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Whats with the image?

>The SU creator and many of the boarders didn't even go to CalArts

Use the catalog, you faggot.

Some people believe a recognizable silhouette = great character design

>Steven Universe

Dear god Ben 10 is dead

>some people
You mean something taught in literally every animation class, then yeah
Silhouettes are hella important, in both character design and animation. BOTH need to be clear, one cannot make up for the other

If a character has a muddy silhouette, it makes giving them clear acting poses much harder. If you DO have a character with a good silhouette but your poses/key frames are shit, then you're still fucked

Have we all forgotten that CalArts is considered the best art school in the country?

It's the Disney University user!

They're really distinct and prestigious!

What, didn't your art teacher push it on you?


Wow that's literally the stereotypical "CalArts" style.

>alien transformation doesn't change his body, but just covers it up

It has nothing to do with silhouettes.
Silhouettes are super important, but te image is about the lumpy bean shapes for everyone.


Friendly reminder: If you still care about this garbage franchise after the abomination that was Omniverse, please kill yourselves and check your autism in at the door.

Sans doesn't have a bean head.

>implying it wasn't garbage since Autism Force

edgy teen angst bruh

>people care this much

I can't fap to Gwen anymore! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!

It was ruined the minute it debuted.

Star, Steve, Gumball, Clarence, Dipper, and Sans.

You forgot Pikachu

Having a good silhouette doesn't mean dick for an appealing design. But apparently, that seems to be the only criteria for a lot of cartoons now-a-days. They're so worried about the outward shape they forget about the inside of the design.

Look how fucking atrocious Clarence is.

> snes meme
> 6 distinct silhouettes ignoring the main criticism of modern style
> nuBen doesn't even follow that artstyle
> The CalArts style is actually the Disney style, CalArts feeds into Disney not Cartoon Network
> most of the artists on "CalArts" shows didn't even go there

Worst edition of CalArts General yet.

The only main criticism of modern style is that it's not anime.

The only main criticism of modern style is that Tumblr likes it, which is why Sans is here instead of any given We Bare Bears character.

>ruined the Ben 10 franchise
But, it was always shit. only faggot pedophiles watched it.

>I don't like thing because people I don't like like it.

That's not criticism, that's just being retarded.

There are two kinds of people who bitch about modern styles. Weeaboos. Memesters. Edgy 12 year old contrarians who read John K.s blog and think they know animation. And people from Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

When you get to the point that you're bitching about unique silhouettes, then you know they're a mongoloid.

A sillouette is the basis of recognizable character design.
I mean if Magik didnt have her lil antler thingys, you wouldnt know her from someone else

This may apply to cartoon animation, but not all animation.

Calarts is just part of the bigger problem of everyone copying Charles Shulz

Valve started with silhouettes after they throw out the "realistic" designs and art style for Team fortress 2. You can even check in the game commentary how they designed every character to look unique not only to reflect there class and personality but players could identify them accross the map. Ever wonder why the sniper is so tall it so he sticks out like a sore thumb.

TF2's style is cartoony, and it has game design considerations.

If you're making realistic stuff where the characters look like real people then silhouettes don't matter.

>If you're making realistic stuff where the characters look like real people then silhouettes don't matter.
Sure it does.
It's just now that costumes and posture pick up the slack

Silhouettes are what makes things instantly recognizable.

I've never heard of Japanese designers caring about silhouettes, and there's no reason why they would since they aren't making cartoony stuff. They have no more reason to care about them than live action film directors do.

Will SJWs allow Ben and Gwen to kiss

>Japanese designers don't make cartoony stuff
You could not possibly know any less about what you're talking about if you tried.

Everybody got their stuff together? 321 lets jam

>I've never heard of Japanese designers caring about silhouettes
Weeb, pls go.

Anime definitely uses silhouettes. Look at the crazy hair. That's part of it.

Live action directors definitely care about silhouettes. It's important if you have scenes that are not fully lit or when you have many characters that may seem similar in appearance.
It can be as simple as giving one a hat.

