Now that Opie's gotten fired, who will take his *snicker* "coveted" 3pm to 6pm timeslot?

Now that Opie's gotten fired, who will take his *snicker* "coveted" 3pm to 6pm timeslot?

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The last of an era. Show died a long time ago, though. I don't know what the fuck to do with my stupid XM lifetime package. The merger killed what O&A and "the boys" could've been (i.e. all of the comedians having their own shows on the channel AND getting paid fairly for them). Fuck Sirius.

Did he?

I stopped following them years ago.

Yeah. Allegedly it was because of filming Roland in the bathroom last week.

>basing a lifetime membership on alcoholic drugged up losers

It was worth it for them being funny on the radio. Who cares if they did drugs?

It just happened this week. Guy fucked up.

Most of my favorite comedians are drugged up/alcoholic losers.


I don't see the problem...

That's dumb. They just wanted a reason.

No big loss. Without all three there, the shows are shit.

radio is a dead medium.

Rich Vos will be at Punch Line in Sacramento this July 8

Yeah seems like it. I'm surprised he didn't get fired for fucking with Hoo Hoo so much over the past year.




I never followed them or stern

Fuck talk radio fr


Bit of a paux fas.


Isn't he just a chain smoker?

This. Why don't they just do a podcast?

2007 is the objectively comfiest year to listen back to

Functional alcoholic, last I checked.

I think O&A were talking about it. There is probably still some bad blood there, though.

Because truckers and travelling salesmen driving long distances like to call in, and they actually pay for radio unlike podcast freeloaders.

Also, LTE data coverage is spotty in the countryside that they will spend most of the time driving through, making web streaming or podcast download near impossible while passing through.

I really enjoyed Ron and Fez.
Latter was a whiner but every single time he set up topics he did so with grace and humor, always lining up Ron for a kill. Opie did the same thing but you could hear it came from a selfish place. Sort of his childish way of feeling superior to Anthony. The guy blasts in there out the tin crisper and out-does this fair haired lackwit who'd been striving at it for yeeears. Was never surprising.

crowning ceremony when

The Destroyer will be fine


Hahaha, fucking do it.

Erik Nagel

crown em

>i'm gonna make columbine look like a fuckign joke

what the fuck?

>corsican pimp

Fucking Colin is a genius.

erock punching out

Human Toad!


Erock, comment?

Hopefully he'll be chips guest this weekend

It's not spotty on the interstates

Ron and Fez became really weird when Fez completely stopped talking and it basically became the Ron/Chris Stanley show while occasionally talking about Fez's depression. And I still found it fascinating. I've seen every Ron and Fez clip on youtube, most multiple times. I just think it's a fascinating fucking show, it was very good in the classic days with Talking Fez and ESD/Black Earl but it was still fascinating when it became this weird psychiatry show

>Now, the blueberry is one that c-can't work on its own
>It has to have something with it, like the kiwi. It's uh... Not a...
>Stand al- uh, *sigh*
>Stand-alone fruit

i retract my statement...and go fuck myself

>The David and Bobo Show, three to six

what is going on

Drinking bleach again?

considering it

Opie and Jim aren't talking anymore.

i would pay erock $500 for one of those right now.

I don't really care about o&a drama but that makes sense. Jimmy seems like a guy who cuts ties if you're a dick and Opie is a brooding cunt who pushes everyone away from him with his neurotic shit.

Jimmy is a worm who'll shut up and tolerate everything as long as it brings food to the table, but once that dries up he's out.

Opie hurt him pretty bad on air though with his sociopathic lack of self awareness.

probably pneumonia with a dusting of sepsis
An I doubt he's W/D(just not high cuz tolly), prolly on 1 or 2 mg of dihydromorphinone

That chair is an engineering marvel.

Why do you say "snicker". That's end of day commute time, literally is the most coveted timeslot in radio.

>radio is a dead medium.

