How would you write her to add depth to her character?

How would you write her to add depth to her character?

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Make her my gf

never ever

Make her a failed comedian who's bitter for being famous for her looks instead of her talent.

Bigger tits

Basically Amy Schumer?

Tina Fey?

I don't know what she'd think would happen having nothing but bad puns

Minerva has no depth. That's the point of her character, she's a vapid cunt who is only loved for her looks.

this guy speaks the truth!

Make her someone who has such passion for violence and fighting. A Blood Knight, if you will.


Minerva wasn't originally beautiful... as a teen, she was dorky and gangly, and jealous of the beauty of the other girls. So, she made a pact with a demon to become the bombshell we've come to know her as. The catch? Every moment of beauty comes at the price of her longevity, and decades of her life have already been stolen away. Unbeknownst to her, when her life ends, she'll spend an eternity in torment. When Minerva finds the dusty old contract that she signed so long ago and reads the fine print, she realizes the depth of her mistake (and that she may only have days to live), and begs all the powers that be for help. The spirit of Karma responds, striking a deal that would restore her lost years as she corrects the mistakes of her past. So, Minerva grits her teeth and begrudgingly dates ugly nerds and works in soup kitchens and so on, learning lessons and slowly becoming a better person along the way.

Kind of like a sexier My Name Is Earl.


Give her a mysterious sugar daddy that supports her from behind the scenes.


Bill Watterson?

Suddenly Calvin and Hobbes has just got worse/better in my mind...

By making her real.

>Amy Schumer


wasn't that a copypasta?

No tail?

No sale.


take her out of the comedic role the moronic writers put her in and give her something a bit more gritty and realistic.

think Usagi Yojimbo meets Xena. the art style would even allow for crossovers.


Wew lad.

>weight gain





>Minerva's reaction to Sup Forums

that and she drops things harder than a newborn baby when some hot guy walks by like jonny bravo does with chicks

heh, nice joke m8
but yeah, doug does look like a pedo
RIP dong man

why is she tanning?
you can't tan fur!

that last panel looks like she is topless
she was wearing a red top and the next is white fur color

Minerva has no obligation to be realistic

Not with that attitude you can't!

No, but you CAN tan a hide!

at least she is wearing the skirt right for her tail, which droops and pulls behind her. look at most other girls with tails that wear skirts, they stick upwards and would be flashing panties 24/7.

bad thing why?

It'd because furries have that shit covered.

at least they are through on how their world works
probably better than marvel or DC

Make her oblivious to the facts that she was hired for looks and that her puns are terrible. She genuinely thinks she's hilarious while going around cracking jokes that would make Carlos groan.

so like, that hot secretary, but she makes horrible jokes and puns all the time and if it wasn't for that you would ruin her?

rule of sexy



I guess? I was thinking along the lines of something I read once about a key aspect of comedic characters being the difference between what they think they are and what they actually are. Idiots thinking they're geniuses, incompetent people believing they're the best at their job, etc.

>amy schumer

Well, she'd need a regular supporting cast. Maybe a roommate who she can bounce goodnatured quips off of?
>dorky teenage Minerva
I genuinely like this.

>Well, she'd need a regular supporting cast. Maybe a roommate who she can bounce goodnatured quips off of?
Hello Nurse

>eventual cartoon where they have to switch roles
I would watch.

>weight gain


i like those outfits
its nice to see her in other stuff


Wasn't this from a drawthread?


i don't remember though
i kind of want to draw some minerva though, i did about last year, maybe 2014 when CR did.

>How would you write her to add depth to her character?

New story arc: She's now a porn star and it's nothing but her having hardcore sex.

oh, also terrible with ideas, so any ideas you guys have will help.

Don't forget uses her looks to get what she wants.

might as well tie it in with Zigzag at that point

>Honey, you know...
>For the last and thousandth time, no!
>Ah come on! I found a doctor willing to do it and horse wang that was put on ice this time!

>Ubbe Eyeworks

Minerva wearing this.

That is literally the only idea I have.

Minerxa vs. Hello Nurse, Agent of HUBBA. Or a Red Sonja-style version of HN, your choice.


damn, i forgot about HN had more shit about her in the comic.

>minerva looks over your dick
>her boobs also grew several cup sizes

I never got to meet Doug. By the time I got into the local furry scene his health was too bad for him to go to cons or the local furry house party. I didn't like the dickgirl stuff but I respected him as an artist.

saving bump