Bring this guy along on every mission even though he's totally worthless...

>Bring this guy along on every mission even though he's totally worthless, has no useful skills and can't even understand english half the time.

For what purpose?

When things go wrong, you need a scapegoat.

You if you have a character as based as Robotnik, you need a character as inversely awful in order to keep the autists at bay.

>The series begins with Robotnik having already won

I miss this so much.

European quota

People still insist that this show was good.

I just don't understand. It is objectively terrible.

Because americans hate french people for no reasons, so they make an offensive stereotype about.

It's considered good more because of what it was at the time. Not many shows were that intense when it came out, especially with the idea that the villain already caused the apocalypse basically.

Outside of Robotnik though, it's pretty awful.

>Not many shows were that intense when it came out

>The Odd Couple

Oh god, you're being serious, aren't you?

The comic fixed this by giving him a sword.

He was a pretty fucking useless character in this show though. I can't recall a single episode where he did anything other than being useless or needing to be saved by someone else.

They needed a stereotypical french butt-monkey.
>"Le I surrender!"

yeah because it's supposed to be a "coward french stereotype"
and Sonic is supposed to be "the cool 90's american bart simpson skater nigger"

He was a useless French stereotype. I think his purpose was to protect Princess Sally. He has a sword and can fight in the comics, and he married Bunny in the comics.

I think its just time to get rid of Antoine. He's a relic character who never had much purpose in the first place and was just there to make fun of the French.

The show was more of what kids wanted from a Sonic cartoon, a "serious" show they felt reflected the nature of the games, unlike the wacky funny AOSTH.

We were fucking stupid as kids.

As a kid, I wanted to watch Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. I liked the wackiness and colorfulness of the Adventures cartoon. It had a lot of funny jokes, and it feels more Sonicky and like the video games.

I called the Saturday morning cartoon the "whining about Uncle Chuck" cartoon.

The Saturday morning cartoon was pretty depressing and scary to watch as a kid. Seeing a robot Uncle Chuck and a half robot Bunnie was a scary concept.

>Sonic the Hedgehog was a dystopian epic! It was Blade Runner for kids!

We need a cure for autism.

When you consider that Sonic 1 and 2 were the only games that existed at the time, AOSTH was a lot closer to the games than SatAM was.

>Sonic and Tails going on adventures to defeat Robotnik and his badniks
>Sonic and a bunch of furries attempt to stop Robotnik from finding and destroying their home in the forest

Seriously. Which one sounds closer to the games?

I did want a more 'series' Sonic show as a kid with more of a story than AoStH, but I never liked SatAM much, most of my friends felt the same way. Was too far removed from the games. Even Sonic the Comic got that right half the time.

Adventures felt a lot more like Sonic 1 and 2 than SatAM did. Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts are based on enemies in the games. The Sega Genesis games were colorful, and Sonic was always shown as a "too cool for you" 90's kid in the commercials.

Sonic CD actually came out on September 23, 1993. And SatAM came out on September 18, 1993. So the SatAM cartoon could have been influenced by Sonic CD. And it did have many similarities to Sonic CD. Sonic CD had those post apocalyptic scenes in the bad future stages, CD has a darker feel and colors than 1 and 2 do. And CD has the Roboticization concept of Robotnik turning animals into robots.

>CD has the Roboticization concept of Robotnik turning animals into robots. it doesn't.

Underground is only good Sonic

Sega of America changed Amy's name to Sally in the instruction manual for Sonic CD because they wanted to tie in to the show. Aside from that, they have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

Early concept art for SatAM suggests that it was originally a different adventure/fantasy show that eventually had Sonic slapped onto it.

How do you go from this to that?

Whoever thought that up must have been on something pretty strong.


I didn't find Bunnie scary, in fact she ruined my sexuality as a kid.

You think that those notions are bad? You haven't seen SatAM groups on DeviantArt (even not counting ones dedicated to shipping); haven't seen old site rings and fanfiction; haven't read any turn-of-the-century posts wailing about Sonic Adventure ruining their "perfect" vision. Compared to their "serious" roleplay stuff like "Moonblast the Hedgefox, he shoots thugs with two SMGs and has a cybenetic ass because he lost one in the war and listens to Trent Reznor" is but an innocent teen power fantasy.
Well, in the end time did tell them.

That would explain why there were as much fantasy stuff as there were scifi ones.

This. Easy cannon fodder/sacrificial lamb if need be.

>shitting on AOSTH

I don't think he was, user.

>They needed a stereotypical french butt-monkey

>Charlie Hebdo massacre
>Let in more Muslims
>Paris massacre
>Let in more Muslims
>Nice massacre
>Let in more Muslims

The French are every bit the cowardly surrender monkeys the stereotypes make them out to be.

They are being slaughtered on a near monthly basis, but they're so afraid of defending themselves that Francois Hollande just announced that this is the new status quo in France and they're going to have to get used to it.

The French being wimps is not a meme, it is reality.

Antoine is actually a better character than Sally, who is IMPOSSIBLE to fix.

>but they're so afraid of defending themselves
defending themselves against an immigrant population very very numerous in this place since the 70's, with a regular agressive behavior, with leftist propaganda everydays at TV, in a country where weapons are completly forbidden and where you are forced to live in the same neighborhoods than minorities?

it's so funny to see 12 years old foreigner probably from some meme country giving is childish point of view about things he can't understand.

Don't worry Gaspard, the Anglos will solve your problems for you.

We hate you because De Gaulle is a bitch

>the Anglos will solve your problems for you.
with shariah police on their country? do you know UK has actually the same problem than France? in a worse way for some things? are you aware of the problems with pakis immigrants?

>meme country

Is that what they call the right to bear arms?

really, i can't understand why you are so mean with french population, this problem with muslims is actually very very old, currently we have just the results of the degeneracy since many decades, and it's the fault of socialo-communists of May 68, so of politics, not of the population, some of the population is actually brainwashed since childhood or don't even lives in zones with immigrants.

the funny thing is when literally the same shit happens everydays in america with niggers shooting on people you shit all on your pants, if we are cowards, americans are small worms, your shitty country is also responsible of every problems on this planet since 1945, can't wait for the destruction of your country because you completly deserve that.
the entire world thinks you are retarded and replies on this thread are just another proof of that.

cannon fodder.

They used to own fucking ALGERIA and had started progress to making it integral territory so they wouldn't have to decolonize.

France's muslim problem long predates modern extremism.

In case they need a distraction or something to weigh down a pressure plate

>It is objectively terrible.
You must have this confused with AoSTH

>Physically Speaking, HE'S Handsome!
Why does this make me chuckle so much?