Look Who's Back

So, the overall message of the movie is that we shouldn't forget the past or we are doomed to repeat it. The problem with this, is that the movie fails to see why far-right ideologies have been on the rise in Europe. They seem to attribute it to inherent racism (There's a little Hitler in all of us), instead of being a reaction to the consistent institution of white guilt over something that most modern people weren't even around for. It did have a nice start though.

Other urls found in this thread:

cnqzu.com/library/Solar General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf

They overplayed their hand with this one.

>something that most modern people weren't even around for
You're around now to benefit from those institutions that were built though. Dismantle those or stop bitching when you get called out on your white privilege. By attempting to play innocent while simultaneously reaping the benefits from a society designed to keep "minorities" underprivileged, you are actively engaging and building upon those bigoted foundations you claim to not be around for or have contributed to.

this film would have been a lot better if it was just the unscripted segments of Hitler with the German citizens

kill yourself fucking nigger, get in a crate so I can ship you back to the third world where you belong

None of this means anything. Unless institutions outright claim to oppress minorities anything more is just a hypothesis or even worse a conspiracy theory

Wanna know how I know you're a liberal false flagging as a conservative?

And if you're actually not, then please make actual arguments instead of

Do you ever stop fucking crying about everything? What a sissy.

shut the fuck up nigger

It's clearly leftist humor though, it's aimed for retards, only retards laugh at this stuff

IDK how you think I'm affected irl but nothing you have said so far has offended me. Boring provacateur desu


the film seemed fairly even handed in the sense that the "rise of far right ideology" would be caused by idiotic leftists.
so really both sides are to blame. You wouldnt have people becoming Far Right in europe if you didn't import brown muslim people and make everyone fags or whatever

I can't tell if this is serious or satire.

ok nigger

>please make actual arguments
Shouldn't you prove your institutional racism claim first, lol

You're missing some of it.

Part of it is that Hitler was right to some extent. You're supposed to be baited in by Hitler talking about legitimate problems.

Where the movie makes it's point is where the characters ask Hitler "well, so what do we do about it?" and his response is "kill the Jews!"

There's definitely a lot in there about how history will repeat itself if we're not careful, but I'd say the central point of the film is that fascism is seductive, but doesn't offer any real-world solutions. Just pointing out that problems exist often wins people over, but what's important is your solutions, not your acumen at noticing what's wrong.

In the case of Hitler, he blamed everything wrong with Germany on the Jews. As it turns out, that was, surprise of all surprises, a lie. Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat for any problem that persisted, and used his persecution of the Jews as a way to appease the masses and show them he was doing something about the problem.

The film highlights this by showing problems in German society, and how, while Hitler does take note of them, he really doesn't have any solution to fix them, outside of simply blaming it on someone else.

Shouldn't you be in Schul, Shmuley? Your rabbi would be verklempt!

There's nothing to prove unless these institutions say that they are anti minority. Just because some minorities don't do well with some institutions that doesn't show any malicious intent, but more likely a clash of culture and values

>fascism is seductive, but doesn't offer any real-world solutions
cnqzu.com/library/Solar General/100-questions-about-fascism-oswald-mosley.pdf

WW2 started because of the banks which were run by jews, dumb redditor.

>As it turns out, that was, surprise of all surprises, a lie
lol ok moishe

I just watched this for the first time a couple of minutes ago.

I was glad they let Hitler win in the end.

The inclusion of the real people sketches was neat.

To be fair, "kill the Jews" is a simplification of an actual real world solution.
If you know anything about the Weimar Republic, you'll know that an inordinate amount of Jews had a hand in what happened to Germany.

I would say blaming the people who seem to be responsible based on factual observations, and taking measures to undo the damage along with preventing those responsible from doing it again is a pretty solid solution.

>In the case of Hitler, he blamed everything wrong with Germany on the Jews. As it turns out, that was, surprise of all surprises, a lie.

The depression being caused by Jewish bankers wasn't a lie.

