Killing Joke batgirl

Fuck Bruce Timm

Did you honestly expect this to be good at all?


jesus christ

somebody post the part where she assaults the guy who was telling his girlfriend to get away from him

it was always going to be bad but now at least no one can be delusional and defend it

Timm is a fucking shipper hack

Why is he so obsessed with Batman and Batgirl screwing?

The new material was useless and had nothing to do with the actual Killing Joke story

But now we know Barbara deserves being shot because of how shitty a person she is.

You son of a bitch. I SAID THE JOKER!

Underrated post

>Gordon to rape Dick in retaliation

That's clearly Barbara raping Bruce, not the other way around.

>Sorry Jim, but don't blame me for my dick answering the call of a ho. It's nature.

It showed what happens if you take relationship with your enemy personally. Also they had to show dem sex because it's othervise a waste of R rate as well as a decent plot driver for bat girl to stop being a bat girl.

How do people feel that TKJ movie's legacy will now be about Bruce and Babs fucking on a roof?

That's the only thing they added to the original story.

Aren't shippers supposed to be positive about their ships? He does it because it's messed up and acknowledges in-story that it's messed up.

But it will be what is talked about more than anything from the movie.

It's like 40 minutes of Azzarello original content and 30 minutes of actual Killing Joke.

someone should shop gail simone's face into this gif.


Because it's the only decent part of it. All this Joker doing Joker stuff was useless, because in the end almost nothing has changed, except for crippled Barbara, who's surprisingly ok with it. Batgirl jumping on a batdick is the only moment where characters somehow develop. However batman quickly recovers and act autistic as usual afterwards.

It was always a horrible ship to begin with. Fucking why?
Fuck you Bruce Tim. Fuck you and your love for batcock and horrible ships you fucking batfag.


Dickfags on suicide watch

Not just Dickfags, but Brucefags and Barbarafags as well. At least Dick didn't come out looking awful here.

Nobody likes this. Nobody wanted this.

I liked the batgirl part. I didn't like the rest because it was following up comic almost word by word.

You know that casuals will consider this to be canon now? What an awful time to be a characterfag for bat characters.

On CBR the Dickfags are pretty thankful Dick wasn't dragged into this mess

How do you like Barbara acting like shit

>DC universe

Rebooting in 3... 2... 1...

>How do you like Barbara acting like shit

Bretty much entertaining. I like watching characters struggle and make uneven decisions. That's make them more alive. I don't need the same story the millionth time.

>tfw the only Bat characters you care about anymore is Dick are Damian

Reminder that Luke fucks Misty, too.
What's going on here?

How many threads are we going to have about this?


There was a prologue in the TKJ movie because TKJ is too short to do on its own

In it Barbara is absolute garbage despite the entire prologue probably being their attempt at pacifying people who don't like how Barbara wasn't even in TKJ beyond getting hurt. She assaults a guy who keeps telling his girlfriend that he needs space, because he reminded her of Batman. Men and women being just friends apparently isn't a thing for Timm since they have to fuck once so you know Batman cares about her.


Dicks banging Kori while Barb is slutting with Bruce. I think Dick won.

It's really not that big a deal.

Shh, these guys think sex really means something except for sex.

Correction: Batgirl fucks Bruce WAYNE ;^)

What is up with Timm's odd obsession with them? How does it even make sense? Why can't Bruce just have a female ally without wanting to fuck her, especially considering that's a point of their dynamic, is the secondary father/daughter relationship.

Timm always goes full retard with Barbara, it's confusing.

Batman is his self insert

That's why Batman fucked everybody and was 2cool4school in DCAU

Timm must be the only one who ships Bruce and Babs, but OP is hot AF.

Dickfags on CBR are saying it's time to kill Dick/Babs

I can get behind that

What? Batman is practically celibate in the DCAU.

Her not being like family wasn't enough?

>men and women
>being friends or family
get a load of this sjw right here

Guys, they made a movie where Batman kisses his own rapist. Him having consensual sex with Batgirl is the outrage?

>killing my OTP

It doesn't matter because Dick/Babs is canon in post Crisis

But then Kori fucked Roy. That is almost as gross as Babs fucking Bruce. Dick just can't catch a break.

