I'll never stop watching

I'll never stop watching.

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kys immediately

Excuse me for being a comic fan instead of some poser.

Just saw s3. Honestly i didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Why do you guys say it sucked so much?

Wouldn't it be easier just to pay a dominatrix to kick you repeatedly in the balls? You could even get one that looks like Felicity.

At least tell me you mute the Donna Smoak scenes like any self respecting human

Shit arc and plotlines
Choreography takes a dive, gets worse in S4
Becomes the Felicity show and she condones the mass death of civilians to save Ollie

4 was better than 3 honestly and neither were the disasters people are making them out to be. There just wasn't enough hype or costumes for the children watching so they complained. The Internet exaggerates everything.

Nobody actually """""loved""""" season 2, just the last five or six episodes because, again, hype and costumes.

Fuck you this was awesome


What is the latest news from Comic Con

Did they show anything

Stephen Amell said he was going to Comic Con

DCTV panels aren't until Saturday iirc

Which Oliver was the best Oliver

>The Vigilante
>The Hood
>The Arrow
>The Green Arrow

The only good sequence in all of season 4

Legends Ollie from Star City 2046

Gee Oliver what happened to your eyes?
>"I... I just walked into a door, Felicity is always joking about how clumsy I am."

That's not a comic though?

I hope season 5 has a new suit

I'm tired of this football pads looking shit

Old Man Ollie

Punished Ollie.

okay you fucking sheep



Look who's talking.

Your loss.

How would batman and robin get out of this?

found the masochist


I did when Felicity started walking again just to walk out on Oliver. That shit was too much

I loved all of Season 2, but mainly the episodes that preceded those last five or episodes. Especially all the stuff with Sara, Doll Maker, Brother Blood, The Count, Barry Allen and Clock King. I also liked the Suicide Squad and the relationship with Deadshot and Diggle changing from Season 1.

Looks like I might need to change this filename.

They were disasters and anyone who says otherwise is in denial.

You had ridiculous shit like Felicity trying to remote hack a fighter jet with a fucking ipad, Felicity going to Olivers magic training for no reason other than to be there, Felicity's non arcs about how daddy didn't love her and how Olibur doesn't trust her with secrets that aren't his getting in the way of the actual crime fighting the show is supposed to be about, Laurel dying and her last words being how great Olicity is, and Felicity becoming the head of a company she never earned and then running it into the ground.

Ray Palmer was the sole redeeming factor of Season 3 and without him Season 4 was a mess since their only real villain was a sarcastic middle aged man with only one trick. Diggle's costume looks like it doesn't even fucking fit right and Thea's entire thing with Anarchy makes no sense. That, and once Arsenal and Wildcat left their entire plotlines were messily aborted so half the stuff they were building to went to shit.

Whatever parts of the show were even remotely redeemable came from somebody else's like Flash or Constantine or fucking Vixen.

>le no killz xD
>kills his henchmen

I can never escape as long as there are live threads.

Islander Ollie

Idk, the last part with Ra's was pretty slick. Palmer was cool too. The only shitty part was Oliver suddenly caring so much about relationshit drama and Felicity knowing everything about quantum science

Oh also forgot Laurel. She sucked too. Do they seriously expect me to belive she can fight life-long assasins from the league after boxing for a few weeks?


arrowfags are battered housewives

They remind me of Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots.

It's okay user, we all have that one show we stuck with out of loyalty even after realizing it was well past its prime.

Mine was Futurama.

She had some training from Nyssa also, but I don't think that's saying much since she needed Oliver to fight Malcolm for her.

That's kind of pathetic