
Someone really needs to throw a brick at Alonso head.

Honesly, what's wrong with Marvel's editors?

>Nobody is taking Carol's side
No one who's reading is taking Tony's side. He comes off as overly emotional and Carol still hasn't gone Minority Report yet

I have the feeling they are trying to replicate the Cyclops is right sentiment with Carol.

She's gotten three people killed and Nazi Cap is on her side. Stark, as usual, is always right.

>Reading Marvel.
>Reading the Worst Publisher on Earth.


It's all cronyism so only a few of them actually do their jobs

Got caught up in the MCU hype and started to believe their own bull shit

Cyclops at least used only his strongest friends whenever someone tried to invade Utopia. He also trained the unexperienced mutants so that they'd be ready.

Captain Marvel just take the least powerful ones for her missions, resulting in deaths.

I don't know about Alonso as an EiC but as a public figure he's a total stiff. His "interview" column at CBR is terrible except when he takes the week off and another editor does it.

Whatever you think of, say, Tom Brevoort, he will actually say things and talk as though he's read the comics Marvel makes.

She took the fucking Ultimates for Thanos

People like Cyclops. People used to like Carol but the push since 2012 has alienated everyone who actually reads comics.

Who knows though, this thing might make her popular by being unpopular. At least we won't have to hear about how she's the greatest hero in the world and everybody loves her for a while.

Where were they in the fight, though? All i could see was Thanos pushing War Machine, Medusa and She-Hulk shit in.

>>Riri Williams and Doom as Iron Man were last minute developments.

Oh it shows.

>>Nobody is taking Carol's side
another failed attempt at pushing iron man

Being ignored because Bendis only wants to write movie characters

Which is hilarious because AvX is like an even more inferior version of Civil War 1 and that would make Civil War 2 like an even more inferior version of AvX and Civil War 1.

>Bendis only wants to write movie characters

As long as they're not Scarlet Witch of course.

>Hasn't gone full Minority Report
But it's a foregone conclusion. And I don't really trust Bendis not to go there either.
What they're trying to weaponize fan backlash to make her a likable character?
Isn't Nazi Cap just on her side so he doesn't get outed?
She brought most the Ultimates with her AND War Machine and She-Hulk and I think a couple people that didn't matter. And when the fuck do Avengers just leave their low tiers at home when they go to fight? Fucking Never. And Rhodey and Jen made the decision to be there.
I honestly think
They were off panel being written horribly.
Like everyone on panel.

>You can "draw your own conclusions" on why people don't like Riri.
I suppose it's better than stating outright that it's "racism and misogyny".

Last year Alonso was saying that Marvel wanted to make Tony Stark/Iron Man as popular in the comics as he is in the movies, that's why they put their star writer Bendis on the book.

Of course this didn't work because Iron Man has never ever ever been a top-tier comic book seller and never will be. Comics are not the movies and comic book Tony Stark is not Robert Downey and they will never figure this out.

Who, Banner? That was poor writing because he wasn't even the Hulk Cho is. Shulk and Rhodes signed up of their own free will and Jen isn't dead. So far Carol has stopped multiple world ending catastrophes and stayed within the Law. Tony on the other hand attacked Attlan, kidnapped Ulysses and just been screaming about his roads.

>He's got a gun!
Every fucking time.

Im just waiting for hulk to come back and kill everyone, thus actually making the vision come true lol

>because he wasn't even the Hulk Cho is.
It's time for you to learn a useful string of words for dealing with Marvel for the foreseeable future.
Repeat after me- "Honey, Bendis don't give a fuck."

>last minute developments.
>happened organically.


Marvel has no idea how to into legacy characters. They never have and they never will.

>But it's a foregone conclusion. And I don't really trust Bendis not to go there either.

I'm sure Bendis will go there but he isn't doing it well. The anti side keeps saying "Well what is Carol will go MR" and want to punish the pro people before they've done anything wrong. This makes the anti side seem like the paranoid ones

>It naturally happened
yeah changing them all at once is organic

I honestly think Carol is as popular as she was before she got revamped.
It's just the audience has completely changed. Before she had mediocre sales worth of fanbase that liked her cheesecakey design and barely there character, and now she has mediocre sales worth of grrrl power enthusiasts and barely there character.
Ontop of that, Hulk wasn't her call if anything Clint saved her from being wrong/going full Minority report because he killed Hulk outside of Carol's command before she could actually violate Banner's rights....if she was going to do it all....which she probably was.

I know Bendis ironically thinks continuity holds good writers hostage to bad ones but when it's that blatant it's hard to ignore.

>They're having fun torturing X-Men fans by releasing only Death of X.

>x fags will do nothing about this

He's not wrong, he just doesn't realize he's far more often the hostage taker rather than the hostage.