Literally only basement dwellers without jobs think this. Almost everyone listens to the radio during their commute. And don't mention podcasts or some shit you have to download before you drive cuz that's like saying grocery stores are going to put restaurants out of business.

yea he doesn't drink last i've heard. i think the greg giraldo suicide spooked him

I had to drive 3-4 hours a day for work and I couldn't listen to enough podcasts. Unfortunately every one sucks now because a lot of the old greats can't get off Trumps dick. Goddamn it I want to hear jokes not politics!

>why is the media so pro trump? it's like come on!

The show really started to go downhill after Patrice died. When they first started on WNEW, Opie actually wasn't as bad. Anthony and him played off each other.


get a refund

>the shade
Did Opie's genetic mental illness finally kick in fully?

>hurt him on air
Saying you won't go to a good friends benefit because of personal drama will do that to a "friendship"

I really hope you're not joking. This guy is the luckiest guy in showbiz. He genuinely hasn't a drop of talent in his entire body. A random guy of the streets would have been easier to carry throughout a career, because at least the random guy would know when to shut up. Everyone in the O&A universe is pretty dumb, but this guy takes the cake.

He must have """""""snorted glass as a joke""""""" again.


Maybe he will reunite with Anthony on his show.


>Everyone in the O&A universe is pretty dumb, but this guy takes the cake.
one might even say he stomps on it.


Aren't they still living in the same fucking building? Grow up, boys.


We've got a call to take on this topic, let's go to Snowy in Michigan


> He genuinely hasn't a drop of talent in his entire body

I think sometimes the bandwagon hate on opie is a bit silly. Listening to old shows, you can clearly hear him say some funny shit. Is he as funny as Anthony, Jimmy, and the slew of comedians? Fuck, no. But he had his moments. He also had a lot of moments of stopping a bit cold in its tracks, but all of these fucks had some hangups that annoyed the shit out of me (e.g. Anthony's racist tirades that stopped being funny minutes ago, Jimmy's fucking neediness, Jimmy losing his shit over something minor, Anthony letting some vapid whore talk for half an hour because he thinks he can fuck her later, etc.).

people hate opie because he's a piece of shit

>XM lifetime package
Did you do this for O&A? Did you not know how old they are?

But my point is that they are ALL pieces of shit.

>you can clearly hear him say some funny shit
I honestly can't think of one funny thing he said. Everytime he opened his mouth he gave me douche-shills. He brings every fun joking conversation to a grinding halt.

The only funny things he ever did, was unironically doing shit so autistic that it unintentionally created awkward situations that were funny. His whole life was

>but all of these fucks had some hangups that annoyed the shit out of me
I don't disagree with this. Especially Jimmy annoys the fuck out of me too especially when he pretends he's not an uneducated moron who writes joke for a living and talks in that slow condescending tone. Or when he thinks unironically sharing his perverted cringeworthy thoughts is somehow funny. But at least Jimmy has moments (especially with Ant) where he can actually bounce off other people and create that fun tough crowd atmosphere we all know and love.

Gregg brought NOOOOTHIIING to the table. He actually took away from it, a lot.

Eh... yes and no. Prepackaged music format radio stations will always be around but talk radio has changed a lot. Podcasts have largely taken over there.

Hollywood Handbook my friend.

Opie being an asshole to someone never failed to amuse me (usually because it was a slow simmer that led into just outright ruining someone's day). He's had a couple of one-liners as well that were funny. Mind you, a broken clock is right twice a day. But pretending he's just this black hole of comedy just seems like a bandwagon thing I've only seen crop up in the last 4-5 years.

Streaming music hasn't killed top 40 stations?

Nah not yet. It certainly hasn't killed classic rock or '80s, 90s and today' formats either.

Foundry Music is gonna blow up any day now


we did it Sup Forums

>foundry music

That's a weird way to spell waistline and skull.

Why does Yimmy hate Opie now too?

God thin Jimmy is creepy as fuck.


Why was Opie obsessed with instant feedback? Nobody else gave a shit.

Because he had literally nothing else to bring to any conversation.


He was decent before Jimmy came on. He got progressively worse as time went on.

Holy fuck Club Soda Kenny BTFO the Opster.

What is this 1999?

Opie never realized he turned into his mom.

He would constantly bring it up like an autist

My favorite song is PENDULUM.