Do any of you guys have a fetish for superheroes having sex in costumes?

Do any of you guys have a fetish for superheroes having sex in costumes?


Also, your choice of OP pic concerns me.

Does that scene make anyone else rock hard?

I just fapped to it


jesus christ it's make-believe

SJWs go home


t. Dan Dreiberg

yes. somebody post

>we keep our masks on. It's better that way.

Gotcha user

>so its this thread






goddamnit, hentai has ruined me




It's just like my favorite doujins.



Almost ripped my pants


This is my OTP.

I think the lobotomy they gave Light after was not even close to the fate he deserved.

Bless the Specter.

>porn parody
>they take the costume off at the third second mark and revert to the "OH YEAH OH YEAH OH YEAH BABY" porn-lingo

Porn's bad about this in general, even for simple stuff like stockings.

I hate how the Ultimate universe is a mixture of amazing and the worst capeshit possible

Is this an edit?

Unless it's silk clothing and people in silk clothing getting pissed on. Then they always keep the clothes on.

What the fuck is up with that?

>tfw they take off the heels to appeal to footfags
>tfw they leave the skirt around her waist to hide her tramp stamp

yeah. in the actual page he tells not to get any ideas because she's a) over a decade younger than him
b) not the woman he loved, just her weird time clone

>tfw they leave the skirt around her waist to hide her tramp stamp

This is the worst, I have a burning irrational hatred for this.


Exterminators got really weird towards the end

Because you have a fetish for trashy tattoos like me or because of another reason?

I mean I do like trashy tattoos but it's just really annoying having that skirt obstruct their ass, pussy, stomach and hips.






Oh yeah, got to love Deathstroke wank too OP.


That's some next level self-insertion. Did love that DC thought having a writer named Grayson would somehow imply her writing was good.

I'm surprised nobody's posted this one yet...

What part of Ultimates is amazing? It's all just "retarded" dialed up to 11.

Im always a sucker for female seduction in comics

The Grey avatar didnt deserve what she got

We all forgot about that when Mark got Time-Cucked.

Speaking of which, has that plotline seen any development?


MCU Avengers is Ultimates minus Millarisms, much like other movies based on his work.
In the latest issue we saw her son.

Mark and Anissa have a bastard thats around 6-7

Nolan and Robot work together still
freddy mercury has his army of kids and is conquering planets

Jesus Christ, Eve got knocked up AGAIN? Who's the dad and why is Eve such a brood slut?

No it was anissa's son with mark

Oh no, Anissa's son. They got over Eve seeing another guy, she dumped him because he wanted her to dump her daughter.

But he...but she...I thought...what?

You're just creating more questions than answers. I'll just go read the issue I guess...

>have someone come in and cuck Mark while he's out of the picture
>Eve chooses some rando that wants her to chose him over her daughter
>Mark come back just in time to see none of this
I...I'm not sure I want to read the new issue anymore...

The fuck is this? Sauce me, bro.

>rape thread
>first post
>all the rest raperapreprapreraperaperape

i remember why i love this place

well mark was presumed dead for 5 years

you can't blame eve for dating after 5 years of your husband being dead and oliver and allen cant find him

Allen most likely also introduced eve to the guy she dated while mark was gone

Anissa gets pregnant from her sex with mark and has a kid

thanks op now i have a new fetish
thats just sad

Hey, what the hell else am I supposed to do when I want to have an orgasm inside someone and they won't let me?

>you can't blame eve for dating after 5 years of your husband being dead and oliver and allen cant find him

Mark disappeared before and came back. Eve's a super-hero. She should have waited. There was no body.

Your telling me that being a single mother on a alien planet your husband is a superhero who just randomly disappeared and has various enemies that could just show up and kill him and continues to be gone FOR YEARS NOT MONTHS LIKE LAST TIME while you raise a daughter alone that has never even remember her father

That's fucking terrible. Jesus fuck.

Mark disappeared before and came back. Eve's a wife AND A MOTHER. Family should have come first, but instead she decided to fuck a blue alien that hated her chlld. He just wanted her pussy, not help her with the kid.

Eve's a slut and a terrible mother.

eve started dating him not knowing that and broke up with him because she was unwilling to leave her child and hates him for even mentioning the notion of getting rid of her

>Mark disappeared before and came back
Like I said before only for a couple of months and NOT A ENTIRE 6-5 YEARS

I doubt very much that Eve didn't knew how he felt about her child.

The point still stand. Eve wasn't looking for a male companion that could help support her and her daughter, no, she was looking for some alien stud that could sooth her physical needs.

She was look for physical satisfaction, pure and simple. Nothing else. She wanted to rid some dick. For that she was willing to date a guy that merely put up with her child because that gave him access to her cunt.

Eve's a slut and a terrible mother. She was willing to look away how the dude felt about her daughter just so she could keep on riding that blue dick.

>The point still stand. Eve wasn't looking for a male companion that could help support her and her daughter, no, she was looking for some alien stud that could sooth her physical needs.

The whole of point of it was to mention that Eve was really happy with him but loved her daughter more and when he brung up that he didn't like Terra she left him without a second thought not thinking about herself but her daughter

Mark was already gone for three years and she couldn't afford to think about him

Also she didn't go out looking for him it was arranged by Allen and his gf to push eve into dating again

She still dated a guy that had no desire or wanting of looking out for her daughter. She put her needs before of the ones of her daughter. She only did that little bravado because Mark came back and that changed the whole situation. Now with Mark there she felt remorse and guilt, and didn't needed to put up with the guy anymore. That's where her anger came from. She rode his dick knowing full well what the guy thought of her daughter because his dick at the time was really comforting, but then Mark came back and she felt bad about it, both angered at herself and the guy.

I bet you my ass virginity that this situation with the blue alien will come back again, specially with the whole Anissa drama.

I really liked it when Iron Man's suit was treated like a jet, with massive downtimes after every fight while getting it ready and it having only a certain amount of flight-hours so he had to be moved into position.

Then they just gave him the regular 616 armour at some point off-panel with no explanation in time for Ultimatum, as I remember it.