Groo - Fray of the Gods #1

Groo - Fray of the Gods #1

The new Groo mini.

First issue just came out today.

Haven't read it yet; no idea what it's even about.

Guess we'll have to find out.

The last mini was a return to form for the series and by far the best thing done with the character since the 90s.

Let's see if this is anywhere near as excellent.


Other urls found in this thread:















Fuck yes

Wow, this is from today? It looks exactly like the old shit. Blast of nostalgia.


Yay, the daughter.

Groo - Fray of the Gods 01 (of 04) (2016) (digital) (Minutemen-InnerDemons)

Sorry about that delay, but my connection is acting up. This shouldn't take much longer.








The statue looks like the spy in spy vs spy


You noticed that too?

So what's the consensus on the mini so far?

Letters page.

More letters.

Been a Groo fan since the beginning. Lovin' it.

And that's that.

Download in the Win-O' or here:

bumping for others.



bumping to read.


It's that girl!

ffs could they not just write a "Groo is a tard" story without the heavy handed shit?

nigga that's dat spy vs spy sheeit


>spy vs spy nigga


They should do one-shots instead of minis. Groo was really made for the done-in-one format.


One thing that this comic reminds me is the art of hand lettering.

Of course it helps when you have Stan "ninja massacre" Sakai doing it.

Fucking awesome.

One striking difference, is that a lot of the worthless cal arts crowd will talk a good diversity game, but look at the fucking research and detail that goes into the even small background elements of the pottery the women are carying , or the details on pantheons.
Unfortunately, floppies don't sell, especially not for something that takes as much time as this to make.