Some Survivors from Dying of the Light

Some Survivors from Dying of the Light.

Oh goody, Rodimus has gone Emo

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>Transformers: Lost Light will continue the fan-favorite adventures told by More Than Meets the Eye writer James Roberts, joined on art by Jack Lawrence (Doctor Who Adventures). Beginning in December, this new series will take Rodimus and the crew of the starship Lost Light into the farthest reaches of the universe, searching for the long-lost Knights of Cybertron.

Yeah It's a branding thing. They don't want "More than Meets the Eye" the show being mistaken for the comic book

>They don't want "More than Meets the Eye" the show being mistaken for the comic book
So will the MTMTE comic be cancelled after Revolution?

It's relaunching as Lost Light

So ex-RiD will be the sole longest-running TF comic currently.

That's relaunching as "Optimus Prime"

RiD is being relaunched as well I believe as "Optimus Prime"

So no more redundancy titling-wise?

>Rodimus goes emo

god damnit, Drift

so is roller tarn or nah?

every time i look at Rodimus here, I just think of G2 Motormaster.

There's no black on him so I can't say SG or the Black Rodimus repaint.

>CA: Considering that More Than Meets The Eye has taken place almost entirely in the far reaches of space, will the restructuring of the post-Revolution universe affect your story, James? Will one of those side-quests take your crew to Earth at some point soon?

Read More: Barber, Roberts, And Scott On Post-'Revolution' Transformers |

>James Roberts: Well, MTMTE gets in on the action with a Revolution tie-in featuring the Scavengers, who are kind of the alternative main cast. That’s an Earth-based story. Nick Roche and I are co-writing for the first time since 2010’s Last Stand of the Wreckers, so even if we weren’t getting an opportunity to pit the world’s worst Decepticons against the likes of MASK and GI Joe, it would still feel like an event for us.
Post-Revolution, there are no plans for the main MTMTE cast to travel to Earth… but then that’s unsurprising, considering the situation they find themselves in at the end of MTMTE #55, which marks the end of what we’re calling the Season 2 finale, ‘The Dying of the Light.’
The post-Revolution universe is just that, though — a universe. And there are opportunities, should I wish to take them, to play around in the new, enlarged sandpit even though, as you say, the Lost Light and its crew are far away from Earth.

>CA: Why relaunch now? Up to this point, MTMTE has been built on the idea of paying off a complicated series of events and rewarding readers for paying attention — even going back to stories like “Chaos Theory.” Is giving readers this kind of clean break the sign of something more than just existing in a new universe?

>JR: Why should MTMTE miss out on all the fun of a big, brash, heavily-promoted “new readers start here” mega-event? No, but seriously, it made sense for MTMTE to be renumbered alongside Transformers and to have a new issue one alongside all the other post-Revolution books.
But don’t worry! I want to make it absolutely clear that the main MTMTE storyline is continuing. We’re not sacrificing any of the backstory, nor fiddling with future plans. Transformers: Lost Light is MTMTE behind a different cover, referencing and building on and playing off five years of backstory.
The “clean break” isn’t a clean break in the sense that it jettisons all that’s come before. It’s more a jumping on point — and it’s come about entirely naturally. As I say, we’ve just reached the end of “Season 2,” which ran from issues #28 to #55 of MTMTE. Had Revolution not come about, we’d still have had the Titans Return crossover in issues #56 and #57, and then we’d have used #58 to launch Season 3.
I always use “season premieres” as an opportunity to grab new readers’ attention — I did it with #28, which started with a ‘Six Months Later’ caption and a scene featuring Megatron on a psychiatrist’s couch. And for reasons that will become apparent, the situation we find ourselves in at the start of Season 3 makes for a perfect jumping on point. So nothing’s been lost or sacrificed by taking on a new name and starting again from #1 — the hope is that we’ll attract new readers who have heard good things about MTMTE but who felt they’d missed the bus first time round.

>CA: By my count, we now have three groups all searching for the Knights of Cybertron: Team Rodimus, the mutineers on the Lost Light, and Thunderclash. How are they going to be interacting in the future?

>JR: Well, Thunderclash joined the Lost Light crew prior to the mutiny, so really we have two groups looking for the Knights — two groups that we know about, anyway. And I have to say the mutineers, led by Getaway, are in a much, much better position than poor Rodimus and Co, who at the end of #55 have probably never been further from achieving their goal.
>Season 3, as it plays out in the pages of Lost Light, is going to take everybody in some very strange directions. The quest for the Knights is going to much more at the forefront than it has been to date. There’s an urgency about it now that perhaps wasn’t there before. Different characters — and I’d being careful not to give anything away, because who knows who we’ll be focusing on in the future — will find themselves weighing up their loyalties and their priorities as we start to turn our attention, in small but significant ways, to the end of the quest.

>CA: I know that it’s not an official part of the Hasbro universe, but let’s be real here: Questing for lost knights definitely sounds like something that would happen in Dungeons & Dragons, and if there’s one thing Faerûn needs, it’s a robot that can turn into a tank. Any plans to play with different genres like you did with sitcoms on Swearth?

>JR: I doubt I’ll do anything quite as meta as “The One Where They Go To Earth,” but I do like the stories — whether in MTMTE or Lost Light — to feel distinct from each other, and dabbling in different genres keeps things varied. There are a couple of movie-inspired stories that I’ve had on the back burner for a while now, and I’m trying to find ways to work them organically into the new series. Same with the high-concept stuff — finding new ways to tell stories, and to fully exploit the medium, is always fun.

>CA: Do you feel any regret for making me cry about robots named “Chromedome” and “Rewind”?

>JR: Ha! None whatsoever. I want you to cry about giant robots forever. Tears of sadness and joy. I want you to be so emotionally compromised after reading an issue that you can’t even make sense of what you’re feeling. My three word mission statement when it comes to the new series: turn the screw.

Probably in mourning of Skids?

Skids isn't worth a new paintjob. Probably in morning for UM.

this series stopped being interesting when everything had to be a big twist and every story arc relied on big deaths and random cameos to keep readers invested in otherwise boring as hell characters. also muh gay robots. really? I'm all for gay pairings in comics and shows, but really? in transformers? like, there technically isn't even any straight couples yet. I mean they imply some here and there but none of them are ever solidified as much as the fandom forced chromedome and rewind into being canon.

more power to you if you enjoy it, though. I would've loved to read a series based solely around Whirl and Cyclonus.

I don't give a fuck about Chromedome and Rewind and their stupid relationship. I'm not reading for that

oh also i forgot when they made Megs a good guy. literally the biggest fucking cash grab gimmick they could've pulled, acting like Hitler would turn a good leaf just on the flip of a switch. like gimme a break, lol.

its stil retarded as hell they pander to the fans who kept pushing that.

any time writers pander to the fanbase it shows lack of their own creativity to make the characters more interesting on their own and it pisses me off.

i mean, they went from close friends to robo fuckbois after Rewind "died" and everyone balled their eyes out wanting him to come back.

Again. I don't care about either character or their melodrama. I don't like it, I don't hate it, I just don't care.

supposedly it was all part of Roberts plan to bring Rewind back.

but that could be a total lie.

Alternate Timeline Rewind is already alive, we've spent two books on this retarded relationship.

I do hope they play a smaller role from here on out.

If he was, his deco would have some white and red.