When do you think was the exact moment Walter turned into Heisenberg?

When do you think was the exact moment Walter turned into Heisenberg?

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He was always Heisenberg on the inside

when he wasted a good pizza

when he killed Krazy 8

Easy, the moment he let Jesse's girlfriend overdose on heroin.

if she didn't want to die of an overdose she shouldn't have been doing heroin, Walt knew if he saved her she would end up causing Jesse and many others to overdose

>Walt knew if he saved her she would end up causing Jesse and many others to overdose

This is bait right? Walt watched her die so he could get Jesse back to make more meth and money. If he cared about anyone overdosing on anything he wouldn't be making meth.

He was crying his fucking eyes out while watching , hardly the actions of a twisted psychopath

That's a big pizza.

>He was crying his fucking eyes out while watching

Yeah no.


Yes, it was traumatic, its not like he flipped a switch and became maniacally evil overnight. While he was a bit emotional, anything close to tears he was able to hold back. Looking back, that was the moment for me where his selfishness pushed him past the point of no return.

>that is not meth.

when he got cucked

That scene towards the end where he was freaking the fuck out in that crawl space under his house.

I think that's when he went passed the point of no return and went full Heisenberg for good. Everything before that was an act he could switch on and off.

oh hehe i forgot he was a cuck

>feeling remorse and crying like a little bitch after killing a guy in self defense

Why do I see this scene posted so much?

Meth overdose is super rare

when he did the magical exploding meth trick.

There are very obvious visible tears in that clip you posted.

what a fucking pussy


It's obviously when he walked into Tuco's compound and dropped the explosive chemical before threatening him. Doesn't he even put his hat on after that scene?

Cause it's dumb
>what my wife doesn't want to be around me anymore since I got into being a druglord?

Probably this

But He was still fighting a "bad guy"

I think it's cause there's some circlejerk about how the pizza landing on the roof was unscripted. The first time Cranston shot the scene it just happened to land on the roof facing up and Vince decided to make it a part of a few episodes.

Between seasons 2 and 3 when he watched The Sopranos

Only true answer



that was the moment.

This. When he saw the the tweekers at Home Depot and acted like the high school teacher he was and saw that he indeed have power he wanted more.

For you

how a man like Walter settles for a dumb bitch like Skyler ruined the show for me 0/10

it wasn't unscripted, it was supposed to land exactly how it landed

what surprised everyone (and why he almost breaks by looking up at the pizza while walking to his car) is that this is the very first take, and everyone assumed it'd take dozens to get right


Never. Heisenberg was just an alias Walt used to protect his identity. He was born Walter White, cooked some meth later in life and then died.

Thinking that he was some kind of schizophrenic, alter-ego-having superhero is reddit tier.

>Thinking that he was some kind of schizophrenic, alter-ego-having superhero is reddit tier.

Nobody has ever suggested this, you autist.

Almost every post above mine did. And you just did too by having a sook at my post, clearly showing how triggered you are because I broke your reddit fantasy illusion.

when he put on the fedora

Not just that, but she was threatening to expose him. Walt was in pretty deep at that point already.


Completely? Lily of the Valley.

He'd been a pushover faggot for all his life before the meth stuff.

It's called a trilby, big guy.

No one is implying that at all.
They are talking about the symbolic 'change' he goes through from being a teacher to being a murderous drug lord.

Not a fedora or a trilby. Looks like a Pork Pie hat.

when he couldn't catch that fly

When he confronts the dude outside Home Depot. That's when he realised he wasn't a chemistry teacher pretending to be drug dealing, he was a drug dealer pretending to be a chemistry teacher.

You expect me to remember anything about a fucking show that ended 5 years ago? Most of us binged watched Seasons 1-4.


easily the best moment of series, fuck that talentless cunt

This right moment.

Why did Gus put up with Walter for so long?

because watch the show