What the fuck happened to Hope? She was the big thing in the X-Men community and then she got dropped harder than...

What the fuck happened to Hope? She was the big thing in the X-Men community and then she got dropped harder than...something that gets dropped really hard.


She betrayed the X men, and Cyclops

Her role as Mutant Jesus to undo what Wanda did and bring back the mutant race happened.
Not enough people liked her to keep her around after her role was finished.

LMAO I came here to say the same thing.

I miss Emma

But then they just undid everything she did and now in 5 years we're gonna have to have another Messiah complex Mutant type of story.

So she got shuffled into the Barrel of Obscurity?

Please, Hope should consider herself lucky if she gets to escape the Barrel of Obscurity in five years.

I keep faith for the day our Messiah will rise again and strike down the false "God", Jean '63.

What happened?

AvX happened. They basically turned this long running X-Men story into an event to push the Avengers.

A young mutant by name of Tempus, who was a pupil of Cyclops, betrayed and mudered her

>Please, Hope should consider herself lucky if she gets to escape the Barrel of Obscurity in five years.
I have a feeling its gonna be like the first time Jean died and its gonna be like 10 years down the line and editorial will just randomly want her back .

>What happened?

I haven't touched any of that, and I'm like a year+ behind.


When I posted that I assumed it was my Waifu Magik but I miss Emma just as much so i'l go with it.




Just a clone, its all good with Mr.Essex .


Did Hope ever go Dark Phoenix? like fucking murder spree Phoenix?

>she got dropped harder than...something that gets dropped really hard.
You as a baby?

But seriously, they probably dropped her for original xmen.

I half expect at some point we'll get a team with cable, hope, rightclops, havoc, and ruby

Nope, not yet. She did go toe to toe with Phoenix-Cyke in a scuffle and win, iirc.

>Nate gets inducted into the Avengers and solos them
It ain't fair, bros, but this is what would happen.



Hasnt this happened a lot in the last few years?
someone is very important and consequenses will never be the same, then they just disappears.
next one will be ulysses.

you seem to be new at the whole new X-Men thing

remember, don't get attached to any new characters that is young and debuts on an X-books

She's gonna die in Death of X isn't she?

Rhey should make her a bad guy obsessed with saving mugga kind

Last place I remember her was taking control of the X-Force team from her father but the book ended and the team disappeared

Her pheonix storyline got heavily derailed by AVX. By then the original architects were long gone by Second Coming.

Many thought she'd be a ressurected and reborn Jean, but that became completely invalid when Bendis bought Teen Jean and removed her importance.

Ofc many fans theorized her being Jean was gonna be to obvious. Most likely case was she would be an alternate Rachel Summers. Rachel you see according to Claremont was the Pheonix force's (NOT JEAN) only child with Scott from Earth 811 as her dad or adopted dad.

So they theorized it was the same case for Hope, being an alternate version of Rachel but of the 616 variety.

IDK why I even typed all this. It's clear the writers gave less thought about this than I did.

I guess they just... Lost Hope

It kind of sucks that they've abandoned her. I actually kind of liked Hope Summers.

>the original architects
Kyle and Yost were still involved iirc.


Marvel always does this.
When NO MORE MUTANTS happened, Layla Miller was super important, they key. Then a lot of shit happened, she got aged, married Maddox and they retired, the end. She was never seen or heard from again.

She was really big and important, important enough to change good heroes into villains, but then now that she's an adult, she just receded into nothingness.She's probably just...gone.

Marvel likes making Deus Ex Characters, and then likes to forget about them and chuck em ' into nothingness.

I stopped reading the Xmen with the whole, bringing back the 63' Xmen.

That was fucking stupid, and I still cant believe the story hasnt moved on. WHO GIVES A SHIT.

They had nothing to do with AvX. They'd been gone from the X-Books for a while.

Fraction, Brubaker and Carey left by then didn't they? Atleast by AvX I think they were done with the X-men. I maybe misremembering when Carey left.

Rachel is a singularity. All alternate versions of her are just Rachel from a different point in time thanks to all of her time traveling shenanigans.

I meant Second Coming.
>By then the original architects were long gone by Second Coming.
Thought "by" meant 'by the time SC rolled around"

Brubaker actually penned some issues of AvX, so too did Fraction.

Isn't Havok in a similar state?

That entire story was scrapped so Bendis could fart around on the franchise.

AvX is meant to be the climax of her story.

Nah. What happens is that he's sort of a multiversal being. All Havoks are connected subconsciously. The buildup to Secret wars should have resulted in him having massive seizures or something.
Galactus and Franklin also have a similar setup while Galactus can communicate with any of his alternate selves at will and travel to whatever dimension he wants.

Ah, ok.