Dick and Roy fucked post crisis senpai

Wow, oh man! I really can't believe they would just CANCEL the Killing Joke movie! This late in production, too? That's so strange! I wonder why they are just not making this movie anymore? Weird!

What the fuck are you talking about?

Barbara has become more than her father. He just orders the rape, she gets hands on.

Talia I'm guessing

I remember they glossed over Talia raping him like it was so big deal but I don't remember them kissing

*no big deal

>superheroes start to fuck
>they take their mask off
my boner just fucking died

Nah, Roy wanted to fuck Dick which is why he fucked all of the girls Dick did. He just wanted to be close to him.


Son of Batman movie ends with Batman making out with Talia while Damian single handedly defeats Deathstroke.

In a movie where it's showed that she raped Batman.

Am I the only one who remembers Talia raped Batman? Because Talia raped Batman.

And then he makes out with her. And she gets off completely scot free, no punishment whatsoever for being a rapist.

Much like in the comics. Thanks, Morrison!

Oh, yeah I remember that. But I mean, that's shitty and I don't remember anyone liking that either, so


The movie is out? Anyone got a link?

Well some people actually want to go past the primitive urges, any won't try to fuck any person they meet

Yeah, no, that's a shit, too. I haven't watched Son of Batman, because I've only heard shit things about the Damien-related dcau movies, but what the fuck? Like, the movie touches on the fact that it was rape, and then they just make out in the end anyway??

Oh please jim like you didint have a turn with your daughter yourself

>he grabs her butt
>cuts to a different angle
>his hands are on her upper back
I guess they didn't give any special attention to this scene.

Yep. They lock lips.

Please tell me mark gave his A game for this I can handle bats and barb shit but please tell me they got the joker right

I guess it takes a certain kind of man to eat his daughter out after taking her virginity.

fucking kek

Why does Bruce Timm ship this so much?


You owe me a new pair of sides you faggot.

Eh, why not. The two have been changed so much now it would hardly be a loss of the original pairing.

I refuse to believe you can take the top part of that costume off that quickly. Refuse!

I refuse to believe she wouldn't be wearing a sports bra

You jest, but I would honestly have given anything for this to have ended up in development hell for a bit until the animation was sorted out. I don't understand the sudden urgency.

It was so weird seeing people want spy Dick and Burnside Batgirl to hook up since Barbara had the maturity of a teenage girl while Dick was acting like a grown man
Same thing with Kori and her acting more like her cartoon counterpart who is much more naive and childish desu
One reason why Helena was best girl

Timm's original plan for the Birds of Prey episode in JLU was to have Barbara injured, and Dick too busy fucking another woman to answer her call

That sounds made up because it doesn't seem like something Gail Simone would write.


The way Batman grabbed dat ass
You know Batgirl liked dat anal

That's because it is
Barbara was gonna get injured and be Oracle for a hot second


To be fair, in Son of the Demon (Where they banged to make Damien) it was super consensual, but in Batman & Son it was changed to rape.

Then changed back.

Thing is, JLU had Amanda Waller, who was thoroughly antagonistic towards Batman and the League, and Oracle pretty much began as her taking Babs under her wing.

Man, we might have had Babs and Bruce on opposite sides of a conflict, could've been interesting.

As a BabsxDick man, nothing in my mind has changed.

It's Batman being a piece of shit, dirtbag. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Damn, that suit comes off easy.


Whatever happened to the Batman rapes Joker meme? It was good stuff


>It's Batman being a piece of shit, dirtbag. Nothing out of the ordinary.

lmao Nightwing fans...

My nigga, I love Batman (more than Nightwing, actually) but you're delusional if you can't admit he can be downright douchey most times.

I'm glad it's just subtly thrown in whenever it's relevant.

Barbara is literally a different character than she was 10+ years ago when they were actually together
They simply don't work anymore

>DCs animated offerings continue to spiral down


No, it isn't.

So is it good or not?
I'm downloading it right now, I want to be prepared.

It's okay.

It's not the spectacular adaptation I was hoping for, but it's not a dumpster fire.