Actors use silhouettes too to create a recognizable style.
Look at Bogart.
He's immediately recognizable with this trademark slouch.

And you're taking the principle of design and stating it as a fact. These aren't laws of art, they're merely basic guidelines to follow, but more experienced artists are able to break them without interrupting the flow of their work.

Unless you also think every piece of animation also needs to follow the 12 principles to be considered "good".

Manga/anime/LNs/games aren't cartoony, they're realistic. And another thing is that the vast majority of the people who design the characters never went to any animation school. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority never even went to art school.

>Weeb, pls go.
How am I a weeb?

>Anime definitely uses silhouettes. Look at the crazy hair. That's part of it.
Obviously they have silhouettes. It's not possible for them to not have them. That doesn't mean the silhouettes were a deliberate part of the design.

>Live action directors definitely care about silhouettes. It's important if you have scenes that are not fully lit or when you have many characters that may seem similar in appearance.
That's not what I'm talking about.

>Responding to every single sentence and having a post full of green text.
Chris is this the anime obsessed guy who derails every thread with 100+ posts of why anime superior and who gets triggered everytime someone says the word otaku?

>hurr you've posted here before durr
This is not an argument nor does it have anything to do with the thread. Are you going to derail this thread into a debate about me now?

>gets triggered everytime someone says the word otaku

>talking about the importance of silhouettes in general
>tries to refute it by saying that anime doesn't use silhouettes
>implying that if anime doesn't do it, it's not really important
>why am I weeb?

> That doesn't mean the silhouettes were a deliberate part of the design.

Of course it's deliberate. In anime especially because figures are generally very low detailed. Especially in motion.
That means being able to determine which blur is who, a silhouette is most important
Don't be a fag and say "Uh, this anime is rendered at 144 FPS and has details down to the thread level, so you're wrong when you say that anime has poor details. It's a generalization.

Yep, it's the same guy.

Saying it now folks, you want this shit CalArts Meme thread to die, don't respond to this guy. Don't even give him the time of day. He will derail this shit into a 500+ post of Anime vs. Cartoons which will be the most cancerous thing you will ever read. If you feel the need to shitpost, just don't do it with him.

The fact that this guy is allowed to still post here despite constantly derailing the threads into Sup Forums debates astounds me.

Nobody will ever guess which anime this is.

Well, guys?


The most influential manga author who ever lived had a cartoony style.

Even if you're going exclusively by modern standards, the best selling franchise is One Piece, which is famous for its cartoonish character designs and strong silhouettes.


>Manga/anime/LNs/games aren't cartoony, they're realistic.
Nope, they are surreal. It's just so subtle you wouldn't notice it.

If he can turn shit into diamond with ease now, isn't this going to fuck up the entire diamond economy

Damn, you guys are good.
However, there's no way you can recognize these bad guys.

>implying that if anime doesn't do it, it's not really important
No, I just said that silhouettes are not relevant for all animation.

>why am I weeb?
Why indeed?

>In anime especially because figures are generally very low detailed.
It's exactly the opposite. Anime character designs are very detailed as a rule. It's shows like Adventure Time and Steven Universe where you see very low detail designs.

>Yep, it's the same guy.
This is again not an argument or relevant to the thread.

> He will derail this shit into a 500+ post of Anime vs. Cartoons which will be the most cancerous thing you will ever read.
You are the one derailing the thread right now. I haven't done any derailing.

>The most influential manga author who ever lived had a cartoony style.
That was half a century ago.

>Even if you're going exclusively by modern standards, the best selling franchise is One Piece, which is famous for its cartoonish character designs and strong silhouettes.
I'm not very familiar with One Piece but even if it does have cartoonish character designs it just means it's an exception.

What are you talking about?

>'Sans Face' is now the new standard for cartoons
Making cartoons isn't easy, so why not go with the laziest, generic trite artstyle possible?

Surprisingly no, the diamond industry has sold us the myth that diamonds are rare, when scientists can clearly create the things with just a bit of carbon. What the diamond industry does is store the things away and remove or add diamonds from the market depending on the supply and demand.

