Literally what was the point of this character? What was her actual purpose in the plot...

Literally what was the point of this character? What was her actual purpose in the plot? She did NOTHING! There was not a single beat in the story that would have changed if you omitted her entirely.

she reminds me of a ferret

to be hot

She's in the movie for like five minutes.

Comic relief and set-up to be more important in a future film.

>turning Mary Jane into a black, gender bent stoner

what the fuck were they thinking?

She's there to have a pay-off in a later movie. It's a very basic trope for the girl who doesn't take care of her looks in high school to grow up to be a hotty or at the very least learn to take care of her looks that surprises people.

It's a bit too obvious and annoying, but shit happens in real life too, so eh.

Is that a Native American chieftain?

"Gender bent"?

It's Jones. Not James.

>Comic relief

Relief from what? Every single character in this movie was a serial quipper

Ignore the memesters. She's essentially just Daria. She's barely in the movie anyway.

Not this shit again.

shes not mary jane though, she's michelle

Michelle Mary-Jane ---

bwahahahahahahahahaha no.

shes literally there to be just borderline LGBTBBQ-looking enough to appeal to that demographic while going noticed as queerbait to the rest of the non-snowflake audience. She's like CP3O's red arm from TFA: just a shameless little shekel-grub addition to the script

*going UNnoticed

why did they make her so fucking ugly

she's a 'gender neutral' character in the movie but identifies as male

Just so you guys know, this isn't true. Anyway, it was a pretty good movie.


I don't know what gender neutral means.

It means Mary Jane now has a dick

"Identify" doesn't really affect anything. Does MJ have a vagina or a penis, that's the only aspect that matters.

She literally calls herself MJ at the end of the movie

Bullshit. Marvel has to pay the fake news and she fines that are due. Period. They ain't getting Miles the nigger or Lady Thor. They get GUY IN THE CHAIR. If you don't like it donate $500 to Trump right now.

>it's a Sup Forums gets mad at a realistic portrayal of a woman episode

In order to comprehend a movie next time try listening besides just looking at it. She said "my friends call me MJ" right before Peter goes and meets Happy Hogan in the bathroom

I don't even get why Sup Forums is bitching about this so much. Zendaya is barely in the movie and her character isn't used as a love interest or anything.

t. redit

It's true though. She has maybe five minutes of screen-time.


This is her irl. I guarantee you they're going to pull an ugly duckling with her character.

That black chick was hot in Westworld, she get naked in that comic thing?

You ignorant fuck. She's there to remind us that slaves built the washington monument. Watch the movie again.

Uh that's makeup

Nazis watch out

Because she isn't wearing makeup in the movie?

Rape is not funny at all. Fuck you guys are going to hell
