I just got back from seeing this movie

I just got back from seeing this movie.
ask me anything.

How lame was the animation?

Was it better than the supremely mediocre "Son of Batman" animated movie?

That one stank of Korea.

im jelly

Pretty lame tbqh
i mean... 4/10
The voice and animation dont match together at times, some tiny tiny mistakes and the worst of all the Joker feels pretty un-animated.
you'd think for being a joker story they would focus on animating him properly.

It was better.
its the friggin Killing Joke, its bretty gud
the added material doesnt feel weird to the story, but i can see some will not like.

Is it true that Harley is in the movie?

Im jelly of those trips son.

Just a lil nice cameo.
Though Tara Strong voices one more character

From the thumbnail it looks like he's wearing the symbiote version of the spider logo.

>the added material
The what.
What did they add.

I haven't seen it, but they added a Batgirl subplot

A short story at the start to make the movie longer.
otherwise it would be a shortfilm.

>Just a lil nice cameo.
what the fuck

did she appear as dr. quinzel or something?

This seriously makes me embarrassed for western animation as a whole

Just in a pictures of the joker.
not a cameo.
youre right.
but she does appear.

What's your dick smell like?

Coconut, thanks to my new soap.


Some of that movie was outsourced to Telecom through Masuda's unit but yes most of the work ended up in Korea, it was led by The Answer Studio in Japan.

By the way, why has Warner Bros not fired The Answer Studio yet like they did with Sunrise?

If this WAS Hamill's final performance as the Joker, would we have been satisfied?

Nigga they have sequences in the trailer where batgirl is running around rooftops and the batmobile explodes,it was pretty obvious they added shit

>coconut dick
would suck tbqh




That's enough.

Has it leaked yet

Was it disappointing?

Will there be an outcry?

Was it good?

How's the acting?

Does it respectfully represent the source material as an artistic tale that holds value in the legacy of the character?

Is it a work of art?

Should I be scared?

That's depressing. Was it good besides the animation? Or is it one of those "you'll be disappointed if you've read the comic" movies?

How forced was Conroy's performance?

in a way.
he was GOAT here.
but the animation...

So, Meh animation and GOAT voice acting, this was expected

he never really dissapoints tbqh

Was the actual joke well delivered?

I dont know m8
i liked it. But...
i guess this is one of the times when i say i believe Moore's "the comic cant be replicated on any other medium" speech.
the scenes didnt played out like i imagined.
in some bits i even cringed (animation was lame though)
But i liked it overall. Itnjust felt off

So are they going to make an animated version of Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow next?

Not dissapointing.
no outcry (except by canonfags, but that comes later)
Its good, not great.
Acting was GOAT
50-50 on that one (but on a good way)
no bro.

The Killing Joke completely ruined the best villain in pretty much every future iteration for him and was too dark for the character but was pretty much a new start for him while giving us the best character in the Batfamily (Oracle).
WHTTMOT ended the worst superhero by giving him too dark an ending and besides stopping future SA Superman stories also removed Jimmy Olson and Lana Lane until New 52 with a story that would've been too light compared to what came next by Jim Lee.

>worst superhero

Literally die.

you're such a cool nerd defending superman. you must really know a lot about the medium.

The fuck are you saying

Superman is cool though

God, you're such a prick. Superman can be great(What's So Funny about Truth Justice and the American Way, All Star, so on...) , now fuck off.

Did Bullock show up and did he have his DCAU voice?

Is the ending unchanged from the comic?

Does the picture of the Betty Kane/Batgirl, Kathy Kane/Batwoman, Ace, and Bat-Mite show up?

Is it her Bruce Timm design?

Idk if its Bullock VA but it is Robin Atkin D. (Voice of Kaz from mGSV)
Ending isnt changed at all.
none of them.
Its not the timm design

>Its not the timm design
So what is it? New 52?

Mixture of new 52 and classic.
its just a little picture though

>tfw you realize that these little outbursts are probably the only form of socialization PC-Famicom gets these days
>he just wants someone to talk to
>his crippling disorder ruins every single one of his attempts to break free from his loneliness

Any Robin or Batfamily easter egg?

Also does Babs do anything else aside from getting shot?

That is 100% false, he talks to people.

Also loads of people are asking this.

Is that Jay?

do you like Hawaiian pizza?

Judging just by this screenshot this isn't something that deserves a theatrical release.

I thought superman was boring too until I started reading comics
Now he's one of my favourite heroes
So try reading a comic before shitposting about it you faggot

did batman and joker kiss in the end?

If you hate Superman, you probably don't read comics and/or have a small penis.

There's already torrents of the blue-ray rip online FYI

Good but not great.
Batgirl cannot be adapted well.

Did it release early outside the US? I'm going to the theater premier, but that's not until Monday.

>except by canonfags, but that comes later

>Also does Babs do anything else aside from getting shot?
We saw from the trailer that there are a lot of added scenes that show her acting as Batgirl before getting shot.

I didn't even like the story of killing joke. For me it was just a vehicle for the great artwork.
This cartoon having awful art and animation kinda kills all interest.

>the animation is shit

This is really disappointing to hear

Step your fucking game up WB

how was the sex scene

Babs and Bruce fuck on a rooftop. Straddling and everything user. Bruce Timm's ship finally came to fucking life..

Bruce Timm directed and produced of course he found a way to bring his BTAS cancer along with him

Did you pop a bonie during the Bruce/Barbara sex scene? You in the mood for some blowie-woahie?

>tfw grew to love him from the animated series and Justice League
There's just so many cool stories possible with him, it's a shame that the movies always just stick with Lex Luthor and Zod instead of Metallo, Parasite, Brainiac, Darkseid, etc.

Im gonna watch it on monday. I heard they butchered it. Is it true?

Nah, a lot of reviews say that the only bad part is that the introduction is too long and that the thing is too faithful, whatever the fuck that is

>the thing is too faithful
That's retarded. I always thought the main flaw with the DCAU is that they deviate too much

Do all the additions shit on the simplicity of the original GN?

does batman break The Joker's neck?