Yeah everyone go back to living in huts and having to worry about your kid getting eaten by a tiger, because niggers never figured out how to create civilization then we shouldn't be allowed to have it THATS equality

>kill all non-whites
>only whites left
>racial harmony

>all races breed together
>no races left, in essence a race of no race left
>racial harmony

That's a bit of an oversimplification and again scapegoats the problem.
What I think you mean is that the rich ran the banks, and the rich needed their own scapegoat, which turned out to be the Germans. The Germans, in turn, saw the banks and the provisional government as conspiring to keep them down, which fed into their own anti-antisemitism, as some (not a majority) of the bankers were Jewish. Unless you're trying to argue JP Morgan was a jew? he was the key baker for the entire war, you know.
Unarguably, the vast majority of Jews in Germany were poor and oppressed no one. To blame the entirety of World War II on "da joos!" ignores a massive amount of other factors, and isn't even really fair to "the jews", since they are not a monoloth. A small, rich minority kept Germany down-along with a bunch of rich non-jews. Honestly, if you want to hate to blame one singular group for the war, blame the American industrialists. They funded World War I, helped instigate it, and fanned the flames of the war. They played at war profiteering with both sides, and their weapons and money directly was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

i think even if rich bank-owning jews were culpable, it doesn't really explain why the nazis felt it was necessary to kill literally every jew they could get their hands on.

how does throwing hans the jewish taxi driver into a mass grave solve the world's problems exactly?

hitler only made things worse by trying to genocide the whole group of people when he should've just deposed the small minority of people fucking things up

Wait, banker, not baker, shit. Anyway, you know what I meant. JP Morgan was not a jew, but almost single-handedly funded world war I, pulled out the crippling bank loans on Germany, and then his son fed the flames of world war II.

I liked the movie all the way until the ending. Then it switched on the preaching and holier than thou modes. It turned into childish black and white arguments.

>It's the other side's fault I have dumb ideas

This is what partyfags actually believe

>It's another "blatantly leftist movies that Sup Forums thinks is redpilled because they're so low-IQ subtext escapes them" film

This perception is based less on fact than on post-war narrative, which grossly exaggerates the mistreatment of jews and Hitler's disposition towards them.

>the holocaust
enjoy your stay here, little guy

Yes, that's what I mean by scapegoat. If you want to blame the jews because some of the jews were rich bankers who kept Germany in an economic depression, so be it, that's at least somewhat reasonable. But in that case, there's no reason to blame literally every other jew for that. Poor jews in Germany were suffering just as much under the inflation and sanctions as the rest of the poor Germans, while the rich Germans were doing just as well off the backs of the poor as the jewish bankers.

As you put it, why blame the taxi driver for the faults of the banker, just because they share common heritage? If it's the bankers' fault, then round up all the bankers and war profiteers, jews and non-jews. Rounding up all the street sweeps and merchants is just a phenomenally shitty idea.


good luck finding a narrative that isn't post-war in a post-war world

if the nazis treated the jews so well, why do you dislike them so much?

Oh, a bit defensive there. I think you'll find I never say holocaust once in the entire post. All I said was that the jews were a scapegoat for broader problems facing Germany.

Or do you deny that no Germans hated the Jews and blamed them for what was wrong with the country? because that's what I'm talking about.

It is interesting that you immediately start getting defensive about someone even mentioning the jews being hated. Especially when they never even bring up the thing that you do. Do you have an obsession with the holocaust or something?

Give it a rest, Rabbi.

Jews in Weimar Germany were actually quite similar to the SJWs and radical leftists of today. Do you know why the SS was formed? Because Jews and jewish-backed groups were protesting and attacking their peaceful meetings (like anti-fa today).
Same reason Oswald Mosley had the blackshirts to defend the BUF in England.
Jews have a higher degree of in-group preference than any other race in the world. They'll support their own without question more often than not.
Just like seemingly moderate muslims creating sharia law zones in Europe when there are enough of them.
Were there some innocents? Sure probably, but the idea of the vast innocent majority is nothing but a meme.


>far right
they weren't nazis. they were national socialists

>good luck finding a narrative that isn't post-war in a post-war world
Is this nigga serious?

Prove it. You're making the claim, I would like to see some evidence of violent attacks by hordes of Jews against peaceful Germans, as you claim happened.


>Do you know why the SS was formed? Because Jews and jewish-backed groups were protesting and attacking their peaceful meetings (like anti-fa today).

factually wrong. The SS was formed as Hitlers personal body guard unit because Ernst Rohm was starting to side with Strasserist branch of Nazism. Since Rohm was in charge of the SA, the militia of the nazi party, Hitler felt scared knowing that the parties militia could overthrow him, so he formed his own personal militia.

