I'm skeptical if this will be good, but if it is, how do we save it?

I'm skeptical if this will be good, but if it is, how do we save it?
I can almost guarantee CN is just going to use it as a contractual obligation and put it in shitty times and such. So I ask, how do we save JL:A from being shit on and canned after one season?

Watch the episodes on TV, buy the merch, praise it in social media.

You say that like merch will be made


Put it on Netflix before the first season is over. People don't tune into Cartoon Network to see shows they don't know about, they go to see Teen Titans Go or Steven Universe and then leave.

Get people into the show via Netflix and they'll be interested in catching new episodes.

You say this like merch won't and like the reason they canceled Young Justice wasn't explicitly because it wasn't producing enough merch.

The reviews of the first episode said it was pretty good. And the trailer looked entertaining.

You're assuming that this show is even in the crossfire to begin with.

I'm assuming that this is more of a BATB situation, where the campier tone and more colorful visuals will help negate some of the stigma of being an "action cartoon".

It won't run for 5+ seasons or break anywhere near as much ground as The Animated Series (nothing could), but I doubt it'll get cancelled abruptly after one or even two seasons.

I never saw a single YJ action figure in stores, was that an actual thing that ever existed?

I guess you can technically say the phrase "didn't produce enough merch" if they produced ZERO merch.

Transformers:RiD was heavily on the lighter side of things and focused more on comedy, and that still didn't save it from being on at 6:30 and be ignored,

There's optimism, then there's being naive.

>Diana, these MEN are your friends?
>More like sidekicks, Mother.
Fuck this show. Why must every animated Wondy be an annoying strawman? Would it literally kill these people to get it through their skulls that she's supposed to be nice? What's wrong with nice?

YJ had merch. GL:TAS and BtB did not.

Is this a hip new copypasta meme?

Apparently this show is only 11 minutes per episodes, my hype has died a little.

she's a strong wimin who need no man.

To be fair if they use The Fleischer Bros. Superman shorts as a base they could make it work

>Most likely just a cute line under the context of WW using Themyscira's ignorance of the outside world to exaggerate her role in the JL.

How Sup Forums responds

What the fuck about my post gave you the impression I hate women? Wanting Diana to be kind and cordial like she's supposed to, instead of a man-hating bitch makes me sexist? Go fuck yourself. Poor characterization of a feminist icon is offensive and detrimental to feminism as a whole. Go fuck yourself.

swing and a miss

that's not what Strawman means.

Wonder Woman has always been sassy and confident. Hal Jordan would say the same goddamn line.

i had the same thought! also, she was just being "cute" in front her moms!

Superman didn't say anything in the trailer...why are they trying to make him the fucking silent type?

What kind of quips could you gives Supes? I'm pretty sure that's why he was silent throughout the first trailer

>the blasé look supes and bats gave each other as she said it