New Ben 10 trailer

Wow they posted this shit at 1 in the morning.

First trailer for the new Ben 10 series.

Gwenfags on suicide watch

Other urls found in this thread:

And I forgot the link. Thats good.

Jesus Christ that's awful.

It's even worse than I could have imagined.

animation looks like shit, but still looks miles ahead of a few other shows out right now

Dear god the "Watch this next" DC Superhero Girls youtube videos actually look good in comparison.

this calarts garbage fuuuuckin kill me

Gwen's cute again at least



>Those background character designs

Hello New PPG my old friend

There are a bunch of easy things to bash it for so I'm going to point out one nice thing.

I like how Ben's hair is made of a bunch of sharp points and Gwen's hair ends in a bunch of rounded nubs. That's nice, they at least tried A LITTLE.

dialogue's not that bad but the animation's givin me /real/ NU-ppg vibes

Ben 10 is going to be one of those decades long franchises innit?

I'm not even a fan of the show and I'm disappointing in this. I feel sorry for you guys.

why does ben look so out of place, like holy shit. This is NuPPG tier background characters.

i know its not saying much but it could have been worse, my biggest complaint is definitely the background characters

What's worse is the fact that Lolifags might defend this trash because its got "Muh young Gwen"

I mean, i guess if i had to choose between lazy 3D animation and Lazy 2D animation i'd choose the latter, but that's really the only 'good' thing i can say about it.

Post yfw this show is animated by the same animators as NuPPG

Just shitting all over Wyatt's awesome job salvaging the series with Omniverse. My God this looks bad.

Was that Tara Strong? I thought they said someone new was voicing Ben.

Why the fuck are they revamping the original series? The original series aliens are boring compared to the newer ones completely serious.

> Realizing we may never get something as good as omniverse again
Feels bad.

Why are they making Diamondhead a discount Iceman?

Using his diamond forming powers like that is dumb

I like it better than Omniverse, but its still not super good. At least Ben is cute

>background characters
CalArts strikes again!

Why is the area around their eyes red? Are they drunk?

I'm not too hot on how it looks even in motion, but it could be worse I guess. This will definitely have a lot less focus on action and choreography compared to past series, which isn't surprising.

>implying that art style is even remotely tolerable
Commit suicide user

>it's another user meming "Omniverse Gwen was ugly" episode


>Look, mom! I gave them yous, can dad stop living with the funny smelling lady at his friend's place?


>I like it better than Omniverse
>Liking art that's worse than teen titan go

>m-m-maybe if I give more yous the internet will love me, unlike daddy

jesus christ. and i thought video games had it worse when it came down to downgrades.

pretty soon the show is just going to look like those generic PBS cartoons.

He kind of did use it for dumb shit in the original cartoon. Like fixing a bus wheel

>inb4 "That was a dream"

It was still stupid regardless.

>CN is now rebooting everything in hopes of having multiple TTG-tier shows

I hope this shit fucking bombs. Hell, even NuPPG doesn't seem to be doing as well as they'd want you to believe.

Nah. The art, while a downgrade, is better than Omniverse's IMO. And I like how this series seems to be playing out vs Omniverse

>Liking sub-Teen Titans Go style better than Teen Titans style
Your opinion is shit

Pic-related is literally what the trailer reminded me of.

Thsts not a fair comparison because Teen Titans actually had a good art style and Omniverse didn't.

Which one is the 3rd one? It's perf

Bullshit. Omniverse had a fine art style. Maybe not every character design was great, but it's objectively better than this pile of fresh horseshit that's about to drop into our laps.

Its from the crossover with Generator Rex

It's like pottery

I assume it's the Hero's United crossover with Generator Rex, though I barely recall them showing young Ben, just the Kevin, Max and actually hot looking UAF Gwen.

No, Omniverse objectively has a rather shit art style. All of the designs were downgrades

This art style is almost fucking Indian nursery rhyme tier.

What the fuck.

Goddamn Disney junior shows have better art styles than this.

I am legit mad.


Says you.

>Gwenfags on suicide watch
Ben10fags are all on suicide watch. Every single one of us.

The young Ben was just a quick snippet. Ben and Rex were playing basketball and tell each other their backstories

>Omniverse died for this
life is not fair bros

I know, it's just one of those over and done so quick bits, the flash of the MoA Ben team lingered a bit longer and was more memorable.


I think Omniverse died because CN decided they didn't want to pay for any shows with the slightest hint of quality or people that enjoy their jobs.

Honestly these two's designs aren't that bad, it's seeing them in motion and the 3rd rate bg characters.

Writing will probably suck, but I'll hold out on that.

I never watched a single episode of any Ben 10 show.

And this makes me feel betrayed.

Good job CN.

In retrospect, it seems really ironic that the original series made this episode. The writers probably didn't think that the show would get reboots in the future.

So there are two threads on this topic. Anyone that's comic here just move to this thread and let this one sage.
Go here

Yes this one is older but the former has more replies so just go there.

OG Gwen (loli and futures)>Omniverse Loli Gwen>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.all other gwens

Yep, it's definitely Tara voicing Ben again. Wonder who else they got to reprise voices (if any).

The art director is Derrick_J._Wyatt

God, it's awful.

The characters look better then Omniverse.

That's the best praise I can muster.

Shit taste.