But then again, I wouldnt expect a stormfag to actually have any knowledge of ww2 or nazi history

If you are so set and burying your head in the sand then be my guest. These are matters of historical fact.
I thought I was arguing with someone who knew something about history, I don't have time to give you a lesson.
Argue against the implications like an actual anti-nazi historian would do if you must, but don't make a fool of yourself by disputing facts.

>using Jewish media sources to prove the holocaust is real

have some math,
365 days * 17 years * 1000 jews per day = 6,000,000 jews

You're not fooling anybody, rabbi

>jews have a higher degree of in-group preference
blacks would like a word

Sup Forums infographs aren't even that good but this is just pathetic.

400,000 people died in the battle of Normandy. In one day in place in europe, 400,000 people died. Yet you somehow set this arbitrary cap of 1000 people a day. What are you even talking about? How come you guys are always so vague?

Prove it, you little sacred faggot. If the facts are there, SHOW THEM TO ME.

I am not trying to be lazy by doing this. I'm trying to shame you by forcing you to publicly acknowledge there's no factual basis for what you just said. So, show me evidence. Do it now, faggot, or get out of the thread, because you if you can't, then why the hell are you here?

Another user here. Easy.

You will never get an unbiased look through the eyes of jews so stop expecting one.

oh look, a none response. Just another canned le edgy comment. I want you to try and explain which part of my comment is wrong.

And every single one of those 400000 were Jewish.


>unironically posting a tabloid as proof
Jesus Christ, how pathetic. What's next, Elvis is alive and well and living with his alien baby mama?

>meritocracy is racism
kill yourself faggot

>using random sensationalist news headlines as historical sources. Not even the article itself, just the headline

stop being an emtionally driven retarded internet conspiracy theorist and stop pretending youre a historian

He means they can kill more than 1000 people a day you absolute fucktard. Kill yourself.


Like I said, I'm willing to have this argument with someone who has some knowledge of history.
You've displayed that you lack this, and your hostility to being informed of your own ineptitude displays a childish mentality.

He's doing it to bait the fucking newfags from Sup Forums and it worked. I do it all the time myself.

>And every single one of those 400000 were Jewish.

Again, what the fuck are you talking about? When did I ever claim anything like this?

Holy shit, you massive fucking moron

How do you even manage to breathe and walk at the same time? I imagine you have to, but that would take more brainpower than you seem to have.

no, they couldn't even kill 1000 jews per day
no jews were dying in the firefights you fucking retard


“Questioning The Holocaust - Why We Believed”


>Dismantle those [institutions]
What are you talking about? What institutions of fascism and white privilege are you referring to? College? Government? NGOs?

lmao you think we live in a meritocracy

>the part where Hitler shoots a dog
Why would he do this? He loved animals in reality.
And yet despite all this strawmanning, his character is still likeable. You'll find yourself rooting for him.

>This many people can't be killed this fast by the purported means
>ya but this many people can be killed this fast in an armed conflict!
How are you this stupid?

Do holocaust deniers even understand the basic official narrative in the first place? I always see them saying shit like "THERES NO WAY 6MILLION PEOPLE COULD BE GASSED IN THAT TIME FRAME!" When literally no one has ever come close to claiming that. Or they think stuff like inmates dying from typhus is some shocking revelation when that has always been part of the narrative. You can go look at declassified army films from 1945 and they say "these inmates died from typhus." and that is whats you learn in school.

is at least some of the proof you're talking about, right? The headline of a trashy tabloid newspaper with no foundation in fact?

Do you not know how to argue your point? You should have learned this is middle school: when you present an extraordinary claim, the burden of proof is on YOU, not the person who questions the temerity of your claim.

And the only """"""proof"""""" I've seen thus far is a headline from a tabloid about a story that was completely made up. There is no "Judea", and no Jewish group declared war in any sense on Germany.


My favorite scene in the movie.

prove it

I specifically asked you not to make a fool of yourself.

