Where's her pussy? why can we never see it even though she is completely naked all the time?

where's her pussy? why can we never see it even though she is completely naked all the time?

The scales open up.

original movie mystique is best mystique


pic related

so why did they even go with the scales anyway? she would be so much hotter if she had smooth skin and a white dress. and it would cut back tremendously on application time

The way the scales move and change colors makes it look kind of acceptable for a realistic movie universe. It (slightly) looks like a mechanism some animal would have on the wild.

This is my convoluted explanation that may be hard to understand, so bare with me.

Her default blue form is her natural form because it costs no energy or effort for her to maintain that form. In the new timeline movies, Mystique has to use effort and energy to maintain her human form which includes the morphed clothing. Her constantly having a white dress costume would defeat the purpose of going blue because what's the point if you're also having to maintain the morphed white dressed?

She can't just store the white dressed, she has to morph it.

The idea is that she's in blue form because she isn't hiding who she is, her blue form is just her. If she was blue plus a dress, then she wouldn't be au naturale, she'd be natural plus shapeshifting a dress. Kinda ruins the point.

But she couldn't walk around actually nude, or the movie would have to be rated R, so they put scales on her to cover up her nudity.

Too true. man, JL was a serious miscast.

I agree. Rebecca Romjin really nailed the 'ancient shapeshifter' thing. JLaw looks and sounds like a sulky millennial.



Vaginas don't just hang out in front of a girl. A better question is where are get goddamn nipples?

Protected by her scales. You can easily see where they would be though.

They only come out from under the scales if she needs to breastfeed.

Figure it out

>some guy had to paint this child's naked body for hours
Awkward has fuck.

Mildly annoying, but unless you're a pedophile it's not that big a deal.

>asking why a shapeshifting character doesn't have a pussy

its a bodysuit.

So uh...is she Nightcrawler's father in this universe?

Yeah. The recent films went full retard with it, Mystique should have ditched the clothes as part of her prequel progression but instead by the end of AoA she's in a full X-uni.

seems kind of pointless if she's fighting people in her blue form. The entire deal with being completely naked is so that she can change clothes with the forms she takes, so it's not different people all wearing the same costume. Unless she is taking on other forms while fighting, like when she fought Wolverine in the first movie to trick him. If she's gonna stay blue the whole time, she might as well wear some armor or something.

She has innies

Most makeup artist in Hollywood are fags or chicks

Jesus, JLaw really ain't got shit on Rebecca...


>dat booty

It still bothers me that boobs are scaled but belly is not.

Yeah, imagine trying to hide a boner that's one straight back from ripping your pants.

Wait....don't mutations only exhibit during teenage years? And what is she doing that young in what looks like an 80s household? Isn't she nightcrawler's mother?

They felt the smooth skin made it look like cheap bodypaint, even though it was cheap bodypaint, so they did the scale thing to make her look more "organic".

Being nekkid is probably just because it's logistically easier to animate.

That's what makes it so hot. Is there such a thing as a navel-fetish?

t. supposedly a navel-fetishist

1. not for everyone, some mutants are just born with it, some are triggered by puberty, some are triggered by some sort of physical trauma late in life, basically whatever the writer wants
2. The kitchen is from the first class movie in a scene that that is running parrallel to mags going supersayin at the nazi concentration camp so it's suposed to be in the 40's i'd guess.
3. in the comics, yes, but i don't think they've established that in the movies yet

Does Mystique shapeshift her internal organs as well? If she turns into a male does that mean her ovaries disappear?

What happens if she's pregnant and shapeshifts male? Where does the fetus go?

Fetus deletus.
Didn't she conceive a child with Destiny in male form? Rogue? Or was that only heavily implied and retconned?

She's probably wearing some full body tights or whatever, a skin suit? I don't know what they're called. Anyway, that's most likely what got painted on, not the girl's actual nude form.

Mystique can move her organs to different parts of her body at will, she uses it to protect herself when shot or stabbed.
If she turns into a dude, she would still keep her same internal organs including a fetus if she was preggars.
The fetus would go wherever she wants it to

It was Claremont's original intent but he couldn't do it at the time due to it being too weird for the time+Shooter so it was left as implication. Then he left the X-Books and Kurt was retconned into being a descendant of mutants bred with demons and his father is Azazel. Oh and they tried to make him an evil pope.

>evil pope
Kurt or Azazel? I stopped reading X-Men when Bastion made sure Kurt had bamf'd his last and am now on a backlog. I'd like more context, sounds rad.

>just realized the only reason I ever go the PA now is to look up old strips

Seeing as she can shapeshift, she probably removes stuff like her nipples and her vagina specifically because she's in public. When she's having sex her vagina probably morphs back.

It's obviously a body suit. Look at the way the scales form around her neck.

It was lit that way so audiences could tell she wasn't naked, I'm betting.

she morphed her pussy into a not pussy, obviously

Can she morph her vagina in other places of her body? Does this means that you can fuck any portion of her body?

>seven vajanias
>maybe more


Her whole schtick is accepting her mutant identity, which would actually mean something if she wasn't conventionally attractive+blue.
Jennifer Laurence reeks of immaturity and obviously has no love for the character other than the paycheck it provides: I wish Cyclops or Jean was team leader rather than someone that is supposedly older.

Nigga, it's a bodysuit. You can almost see the zipper on the front


Yes, like seriously zero debate. It's word of god from Claremont. It might have been in the main series too.