This month in Dresden Codak

>This month in Dresden Codak
An upcoming cosmetic change!
Breaking new ground here!

Why is she suddenly into chicks?

Because Diaz has a Yuri fetish he disguises as progressivism.

Fun fact: You can tell what kind of porn Diaz has been watching recently from how he draws his comics.


Wasn't he a huge Bernie supporter?

I wonder how buttflustered he is now? He shit talked Clinton a bunch, so it'd be hilarious to see him backpedal, because I know he ain't Trumpin'

This story is all over the place.

I'd managed to not have a single thought about this awful bullshit comic in months, OP. Why would you do this to me?

I had managed to not think about this comic for months now, OP. Why must you do this to me?

What makes you think people who hate both Trump and Clinton would backpedal on either of those positions?

Because she's blatantly plagiarised from Gunnerkrigg's Kat, who is also into chicks now.

Honestly, I prefer this to the nonstop Willis and QC threads.

At least with this shit, you can make fun of it for a day or two, and then go home and not think about it for a long time.

People say that Hob was hard to understand, and I don't get that.

This, on the other hand, is fucking incomprehensible in structure. Like, I get everything that's going on, but it doesn't follow reasonably.

It's a mess.

Also, a reminder, this story arc started in 2010

But the paneling isn't, somefuckinghow.
Could he be learning?

Because Aaron's a piddly little hypocritical mongoloid.

The only ok part about that in GC is that Kat's supposed to be like 15 or something, and still figuring things out.

Codak's kim is, what, late 20's, early 30's? That way Diaz can pretend she'd be his gf.

It makes more sense when you realize he's trying to put a plot twist into every page, and never mapped out this story to begin with.

>It makes more sense when you realize he's trying to put a plot twist into every page, and never mapped out this story to begin with.
I think it takes him so long to put out a single fucking page that he's forgetting to put any character development or actual pacing into the comic.
In his mind we've been with this gang for like a year or something, so it's time to start doing revelations about their real motives and identities, even though it's been 10 pages or something.

>not voting Green Party

>never mapped out this story to begin with
That much is obvious.

I think he wants to do a big intrigue story with a lot of revelations and shock, but he doesn't understand that although it's a long time between revelations in real life, the time between them in comic is minuscule.

>Just throwing your vote away like trash

Yeah I only came to this thread to say: this comic was readable.

I fucking love that almost every update is accompanied by a shameless patreon plug mentioning the "regular updates" that are anything but, despite promising his patreon supporters a guaranteed comic every two weeks. Hell, he apologized for the "unusual lateness" a few months ago when it took him 4 weeks to get an update out, and now the same thing happened and he acts like nothing's out of the ordinary.

Quality of the comic itself aside, how the fuck can people support this?

>Diaz's self insert gets tied up and cucked by a brown lesbian

As much as Diaz is a hack, I really like his 'Department of Opposition' thing.

>$4,803 a month
I'd be reporting him for failing to deliver.

I thank god all I know about this shit is that you guys fucking hate it and the girl from let's speak english humiliated the author.

>5k monthly on patreon
>successful kickstarter of 500k
>loyal fans in the thousands
>can be late, break promises, have shit writing and still be loved

at this point im bordering on envy

>$4,803 a month

That's down, I think. I swear it used to be well above $5k.

Maybe his fans are learning. If it can happen to Spoony...

i read her comics, so why did he get torn a new one

Was the main girl actually based on some asian who rejected the author or is that just a rumor?


people specifically atributes it to Ashley Burch but the one claims to not known the other.
I do think it is based on some girl we don't know.

Even plebcomics has something to say about Diaz

Which I loose to every time I see it