IT thread

Discuss your hopes and fears for this movie

New trailer when, this comes out in two months

I hope Niles makes a cameo


no prepubescent gang rape

thread over

That shit's still not out? Jesus christ.

Feels like I've been hearing about this movie for literally 5 years. It looks decent though

hope that the turtle is in it
fears of them killing IT like in fukanagas script

This adaption of it has been in development since 2009

As long as the drider looks good this time around it's gonna be awesome. The tv series didn't do the best of job with mixing puppetry and cgi. But that was long ago and on a cheaper budget. The brief glimpse we've gotten of the driders in the Dark Tower series has given us hope that the driders will be handled properly but even then we've only see them briefly and mostly their faces. But It is suppose to be more powerful so might have a slightly different look.

Turtle won't be in this one. That's the next one.

>Turtle won't be in this one. That's the next one.

Wow, who would have guessed that driderfag doesn't know what he's talking about.

The Turtle is dead when the Losers go back as adults.

>mfw not keeping up with news about the movie

>turtle wont be in this one
Bill meets the turtle when he's a kid and it is dead by time they're adults. If they dont introduce it here, they never will.

There's a pic of the director holding a toy turtle in one of the kids' rooms so make of that what you will.

IT's my most anticipated movie of all time. I have full faith it will be good. You could bitch about them making the horror monsters more personal to the narrative instead of going full Universal Mummy Werewolf etc like in the novel, but you'd be a piece of shit to do so.

They allude to the turtle. In the new version of the boat scene you Georgie chase past tarps in the road that look like turtle shells as he approaches his ultimate BTFO

>that severed arm
rated R kino coming soon boys

Of all of It's forms, they're gonna include the Paul bunyan statue?
Guess it could tie in well if they dont skimp over Derry's history.
I have such cautious optimism for this movie, but little things are gonna ruin It for me.

God i hope he talks. The trailers make him look like a living jump scare with no lines.

What sucks is the producer confirmed that they aren't going to spoil his voice in any of the trailers. Gonna have to wait until it comes out.

Im reading the script now
Its pretty brazy cuz It is just in the kids houses and likes fucking with them to scare them so they taste better and he can overpower them (since It is actually really weak unless they're afraid).

Like It just goes into their house and like into their bedrooms and trolls them all day. Like in that scene he has his brothers corpse and then he floods the basement and makes Will go into the basement and then he sock puppets the bros body and then jumps out like OOOGA BOOGA BOOGA STOOPID DOG and then Will runs away all scare and thats the whole point. sick sadistic childish shit to scare a child that the clown guy actually enjoys doing. hes like that tails gets trolled comic where bugs bunny acts all gay and retarded


is this the script where they go full urban youth and just gang up on him with shed tools

It wasn't gang rape you fucking faggot.
It wasn't even a gang bang.

Oh god let this not be true. Ive heard that they are actually using alot of Fukunagas script

kek why are you so angry at a dumb joke user

is this pasta

There's a lot of the stuff from the trailer that shows Fukunaga's script been changed substantially like Eddie's run in with the leper from the book.

The only reason Fukunaga was fired by WB was because he wanted to go full on with the weird sexual shit like Bev's dad raping her every night.

>shitty child acting
It will be dog shit.

>show the history of derry
>how long IT has been active and all its past murders and massacres
>dont skimp out on the child killings, they were brutal in the book
>be able to explore and explain the mythology behind what IT is and how the defeat it
>dont stray ANY farther then the book, theyve already shown they will change a lot and I dont want to see anything else "improved" so they can market it better
>decent acting and writing, again staying some what faithful to the books, this mostly falls on the directors though. Still, I dont want to see the kid actors ham it up

>basically the opposite of everything I just said
>condensing ITs reign into just one summer
this is really pissing me off, the latetst trailer shows them finding betty ripsons shoe in the sewer in the middle of the summer. In the book she is killed on chirstmas. I want to see derry in the snow and it shows how powerful pennwysie is, killing people for a full year (or one time it was almost 3 years, again we should indulge in its history)
Ill say this, I actually like the costume, sure its not like the original or the book but ill give them props for trying something new. Plus we'd say they ripped off tim curry's if they went for a basic clown look. I cant agree with them using him like the fucking monster from MAMA where he runs screaming at them while the camera shakes. that will look stupid

Im gonna see it in theaters anyway with some friends, been waiting years for an IT remake, Dont care if im out 10 dollars for it. Ill post on Sup Forums when im done

Flying. Wasp. Leeches. From the novel.

It's the 21st century, it can be done justice.


fukus script was scrapped because it was fucking terrible.
>it was a clown the whole time
>bill's name changed to will for no reason
>not in the book edgy sex shit constantly thrown in for no reason
>they kill IT with a bunch of tools in 'will's' shed somehow

I hope it doesn't suck.

I fear it's most likely going to suck.

I'm glad this movie's incorporating the history of Derry, that was the best thing in the book.

Mine too. I hope it's half as good as the book, because even at half-speed it would still be amazing.


I want this film to be GOOD