All they have to do is not buy Marvel

I don't think she was ever that popular, true.

I think the reprints of the Kurt Busiek Avengers that came out around the time of the movie helped boost her popularity with some readers because she was one of the more compelling characters there (it was basically a 5-year rehab plan after what Avengers 200 did to her). Scarlet Witch also got a popularity boost from that after years of Bendisification. But that's not the same thing as being popular.

I think he thinks acknowledging other writers' stories is uncool. He has to know that Hawkeye had years of "no kill, not ever!" policy and if he didn't know, Brevoort sure does. But putting in even one line to explain why Hawkeye changed his policy ("that was then, this is now") would be too much like a Marvel comic from the '90s so he won't do it.

>You can "draw your own conclusions" on why people don't like Riri.
>inferring only racism is the reason people don't want tony stark replaced

you know, replacing a tentpole character like iron man with an unknown kid is going to be unpopular no matter what color he/she is. i'm not saying racism plays no part in the hatred, but there was going to be hatred for ANY change.

it's just occurred to me that marvel isn't pushing the diversity children in a strictly 'sjw' white knighting mindset, but to undermine any criticism of the change as being racially motivated, so they can dismiss it.

they're basically using "diversity" to shield themselves from the unavoidable criticism of replacing beloved characters, which is kinda funny when you realize a bunch of middle-aged white men are using 'anti-white privilege' to shield themselves from criticism.

The fact that Clint did it makes it drag on because he was outside of the debate. We still don't have a reason to think Tony's side holds water and Carol's side is still doing what they always have

>Tfw you're a black iron man fan that would rather see stark as iron man and Rhodes being his buddy like back in the 80's
Fuck Bendis for killing Rhodey and introducing that mary sue

I love Carol and have done for years. Even I won't pay for her shitty comic.

I think this is partly right. They needed to do a gimmick to shake up Iron Man because the original plan - put Bendis on the book and make it super popular - wasn't working (as any idiot knew it wouldn't).

So Bendis pitches a new character to boost interest because it worked for Ultimate Spider-Man.

And while I know that's not the only reason they did it, they know that making the character nonwhite will get them favorable publicity to counterbalance the negative reaction for replacing a beloved character. In other words they know they'll get knee-jerk defenses from one side to make up for knee-jerk attacks from the other.

that's what I'm saying

X men have some of the shittiest books in year yet they're still some of marvel's best selling books

I think that's the other thing that bugs me about this, and falls back into what said

>they're basically using "diversity" to shield themselves from the unavoidable criticism of replacing beloved characters, which is kinda funny when you realize a bunch of middle-aged white men are using 'anti-white privilege' to shield themselves from criticism.

Cause if they really cared about diversity they wouldn't have killed Rhodey off in the first place.

>Replacing all of their heroes with women or minorities happened organically.

>So Bendis pitches a new character to boost interest because it worked for Ultimate Spider-Man.

Yeah, and Doom as Iron Man because it worked for Superior Spider-Man, although they couldn't call it Superior Iron Man cause they used that title already on a title that sold less well than Bendis'.

>Those Civil War delays


>Replacing all of their heroes with women or minorities happened organically.

He'd be right... if he were talking about 80's Marvel.

>normies will buy this bullshit regardless

It's telling how bad Marvel is when it has no real direction anymore.

If you look at the comment section, people are bashing Marvel.

I think it's less that people are actually buying them and more that comic shops order a lot of #1's so they can get variants that sell for decent amounts.

>>Replacing all of their heroes with women or minorities happened organically.

i mean, if anybody was going to be iron man other than tony, it should've been rhodey since he already had done it.

but marvel probably foresaw us drawing that conclusion, so to shoehorn in a new legacy character, they needed rhodey out of the way. which really sucks.

Has there been any news about retailers getting new customers in who heard about the Hulk's death?

Couldn't they have just put Rhodey in the Ultimates comic so that he'd be unavailable to fill in for Tony?

>shoehorn in a new legacy character,
And they already had a Natasha Irons ripoff super intelligent black teen girl in power armor character. And it's fucking Rhodey's niece!

They also knew making Iron Man a 15 year old girl with a fuckhuge afro would make a ton of fans ask "what the shit?"

I just can't believe Bendis wasn't edging his chode in anticipation with a swastika stamps wet and ready.

>>Replacing all of their heroes with women or minorities happened organically.
Nigga, plz. Most of these characters either didn't exist or have roles. So if by "Organically" they mean they pulled it out of their ass, sure.

is not like 40k is best selling book, uncanny x-men is the best x-books and is doing 45k

I remember and article that started with a quote from Aloson saying:

>"writing comics is no longer a white boy/person ? territory.