Man, Havoc after AXIS was never actually resolved. Is that dude still reversed out there? Holding the Wasp hostage or whatever? I guess he's not gonna fuck Janet at the right time to get his daughter back from Kang.

Wasn't there some Buzz about how Remender was gonna be on the core X-Men book before he left? I can't imagine he didn't have some serious plans given all the work he put into Havok in Uncanny Avengers.

Hell, I even really enjoyed the core threads of Axis and the Apocalypse bits, but the thing was just way too bloated.











The Mouse happened to all the X-men. That's why they've by and large been dogshit for years.

Literally my favourite marvel character Messiah Complex got me into comics and I followed her in every single on of her appearances from then till now.

the fact cable hasn't mentioned her once in uncanny avengers kills me... i miss daddy cable.... i miss Hope but now in the current marvel universe Hope is dead and i don't just mean the character

Well the fan theory was thats what made Hope so special. She was ANOTHER child of the pheonix similar to Rachel.

the 616 version of her in a way.

>tfw comfy Hope thread
>tfw have to go to bed
>tfw Hope won't be here tomorrow just like in my comic books

Editorial fuckup.
They used to keep her available for use in any X-book, even if only as a background character, but then that X-Force relaunch happened where Cable was running a killsquad and the storyline involved Hope being in a coma and an unrevealed backstory for that.
So for (I think) a year or so not only was Hope unavailable for a guest-star but also couldn't be mentioned in passing without some sort of spoiler issues, and as time passed people not reading that book forgot about her.
She's a decent character so it's easy to forget that they pushed her on the readership kinda hard, and when you take that away she's not memorable enough on her own yet.
Then when they got her out of the damned mystery coma they turned around and linked her to a second mystery storyline all over again.
So they restricted the character's use for so long that now she's practically been forgotten.
Forgotten characters don't get used in books they've never appeared in before, like Uncanny Avengers, where Cable hangs his holster these days and Hope is missing.
So linking her to Cable was also kinda a mistake.

She's been killed in several realities, so your theory is flawed.

It's not a theory. It's the actual canon explicitly stating outright that there is only one Rachel. Editorial just tends to fuckup massively.

The O5 are gonna stick around until Marvel has the movie rights to the X-Men back. Then, shock, they'll be magically bounced back through time, only for their experiences in the present to ripple forward. The slate will clear, Cyclops will be back, Hank will stop being a gigantic dickneedle, the classic rogues gallery will return. And if Hope is remembered at all, it'll be as a deus ex machina for Jean to return.

I dislike the O5 in their present state.

So was she a Summer/Grey? Or not?

Holy fucking shit. That's it. Not even memeing, I swear you cracked the next return of adult Jean.

Nothing is known about her biological parents.

Not enough people liked her to begin with.

So what happened to her?

Magik Or Emma, because there was a debate around who this photo is of. Magik is on Extraordinary X-Men as like an A list member the team. Emma is MIA with Scott. We will find out in the new dumb ass mini series Death Of X

>until Marvel has the movie rights to the X-Men back
doubt it, look at the shit they do to the characters they have the movie rights to
tony's replaced by a black girl and doom
cap's cosmic cubed in to hydra and replaced by sam
thor's replaced by jane foster
banner's dead and replaced by amadeus cho
hawkeye's still about but will probably retire after killing banner so kate bishop can be hawkeye
widow's fine because she's a woman
quesada just hates peter
don't read guardians so i don't know what's happened to them beyond bendis

I mean not all of these are bad things. Banner is a character who needs a rest. Tony being replaced by Doom could be fun. Bishop is great fun and they're treating Peter Better than ever. We're in deep shit over in the Marvel camp but it could be worse. Storm could be revealed to be trans.

but it does show that marvel has zero intention of doing anything like the movies beyond costumes

Superficial shit like putting Peter in charge of some company =/= treating a character better than ever. The work on the character himself and his supporting cast is one of the worst during his entire run.

Also, Isuke > Nio.

The usual. Marvel and its writers are shit so the character is shit and no one likes her. Since she doesn't sell she disappears. I think conically she is a real girl now at a normal school. Not a mutant school.

I was thinking about buying generation hope? Is it worth reading?

It's okay. Nothing you'll find terribad or anything.

AvX hijacked the conclusion to her story.

She was basically built up for a huge X-Men story around a decade in the making. But then Marvel decided to just shit all that away at the last minute for a nonsensical event that did nothing good and made both the Avengers and X-Men look like total backbirth assbabies.

Why was AvX so shit?

There were barely even any decent tie-ins.

Just read Muh Phoenix and call it a day.

I really want to know what the behind the scenes for marvel was during this time, like their original plans for Hope. That'd be great.