Why are you so obsessed with them?

Why are you so obsessed with them?

I'm not, that ass is completely flat.

Show me a REAL ass and then I might tell you

>great thighs
>literally no ass

What a waste.

>literally no ass
such a sad sight

why is this board so freaking gay?

proper man butts are hot man

We'll answer that question if you post some nice man ass

god what is that stupid fucking tattoo?

what a degenerate shithead

Superior tastes.

why aren't you?

It's not, but that man's total lack of glutes is just especially remarkable.

At first I thought it was about superhero costumes then I read the OP and then I wondered whats so great about ugly underwear and if this was a costume thead.

Then I realized that this board had an abnormally high amount of femanons and gays on here and that it was about the dudes ass.

It's about red trunks on Superman but his lack of ass was so disappointing that I couldn't help but point it out

Nigga's ass so flat woulda thought it was his crotch were it not for that tattoo.

I thought it was about the filename but now I don't know. Also that ass is so flat it's 2 dimensional.

It's a signifier for a healthy mate. Our compulsion to violate/ penetrate/ insemenate that which is beautiful and perfect ie: tits, face, buttocks is biological.

Is this hank hill?

Ass is so flat it sells propane.

Its not just that, there is literally nothing Sup Forums wouldn't fuck at this point, little girls, traps, gay shit, furry shit, horses, even intentionally ugly characters will be lusted upon, i don't think there is anything Sup Forums wouldn't fuck

should we worry?

No one here would fuck that flat ass.

Comics are gay

>Thread about Supermans red trunks
>Immeadiatly turns into a thread about ass

Well maybe he shouldn't have been born with such a nonexistent ass.

ew, is that dick grayson? sorry, i'm not attracted to sluts.

Why not both?

See now that's a pretty good ass

It was a great costume. Red could've been a little bit lighter and the S on his chest could be bigger, but I like it more than Cavill's version.


Ass is the one thing that unites all people together. Asses can be funny, sexy, or both, and anyone, male or female, can have a nice ass, or a not-so-nice one. It's the universal topic of conversation.

Okay....how your thighs that big but ass so small?

I would. I like small white boy asses. There's so cute and make my dick look huge.