It's a body-swap episode

>it's a body-swap episode
>the voices switch too

anyone else fucking hate this?

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If you've been on Sup Forums for more than a day you know what the answer is.

Not many children's cartoons do it right. The Kung Fu Panda cartoon did it right. It was a fun episode. Shifu got put inside of a fox woman's body, and when he spoke, he had the fox girl's voice as well. Then he tried to seduce a guard.

Sonic Boom had a decent body swap ep

>it's a body-swap episode
>the voices don't switch
what's the fucking point then?

The voice actors get to have fun.

I like when A and B swap consciousnesses and A's body still has A's voice actor but they're doing an impression of B and vice-versa.
Because the vocal cords are part of the body and what not, so certain things like pitch and quality would be unchanged with the mind swap.

Has that ever even happened? I mean, give me three examples...

Two Stupid Dogs
some Justice League show
something else probably

It's so that anyone who tunes in in the middle of the episode won't be completely confused.

tonight's steven universe

>mfw I learn more about the show from a post in a random thread than the general
Seriously, my questions never get answered in those threads.

All the leaks should be in the OP.


Transformers Rescue Bots did this best

I hate that you posted an unrelated image. Spongebob was wearing Krab's shell and was doing his best to imitate Krab's mannerisms and voice.

>it ant me starts playing

SG-1 once again asserts itself as the best Sup Forums show

I believe you mean Farscape


Clancy Brown and Michael Rosenbaum fucking killed it in that episode

>I have no idea who this is
>No. Because I'm EVIL.
>That's not relaxing.
Also Lex's evil cackling as flash was on fucking point

>Gintama had a two different body switch storylines
>They don't switch the voices
>Gintama had a gender bender episode
>The voices change too

why am i seeing people spell it like that so often now? it's rocko

It's a lazy way for the VA's not to have to act.

they still have to act either way, idiot
moreso when they have to imitate the other body

>body swap episode
>the characters DON'T change voices

This caught me off guard desu

I think the most disappointing part is it must be so fun for the voice actors to get a chance to play the opposite character

>mfw bodyswap fetish

Feels good

What about bodyswap episodes like the one from Jimmy Neutron where Jimmy and Cindy bodyswap, but they can't change back so they just swap the memories of the two to make them like their bodies? Basically brainwashing. That is shit of my fucking nightmares.

That is disturbing. Really raises some philosophical questions.

Don't forget to have your friends do the memory swap and deleting a piece of your personality because it's too complicated

It's so little kids don't get confused which is retarded because half the fun is hearing characters say stuff they normally wouldnt.

>"Aren't you going to wash your hands?"

Not Sup Forums, but it annoyed me that Polyjuice Potion didn't change your voice in the movies, but it did in the books.

I don't see what difference it makes.

>Putting freaking Sheen and Carl in charge of messing with your memories and personality
Yeah, so much for sleeping tonight.

>It's a mindjack episode

This, one of the only good parts of Ultimate Spider-man was the adaptation of the Spider-Man/Wolverine bodyswap.

That episode was shit, but I do like how they got around the voices swapping by having Jimmy and Cindy do impressions of each other's voices.

The Justice League Unlimited episode where Luthor and Flash switch places.

Hello Mr. Enter

How are you supposed to know that they're in different bodies then?

they were going to do it for the Puppet King episode of Teen Titans, but it turns out the Raven and Starfire's VA's were TOO good at mimicking each others voice, so they decided not to bother

cause they'd still be acting like their true personality, heck exaggerate it further than normal if necessary

>that episode of Voyager where The Doctor takes control of 7/9's body

They still know that those are not their bodies, they just gave up and decided to roll with that.

This is how you do it right.

I don't hate it because I get why it's done, and having a female character with a male voice and vice versa (which seems to happen a lot of the time that plot comes up) still works for comedy. But as someone who's a fag about voice acting it is disappointing the reverse doesn't happen much.

A lot of things like style of delivery and tone etc. usually aren't given much thought at all if you're just watching normally, but to hear someone try to imitate another's speaking style while retaining their usual pitch makes the difference in voices and the characterization decisions the actors make more apparent.