>i think even if rich bank-owning jews were culpable, it doesn't really explain why the nazis felt it was necessary to kill literally every jew they could get their hands on.
You're so close... you just need to realize that the National Socialists didn't actually want to kill every Jew ever. The actual "final solution" was to deport them all to Israel. The reason they all died in those internment camps was because Germany started losing the war (less supplies) AND the Allies would bomb railways and other means of transporting goods. Ironically, the Jews were "saved" by those responsible for so many of their unintended deaths.

Don't kid yourself, shlomo.
Everyone is taught that evil nazis made jews into soap and threw cripples from top of buildings. All of this in a convenient age where you're easily swayed towards emotion.

>Do you not know how to argue your point?
How ironic

>no unified political entity, nevermind country

Look at all of those weasel word qualifiers. I can tell that a (((public relations))) whore wrote that response very carefully. I can say that the KKK never existed because it was not a "unified political entity, nevermind country".

The only person making a fool out of themselves here is you.

I asked you a simple request for information supporting your wild claims. You've since deflected and acted defensive about the subject, while providing zero credible proof. You are either an idiot or a troll. At this point, I'm thinking you're the latter. There's no way someone can actually be this dense and deflective without doing it purposefully.

No more (You)s for you until you post proof. It shouldn't be that hard, should it, if it's just a google search away, like you keep telling me?

These are not arguments, just Reeeeing. I presume he's referring to the fact that whites still benefit from wealth that was initially obtained through colonial exploitation and was then passed down to the current generation.

You underestimate the level of knowledge most people have. Their beliefs about the holocaust are built from nothing outside the ambient narrative. They DO believe those exaggerated myths of the holocaust you presented, and disproving those myths is often enough to shatter their world view and make either double down on cognitive dissonance or begin to question the whole thing.


So what about the gypsies/homo's and other people who were in those camps?

>You're so close... you just need to realize that the National Socialists didn't actually want to kill every Jew ever. The actual "final solution" was to deport them all to Israel.

No it wasnt. Again, another factually wrong claim. First off, Israel didnt exist back then. It was British owned Palestine. In "The New Order" Hitlers plan for the world after he won, this area would be controlled by the muslims in the area. Muslim leaders who also hated jews, so that plan just involves hitler dumping his problem on someone elses door. And again, nothing ever came of this so who cares since he ended up killing them anyway.

> The reason they all died in those internment camps was because Germany started losing the war (less supplies) AND the Allies would bomb railways and other means of transporting goods.

again, factually wrong. Before the camps were even implemented, nazi death squads were massacring jews in eastern europe. 1 million died by the einsatzgrouppen, so there is a very obvious intent to genocide them, along with their rhetoric and ideology being so hardcore anti-jew. To actually sit there and shrug your shoulders and suggest the nazis did nothing is just silly. Also, there is literally no evidence at all for this "bombed supply lines" excuse neo-nazis have only recently started using. The allies had literally no problem shipping in supplies to the camps once they were liberated, people were starving in the warsaw ghetto before any bombing campaign on Germany even started, and there were things like Aktion 14f13, which was to find inmates too sick for slave labor and to just kill them, and of course, the einsatzgrouppen which had killed 1 million of them before all of this anyway.

Heres a flyer from the occupation of Poland stating that any civilian caught giving food to the jews will be killed. Not arrested, killed. This of course proves you wrong of this preposterous claim that they wanted to feed the inmates, but just couldnt.


>WW2 started because of the banks which were run by jews, dumb redditor.
Yeah, Hitler deciding to invade a nation that England and France had pledged to defend in case of German attack had nothing to do with it. It was all da jooz.

We no longer do and that's the problem my affirmative negro action friend.

>These are not arguments, just Reeeeing
>Implying that post was any different

Thats not what weasel words are. You are at the point where you are getting mad at someone for being really specific and proving your claim wrong while you continue to just throw out vague nothings.

Try again next time, champ. I'm sure you'll shitpost with the best of them after a little more practice.

You've proven nothing but your own ignorance

This means nothing coming from someone who believes in a stupid internet conspiracy theory and cant even articulate any argument at all for it when given the chance to.

You mean dismantle the institutions that give out free college, welfare bucks, and import millions of economic migrants? I agree

It's always such laughably vague statements. No names, no dates, no events.

I see you, Jew.

>This means nothing
Hey, just like everything you posted!

>lose argument

>call someone a jew

so this... is the power... of stormfags