You knew what you guys were getting when Alonso made that statement

People are just thirsty for X-Men. Plus, they think if they buy the books, the won't race wash X-Men with the inhumans.

I mean race as in mutants v inhumans

Wait, the X-books are doing 45K? Man, I used to remember thinking years ago they weren't doing well when they were at 70K.

Its still their highest selling team book

which is kinda sad. There's something wrong when you still can't sell the Avengers brand after all of this.

So any bets on how long this replacement phase for Iron Man lasts before they put Tony back as Iron Man?

Seriously? Jesus fuck.

ALL NEW really does trump fucking everything.

Well the rest have been years so I wouldnt hold your breath

that is a CBR mentality i dont share because we all know they will never cancel the x-men they will just repeat the cycle of genocide and repopulation they have done since Genosha.

Have in mind that the highest selling avenger book is ANAD avenger and last june it was doing 44k meaning that UX-men pass it.

Falcon only lasted about a year before Steve was back. It all depends on how well it sells. Thor sells great so she gets to stick around.

>Watch video.
>Alonso: The great thing about Cho is that he's Asian American. What Asian American superheros are out there? Not much right?

>buying comics

Neither of them are right. Carol is just objectively less retarded.

Depends on sales. If people like Riri as Iron Man and Doom as Iron Man then it'll last about a year or two at least.

If you count Steve as back then Thor is back as well. Though he's not worthy.
Though to be fair there aren't that much. There's Cho, Silk, Jubilee, and a ton of obscure heroes they don't care to care about

how many have an ongoing, though



Let me translate: "How many asian heroes does the general movie going populace know? See not much right"

>fail to develop/push your past characters of ____
>push new character of ______ taking the place of a white dude
>talk about how new this is

well even if rhodey was working on another team, if somebody new comes along and says 'hey, now i'm iron man instead of tony', people are going to wonder why it wasn't rhodes.

but you're right, there's a way to write it. just have rhodes say 'hey, you go ahead and be iron man, i'm war machine, i'm my own thing now, i'm not just some iron man clone'. but people would still wonder why rhodes got 'passed-over' for the iron man job.

that also would make way more sense than this. plus, imagine rhodes and natasha starting up like Iron Works, Inc, where she maintains and develops the suits, he runs the missions, and they slowly groom her into a standalone hero. THAT would be an organic change.

depends of your definition of ASIAN.

They buy number ones and variants.

Technically, it was Monica who planned the defense against Thanos.
If anything, Tony should blame her.

>Cause if they really cared about diversity they wouldn't have killed Rhodey off in the first place.

that's the thing though. the criticisms of marvel's diversity push are largely horeshit, but the diversity push itself also reeks somewhat of horseshit. can see an eventual "rebirth" event, saving a few of the most popular characters.

>mfw some people i know unironically talk about turning iron fist into a chink just because it makes sense since he can kung fu

b-but... marvel has all-white writers, other than ta-nehisi coates, who writes a black character..

>Replacing all of their heroes with women or minorities happened organically

Nonwhite here. These changes come off desperate as fuck. Also, your gurrlll powah infested heroines are shit.

Coates is probably going to bounce

now or ever?

>Ryan Choi Atom
>Kenan Super-Man
>Super Young Team
>Great Ten
>Cass Batgirl

First two are gonna have a solo going at the same time sometime next year
I feel like I'm missing one or two but whatever

Sup Forums, can you please use the word "many" when appropriate? Jesus christ

I feel like it's pretty obvious that Marvel is going to have a big event in a year or two where every main character comes back to their mantle. It's basically New Coke.

Oh and OMAC at the beginning of new 52 had Kevin Kho

That's not how you spell Games Workshop. Or Bioware. Or Image. Or Kraft. Or Sony.

Oh and Katana had a New 52 solo and mini that just ended.

>Ryan Choi Atom
>Kenan Super-Man
>Super Young Team
>Great Ten
>Cass Batgirl
>Kevin Kho OMAC

Yeah most of the heroes went through replacements and came back already it's just Iron Man's turn.

ok but what about Mahvel

Oh once he gets bored with Black Panther that guy will probably never touch Marvel again

Not as well versed with Marvel, but Jubilee and Psylocke have at least had minis, I think, and then there's Shang-Chi?

This is what happens when you let a small few have greater control. Benis clearly has mental issues and likes to play god in his little fantasy world that happens to be Marvel Comics. He cannot help but touch every character he can with his grubby little fingers, and then blames the readers when they complain that nothing makes any fucking sense.

i mean if we're talking about diversity, you already had an awesome romani-jewish strong female character and he fucked her up completely.

All of them are leagues above Marvel. In one way or another.

Marvel is just... Just Marvel.