Freeza's final form
Kid buu
semi perfect cell

Good! Now this one.

>I'm not very familiar with One Piece
For someone trying to make blanket statements about anime, you don't seem to know much about it.
We're talking literally the single most successful franchise in the history of the medium, by a huge margin.

How does not being familiar with a single series mean that I don't know much about anime?


You're mom's soul

Does Sup Forums count?

>We're talking literally the single most successful franchise in the history of the medium, by a huge margin.

So you are saying that One Piece represents all anime, and by not watching it I therefore cannot possibly have broad knowledge of anime. How exactly would you justify this claim?

I think that's King Piccolo.
He said bad guys.


Well, go to Sup Forums and try to talk about cinema without watching Citizen Kane then.
If you think you can go around talking stupid shit without base then go, I'm not going to stop you. Also, I'm not the one saying OP is the greatest anime of the century but it sure helps knowing about it if you want to talk about fuckign anime

Citizen Kane is from the early days of cinema and considered an innovative and highly influential work. All you have to say about One Piece is that it's popular. Furthermore, not having seen Citizen Kane does not mean that anything someone has to say about cinema has to be wrong. If you can't argue why not having seen Citizen Kane is specifically relevant then it isn't relevant. In our case you would be arguing that I couldn't, say, make statements about what kind of camera techniques are commonly seen in cinema because I haven't seen Citizen Kane. But whether or not I've seen Citizen Kane doesn't have anything to do with what I'm saying, because Citizen Kane is just a single movie and thus insignificant.

Do you have anything relevant to say or are you just here to introduce red herrings?

>In our case you would be arguing that I couldn't, say, make statements about what kind of camera techniques are commonly seen in cinema because I haven't seen Citizen Kane
Citizen Kane made cinematic advances on many fronts, and its most significant contribution to cinematography came from the use of a technique known as deep focus. Deep focus refers to having everything in the frame, even the background, in focus at the same time, as opposed to having only the people and things in the foreground in focus. [...] Citizen Kane introduced Hollywood to the creative potential of other cinematic techniques as well. One such innovation was a technique known as the "wipe," where one image is "wiped" off the screen by another. Other innovations involved unique experiments with camera angles
Just copypasted that from a random site. Haven't watched Citizen Kane.

Damn, anime appears to make damn good silhouettes by accident.

What does any of that have to do with what I said?


Anime/manga on average have more realistic styles than cartoons.

It's always been known that anime has better style, but usually worse animation, while cartoons look worse, but have better animation due to their simpler styles/shapes.

That your equivalence is stupid, mate. I literally just had to google for two seconds to find the reason why you should watch Citizen Kane if you're going to talk about camera angles.
Also I'm not the one who originally argued with you, I'm just shitposting because I have to kill some time before going out.
This thread is shit, don't take anything in here seriously.

Can't fool me, boy

The animation is only worse by the standard that the more frames of animation you have the better the animation is. Which is a very poor standard since it means literally anyone who can drawn pictures can make 10/10 animation.

I was talking about making statements regarding what camera techniques are commonly seen in movies. What does Citizen Kane have to do with that?

You guys are also making the bizarre argument that the truth value of a statement depends on the alleged qualifications of the person making the statement. For example, since I'm terrible at math, it can't be true that 1 + 1 = 2.

Thaat looks kind of low quality to me.

I'd watch a show featuring this santa

Didn't most of the creators of those shows not even go to CalArts in the first place?

Why is Sans even up there?


inb4 Jar Jar Binks

What? That style was around way before Undertale.

it's Diglett



If you replace Ben and Gwen with Blossom and Buttercup, this would feel like a nuPPG episode.

inb4 they make so many animation mistakes like nuPPG did and add anime faces


Nah, you don't say?



pfheh, what ben10 franchise?

Reminder that Ben 10 predicted its own franchise


>Still saying Gumball is CalArts
Christ almighty the creator went to school in the UK. Also Gumball came out before this whole "CalArts meme" became a thing.


desu it looks really cute and the crew seems really invested

well, it looks better than TTG or nuPPG