With all these storytimes, I think we should all take a moment to appreciate what /real/ art in comics looks like...

With all these storytimes, I think we should all take a moment to appreciate what /real/ art in comics looks like. Who's down for another Sonichu storytime?

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Yus plex

Remember the copyright! youtube.com/watch?v=PGP0dZiAV-A





So Rosechu was created from a male Riachu. Does this mean Sonichu is gay and Rosechu is a trap?








Fuck you, I can do whatever I want and there's nothing you can do to stop me.




Who wins in a fight Chris Chan or Superman?



This profile page makes me sad.

Best game ever?

Do you realize. Do. You. Realize something, let me tell you.
If the Health Department of Greene County, sees those videos, that you put on the damn Internet, they could condemn our house, and we would have to move out of it?

It gets worse. I'm pretty sure at one point in the series he legit puts his phone number in the comic.






>mfw Chris will lose Barb soon

What will the Saga be called after she's gone?


Hopefully not, I'm still waiting on my next issue he promised!


Punished Chris













I'm in favor of "Endgame Saga". It seems like all of Chris's life has been leading up to one big dreaded climax, ending with his own demise.

>I am now, thanks to you and your son.

You won't be fore long if Chris doesn't get you that drug money.

>He just vanishes for three years.
>Everyone thinks he killed himself.
>Comes out with new comic
>Inspired by losing everyone Sonichu is suddenly super grim and edge faggy.






What's the next story?

is chris chan ever going to finish this?

That's it?

Not anytime soon. He's busy making videos for retards who are dumb enough to pay 50 bucks for them:


I guess the prostituting thing didn't work out. Go figure, right?

>Chris excitedly reading the comic.
I miss when he was still enthusiastic and eager about Sonichu.

These days he doesn't even want to make medallions or amiibos.

Until today I've only seen a page or 2 if sonichu and knew nothing of Chris chandler.. I was happier that way.


Get out while you can. I avoided threads about him for years until I finally caved and checked out what all the fuss was about by reading some of his wiki.

It's like watching a train filled with Pokemon, Sonic, and Lego merchandise crash into the set of Jerry Springer in slow motion. One look and you're hooked.

Well, he can't. His Esty shop got shoah'd because he wasn't actually producing anything and people were getting screwed out of their money.

I don't feel bad for them, though. I mean christ, you willingly gave Chris money. You knew what you were getting into. However, I am glad that particular avenue of free money was cut off from him. Too bad he's at it again with the e-begging and this nonsense.

I want this "give Chris money for teh lulz xDD" meme to die. The small amount of content it creates is hardly worth the hundreds of dollars that get wasted on Legos and waifu pillows.

Hello everybody here's another paid request. Their words not mine, it's uh a little piece of literature this person liked. Alright so, I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking exceptional but I don’t care, I’m beautiful, hmm. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rolary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG one fourteen Hellfire missiles on my body. And from now on I want you guys to call me Apache and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privileges. Thank you for being so understanding. Wow that's crazy that's just I feel like it's weird. Pffft. Whatever. Alright, well there you go. Paid request. Have a good day.

Well she DOES have a pickle.

>chris-chan sonichu
Where were we when chris chan predicted greninjash?

Model magic sunset saga

it almost makes me think gamefreak reads sonichu for ideas

If Sonic and Pikachu fused, Sonic don't exist anymore? His friends don't miss him? Who will fight Eggman?

Sonic will. No really, he shows up.


they didn't fuse, they literally bumped against each other and the Pikachu was transformed. But this raises a question, has anyone merged in this comic? the way how chris-chan would drawn that unnerves me especially if he has watched SU or browsed deviantart.

Chris fused with Sonichu once, this comic steal all the Deus Ex Machina's from Dragonball, which are already too many

When is this game coming out?

What happens next?

She stared into the abyss, and the abyss stared back.

chris chan confirmed valor/mystic fag


It's so weird to read the CWCipedia entry on Bob, where he was an engaged college student, a veteran, and an accomplished engineer, who decided halfway through his life to abandon his family for an awful woman and the two of them would make Chris, who would go onto the internet and just make Bob's life a fucking nightmare he had no context for.

The Mel Gibson effect


One of the weird things about Chris' comics as a window into his psyche is how close he drifts to genuine self awareness. Like the cop tells him he's a pathetic whiner and he's soliciting, it's like Chris recognizes he's in the wrong and comes close to admitting that, only he portrays mall security as part of some fascist organization hellbent on victimizing him specifically.

Or else Chris is just parroting what he was told he was being charged with, but still thinks he isn't beholden to the laws. Like if he saw a guy who didn't have autism being busted for the same thing, would he have admitted he was in the wrong?

A shame we'll never find out since Chris apparently never leaves the house anymore.

It's a damn shame he died in that shithole of a relationship/household.

Just goes to show that you can be a slimy bastard even when you're also well motivated and book-smart.

No it's not. He was a stupid asshole that ruined his relationships with all his children except for the one who is literally too retarded to know better. He sabotaged the future of that one by teaching him to be lazy and entitled. You're fucked up if you waste any sympathy or pity on such trash.

How the fuck do you even pronounce that jack spicer reject's name!?

According to the CWCki it's like "nate-sirk"

>cherry cola

I think most of the pity/sympathy over Bob was for Chris.

>not orange fanta

Besides his weird homophobia/racism, and old fashioned views on mental health, the videos of him interacting with Chris makes me depressed. Especially the christmas one.

I think he realized that he did spoil Chris too much when he was growing up, and it looked like he may have wanted Chris to have a happy childhood not knowing the ramifications of it what he did. By the time he realized Chris was a loser, he believed it was too late to change that.

I'll admit, I haven't read up about how badly he fucked up his children with his other marriages, but thinking about the situation he died in, and the entire story surrounding their family makes me sad.

So...we gonna do the next issue?


>how close he drifts to genuine self awareness
>does a story where his blood is used to make a gay vaccine
No one told him that would suggest his blood already contains "gay" or how vaccines work I suppose.



>Fuzzy-wuzzys get you hugs; prickly-wicklies get you slugs!

I wonder why some art fag has taken the time to do a professional version of this comic.

Because it's copyrighted, user Jokes aside, there is this rosechustory.tumblr.com/