This movie looks pretty good

This movie looks pretty good .

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It really does look like it's going to be great.

it looks like it's gonna be a weird clusterfuck I'll have to be baked to enjoy
but that is still a much higher opinion than I first had

Who's the villain?


That's kind of the point.


Some of the soundtrack leaked.

Seems to be severely lacking in plot. I hope the backstory can make up for it.

It probably won't be great.

At this point, I'll be happy with mediocre.


>The toy has a better ass

This looks like the mcnuggies meme.

>A toy made in Japan after the likeness of an actress has been given ridiculous proportions

And water is still wet.

Get out, Irishman.

>ridiculous used as relative to the actress

calm down nigger

Phrase your sentences better.


Looks like a big trainwreck to me. But
1) I enjoyed BvS
2) I thought Mad Max was okay, but overrated
so maybe my views don't represent general consensus.

I want this movie to be a megahit in japan so good porn about it gets produced.


I liked both of those movies and I think this one looks great.

>officially the fattest mainstream female character made in modern jap action figure history
Inflation fetishists... err, I'm sorry "thicc fags" as they like to be called now, are going to invade /toy/ because of this, I presume.

The legs look freakishly short, though. A great ass is worthless if it doesn't have good legs to complement it.

>dumbass stoner has a dumbass opinion
What a huge surprise.

It's because of those garish shoes.

>t. notest pedophile


kek, cannot unsee that now.

No, he means they're obviously assembled for a reason. Who are they after? Is it the Joker?

It will be the best DCEU movie. The real question is, will it be good?

Ah yes, pain.
At least I know I'm not dead inside yet.

I know I shouldn't cringe at this kind of thing, but it's really horrible.

As much as I love the arkham games, I fucking hate the trend it started of dressing Harley like a fucking whore.

Nasty as a 20 dollar hooker.

You would know, I guess...


If they wanted to go with the whole sex symbol whore thing with Harley, why did they pick someone who looks like a 12 year old boy to play her?

If THAT is what 12 year olds boys looked like I'd be locked up already

The Enchantress.

>you will never jizz all over margot robbie
>she grew up a few towns over to you

life is unfair

When does the critic's embargo lift? I want to see if they are going to keep them at bay until the last second, like BvS (in which case I think most people will assume it has terrible ratings), or if they will let them report on it a few weeks out (shouldn't that be now?). When did Civil War allow the critics to talk about the movie? I feel like the fact that we havnt seen any reviews points to it being not well received by critics, just as BvS was.

I'm not trying to say BvS was great or not, or whatever. I just want to see what this film is going to be rated.

Just watch the wolf of wall street if you want to see her tits that bad