Extraboring and Gay X-Men #12 Preview

Humberto Ramos' final issue as interior artist because of Mark Waid's Champions.


>Gay X-Men
What X-Men are gay other than the one David hijacked from Liefeld and Iceman ruined by Bendis

Setting up the next arc for Limbo... with those lower limbs.


You really screwed up Lelmire.

Uncanny X-Men #10 (conclusion of its Apocalpyse Wars story) storytime: The Apocalypse Wars label lasted without any delays at all.

I will post the links for all the Apocalpyse Wars storytimes after the final one.

And justice for All



Northstar, Ben Deeds, Anole, Rictor, Mystique, Daken, Ult!Colossus (shouldn't count, but he's so fukin badass i'm makin it count) and Karma. So, a fair amount. Probs more that I've forgotten

Daken and Mystique are bi. Karma's lesbian so that doesn't count.

Gay can be used as a blanket term

And Karma is preeeeeetty gay

you forgot Shatterstar and Rictor

No, I didn't.

"the one David hijacked from Liefeld" is Shatterstar. Rictor was the fourth person I listed.

This dialog is so awkward

Can someone confirm whether all of Lemire's dialogue is like this? I've only read his EXM stuff and, whilst others assure me he has other stuff that is stellar, I just can't get over the way his characters speak.

Sometimes. Lemire has this terrible habit of making characters say the person's name a bajillion times in conversation to the point where it's unnatural.

his indie work is great. At least his older stuff. His current independent stuff is solid / good. His work-for-hire teeters back and forth. JLU and Teen Titans Earth One are on the same level as this, while OML, Moon Knight, Green Arrow, and Animal Man are range from good to great.

Who's replacing Ramos?

inb4 Barberi or Andrade


>it's a Magik is the only reason this book is worth reading issue
Cool, I'm hoping that Illyana get featured in Sorcerers Supreme

Aww man I like Ramos

more like Magik waifufaggotry characterfagotry

Lemire doesnt get Magik. she doesnt have anything remotely demonic and morally ambiguous.

I bet you're mad she doesn't have her bangs anymore huh?

no, I am mad she is just a kind motherly blonde girl now (not really mad since I am not even a Magik fan)

I think it's more accurate that Gillen's interpretation is the odd one out.

She was an antagonistic bitch in Wells' New Mutants run that preceded this too

She was manipulative, not antagonistic and only because she didn't have her soul.

Uncanny is actually good. I hate what they did to Fantomex after Remender, but it's otherwise a really good X-book. I think Land is back, though, so I'll have to drop it again.

I'm sticking with it, just because I'm really invested in the story. I think uncanny should be the flagship. And GLand's art doesn't offend me quite as much as it does everyone else.

Also, Hellfire Club arc alongside the Monet/Emplate stuff? I can't turn that down senpai

Worst offece has to be all the shoe horned "To me, my ___" in EXM

jfc i'm salty about that

no one says these words c'mon now, half the time they don't even make sense