hunger Games quotes. Then going online there were shitloads of scalped tickets going for like $800.

My sister wants to go and so does my cousin, but fuck me if I'm gonna try and get 3 tickets if it's still this ticket room lottery system.

Just wondering what kind of level of grief you guys had to go through to get tickets this year. Family, friends and I can pay to go shopping at a more accessible convention.

But do they recognize your name?

Hello Vendor-kun.

If they ever tried then it'd be a blood bath.
Peter is the only real reason I even read Marvel anymore.
Although I do want that Blade book.
Where the fuck is it already?

Never been to SDCC because I live way too far away.
But the worlst experience I've ever had with convention tickets were getting some for the comiccon that's more local.

Little brother and best friend wanted to join me for once.
Can't get the premium tickets so we have to line up for them.
We arrive at like seven in the morning to a three mile long line.

It was one in the afternoon when we got in.

Weren't they going to do a book about Fem Blade after Secret Wars III. I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be a thing.

I'll come by! I'll say "purple monkey dishwasher," so you know it's me.

LOL SO RANDUMB XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm one of the girl genius workera.

It's a Simpsons reference, dumbass

Most people didn't like BvS. Snyder fucked up badly. He should be booed.

I went for years but theres not much point anymore. All the big panels get thrown up on youtube within a couple of hours except for Hall H stuff which is just shameless marketting at this point.

Walking the main floor has always been a waste of time but all the normies dont understand that so they crowd up the place trying to get free bags.

I've only tried once to get exclusive merch to resell but getting to a booth early enough to buy the stuff is insane, went an hour before the hall opened up and still couldnt make it before the sellers reached their daily limit on the exclusives.

Any opinions on the union rules?

No one cares, Sup Forums.

Leaving in an hour or so. Going Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. I am gonna go to the Grant Morrison panel, The DC Rebirth Superman one, the premier of the Killing Joke, and a few others. I might try to camp for Hall H with my friends but I honestly don't know.

Yeah but I haven't seen anything else on it for a few months now.
Kinda bringing me down.

I hope you make some sales famalam.

We have a union?

tv loves BvS.

I'll just watch the cartoon panels online.

My wishlist...
1.) Ares mini or ongoing announced with a good to amazing artist (don't know who, everyone is taken)
2.) Another Martian Manhunter series or mini is announced preferably with Reis or Fabok on art.
3.) Mera's outfit is revealed & has pic related texture fully body wise except exposed cleavage.
4.) DCEU's Ares is revealed and has his traditional armor.

Getting tickets for SDCC is bad but with the new ticket system at least they are making things hard for scalpers, but DESU as long as San Diego doesn't give the OK for SDCC to expand the ticket woes will never go away.

Getting passes for SDCC is bad but not as bad as getting tickets for PAX prime though, holy shit.

Booth all set up

If you stop by, say hi to the foglio's son, on account of him being me.

Someone better post details on JLAction

protip: DCEU's Ares will be a space cloud

>Yes hello I met your son on an anonymous message board for anime
Are you trying to dissapoint your parents?

You are Foglio's son, nice, next time you see your dad tell him Beastboy says hi.

Couldn't make it this year sadly