Ever After High/ Monster High

Are they going to acknowledge the elephant in the room?

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>Are they going to acknowledge the elephant in the room?
Happy birthday, Francine.

>Narrator: Ramona and Cerise are sisters
>Paige: I thought Cerise was an only chi-
>Narrator: Paige! No nitpicking

It looks increasingly likely they'll acknowledge at least one of them:


Daring - Snow White’s prince charming

Darling - Damsel in Distress

Dexter- Beauty’s beast


Daring- Beauty’s beast

Darling - Snow White’s Prince Chamring

Dexter- Damsel in Distress

>the actual joke is they acknowledge evertything but the elephant

You calling me fat, user?

Is this from the new movie?

You might be right, considering they're adressing the kiss. And is that Darling holding the tablet?

Briar and ashlynn



I feel bad for best boy. I mean yeah his destined princess is gay as fuck, but he doesn't deserve to lose her to his sister. And then become the beast. Meanwhile Darling's afterbirth gets Raven.

Would you guys like a free helping of Duchess Suffering?


it's fresh.


DarlingxApple shippers BTFO!

3some ship?

So...the twist is that Cerise is the big bad wolf, right? book 3 hinted at this

Well, there's the Hood's Wolf, but also the Three Little Pigs' Wolf, and many others. Cerise might share the burden of Wolf with her sister.

Seems like they're wrapping up all the ongoing plots and just going to go on generic adventures now.

It's over, isn't it?

Seems like, unless they actually surprise us with Epic Winter.

> Darlings afterbirth
Best way to describe Betamax ever. Also as a twin I now have a new way to insult that womb leach.

Not really.

....How do you reckon that?

It's for the best. This means Daring doesn't have the sword of damocles overhead while he explores where things stand with him and Lizzie or Cerise (or Rosabella, if that's going to be a thing, but honestly seems like a waste). It is probably still awkward as fuck knowing your little sister is apparently destined to be with the girl you were in an arranged marriage with, even if you and said girl were just friends.

When will Duchess get to be happy in fanworks?

I kinda like the idea that Cerise is chosen to be the human-passing one, but she has the stronger feral side. Ramona, meanwhile, is trying to be the Big Bad Wolf, but because she's mostly human (I'm counting Mr. Badwolf as a kinda because he has a human form) her bestial side is less "feral wolf" and more "big friendly dog."

Well, Daring/Apple is dead in the water, and Daring hasn't really paid Blondie any mind. Still, Blondie has adored Apple since they were babies and Apple is very close with Blondie, and Daring is I believe one of the few guys that we haven't seen Blondie explicitly decide ISN'T just right yet, and she's rejected most of the male population of the school for being too something or other.

I don't see it, personally. Daring's got too many other love interests for Blondie.

Not to mention, while we have a lot of fun with how gay Apple or Darling or Raven might be, but I feel it does bear some mentioning that Blondie's plus-one to the super-exclusive party she was invited to was Poppy "Probably A Metaphor For Bisexuality" O'Hair.

>Poppy "Probably A Metaphor For Bisexuality" O'Hair
Eh? Did I miss something?

>2/3 are cuties
guess which is useless

>When will Duchess get to be happy in fanworks?

>guess which is useless
That's racist! Wood Lives Matter!

I'm guessing that's based on her whole "I don't identify exclusively with either of the two major groups because I like both" thing that she's got going, although I am sure people would be equally quick to say that's just about not having to choose a clique to fit in at High School.

Ginger = Cedar > shit > Ashlynn

>Claims she is a roybel
>literally next episode she is a rebel, rebelling against her destiny

Does even Mattel even know what their classification is?

>People saying that Daring is self-centered.

So, did we miss True Heart's day, thronecoming, and Lizzie's first date where he literally put others before him?

Plus, it's destiny. What's love got to do with it? Daring wasn't meant to play the role, it wasn't going to work. Wouldn't matter how much he loved Apple, he wasn't apart of her story.

But he IS self-centered. Just not always. Or rather, he's vain and obnoxiously selfconfident, but with a heart big enough that there's plenty of room for other people besides himself.

They really need to figure out if destiny's important or not.

I mean, Raven's entire character is about someone simply deciding not to go through with their fate and fighting very hard against everyone trying to "correct" that decision. Overwhelmingly, the narrative has supported that the setting is not deterministic and that Raven's decision to be the one who exposes this sets the course for her classmates to live happier lives and make real choices.

And yet at the same time there's shit like Daring/Rosabella might be a thing because Daring got the Beast destiny and Rosabella is Beauty? Darling's defiance of her fate, a thing that made her sympathize with Raven, was in fact what she was destined to do all along? Is fate important or isn't it?

Daring is also self-absorbed, and has a very high opinion of himself. On the other hand, dude can back up his hype as far as hero work and charisma goes (thus his high opinion of himself is fairly justified), he's still a nice, caring person in spite of that, and his flaws are harmless and contribute positively to the story by being good comic relief.

Really, Daring has got more nuance and character than the entire rest of Ever After High's male cast combined. It is honestly kind of remarkable how much better he is as a character than every other boy in the franchise, and yet Dexter is our male lead, in as much as EAH has one (which is not very).

samething with Holly
she isn't a Royal, Rapunzel isn't her story, it's her sisters.

What Mattel treats Ever After High

What it actually like

Honestly, that should all be kinda a moot point after Way Too Wonderland. Apple and Raven agreed to unmake the Storybook of Legends, which should kinda mean that there's nothing forcing destiny anymore.

I still feel like it was a mistake trying to extend the Royal/Rebel conflict into Dragon Games after Way Too Wonderland seemed like the logical endpoint of the disagreement, but I suppose the argument can be made that there was one further step in Apple's character development to be had in her getting over her mommy issues and resolving to find her own happily ever after on her own terms.

What's it to Raven and Apple? Why are they playing God? Making the choices for everyone else.

Well, the main thing was that Raven was the only one powerful enough to do it, a significant portion of the student body don't want to pledge their destinies, and WTW made a point about how easily the big book of destinies could be abused by outside parties like Courtly, so unmaking it protects people from having their futures stolen or manipulated while still being free to uphold the family tradition if they wish, although now it's likely possible to tweak the details more than it previously was.

Which (if any) of the ongoing plot points are left?

>Giles Grimm is free
>Raven is good and confronted her mother
>Free will won over fate
>wonderland is uncursed
>Cerise comes clean about her parents
>Daring finds his destiny

The only things I can think of are Duchess trying to steal a Happily Ever After and Holly an Poppy switching destinies, but but of those have been undermined by the "Write your own story, faggots!" ending of Way Too Wonderland.

Cedar's existential crisis of whether she's really alive or not, but that was only ever in the books.



So does Rosebella start dating Daring or what?
Does she ride him in beast mode if you know what I mean.

Just KISS !!!! ALREADY !!!!!!!!

You say that, but really. those that aren't following their parents stories are mainly superficial, outside of Raven, Briar, Ginger, and Poppy; who else doesn't want to follow their destiny

Cedar's blue fairy is technically a rebel

but she is dead


Cerise honestly doesn't seem that interested in following her destiny, I imagine at least in part because she and Ramona are both Riding Hood and Bad Wolf at the same time and won't be pitted against each other willingly.

Cedar wants to become human but feels it's morally wrong for people to have their lives dictated to them and in particular doesn't want to cause Pinocchio the same heartache he was obligated to cause Ghepetto for his story.

I have to wonder why they're pushing Daring/Rosabella after the book series has seemed pretty into Daring/Lizzie, the series flirted with Daring/Lizzie, and all of Daring's other romantic moments have been about him and Cerise? Him ending up with a third girl he's never shared screentime with before this seems...odd.

Daring was already established as the Beast years ago in the books.

That said, it seems odd that after that whole big thing about how Ashlynn can be with Hunter despite him not being her prince charming that Rosabella and Daring would have to get together because she's his princess when Daring's interests have been shown to lie elsewhere previously.

That's where the drama comes from, user. Ash/Hun's tension comes from their stories trying to pull them apart, but their love pulls them together. Rosa/Dare's tension comes from their stories trying to force them together, where their hearts may or may not disagree.


Forgot my pic.
But yeah, any news on if EAH will be continuing or are the rumors of the end true? I haven't checked in in a while

There's Epic Winter, and the MH Crossover movie.

the crossover probably isn't happening though, with the reboot and everything.

tell me your secrets, user

Monster High got a reboot, and the future of EAH is unknown.

Crossover was announced AFTER the reboot, though.

Things change

And water is wet.

Somebody saw any preview of the crossover is today's panel on SDCC 2016?