Anybody up for an X-Files general?

Anybody up for an X-Files general?
Do you have any favorite episodes that you don't usually see in most lists?
From the top of my head, I'd say John Doe and F. Emasculata. I love those, but I hardly see them mentioned.

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they never had a legit zombie episode :(

the "cops" parody was fun

I like that episode where they get stuck in a hurricane with some water monster. For some reason most people hate that one.

I also really dislike that Jose Chung episode even though most people seem to like it a lot.

I do like that one, Agua Mala. It's a pretty decent one.

I cannot understand how would you hate Jose Chung. I like Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose better, but Jose Chung is excellent as well.

>they never had a legit zombie episode :(
What about the Millenium one?

>the "cops" parody was fun
Yeah, love that one, and it's strangely underrated, considering it's from Gilligan.

>that episode
"Agua Mala"

There was one about some demon or some shit that terrorizes this neighborhood if people don't have all their shit a certain way. I think. I could be completely making this up.

I fell off with this at the start of season 5 after picking my way through the show already, what's a fun thriller episode like Home or Host. No melodrama pls

This scene in Children of Men was incredible

tooms is the one

I seem to recall something similar, did it have a scene with someone telling Mulder to remove his basketball hoop from the driveway because it didn't fit in with the local housing 'regulations'?

missed that one

I wonder if they studied his body,really wish they did follow up's sometimes.

Went through and watched seasons 1 &2 earlier this year. I found myself getting pretty frustrated with the pacing of some episodes, so I had to take a break from it. I remember liking the episodes with Tooms in them. The episodes that were very clearly recreating John Carpenter's The Thing were good too but I might be biased towards them. The episode where loggers cut down a tree and accidentally release a swarm of insects from the prehistoric era was actually something I could see happening and the protocol observed by the government was real authentic, "What if you can't contain it?" "We WILL contain it, Agent Mulder." sold it at the very end.

I like the werewolf episode, but the vampire episode was really lame and I say that as someone who prefers vampires over werewolves.

I love xfiles, but it annoys me that instead of consistently developing an epic conspiracy-arc, they were already doing funny meta episodes by, like, the third or fourth season.

As I mentioned in the first post, John Doe from season 9 is great. Although you don't even know who John Doggett is so it might not be a good idea to jump right into that one.
Maybe Drive from season 6 would be a good choice. Kitsunegari from season 5 is good too, if you liked Pusher from season 3.

Everyone hate's it.
It has an interesting atmosphere but the story is so dull.

Yeah, it's the one where Mulder & Scully had to pose as a married couple. It wasn't a great episode but it's got plenty of great moments.

But that one is constantly mentioned as one of the best.

Well, there's zombies in that one

Was txf ever melodramatic?
Maybe i'm too autistic to notice.
Anyway,watch detour or x-cops.

>the vampire episode was really lame
Yeah, it's one of the shittiest of the whole show.

The meta episodes in 3rd and 4th season were good though. It's after the 5th that they turn into a shitshow. Season 8 gets things back on track but then season 9 happaned.

luke wilson lmao

They're zombies In hollywood A.D. too,both are so-so episode storywise but have good moments.

Bad bloods great,3 is not.

It doesn't bother me because the outside the box episodes surpassed the conspiracy ones almost immediately. As soon as bounty hunters and bees got introduced they lost me.

Some of the mytharc was, specially those awful ones that were meant to "solve" Samantha's disappearance, and the ones involving Scully and her supposed daughter. What a fucking piece of shit those were.
And there was also episodes like El Mundo Gira and The Field Where I Died, but let's pretend those don't exist. It's weird that Morgan & Wong delivered one of the best episodes of the whole series (Home) and one of the worst (TFWID) in the same season.

I thought the conspiracy arc is mostly consistent - it's just that it keeps building and building.
The meta-episodes were some of the best, so I'm not complaining. In fact, I think a 'great X File episode is one of the best TV episodes around - and there's plenty or great episodes.

Yeah, I was talking about 3. Bad Blood is ok.

You're right, I guess I just deleted Hollywood A.D. from memory for being so shit. Only the bathtub scene was good.

Yeah I meant 3

It was fucking terrible. I'm really fucking surprised it wasn't written by a woman because it felt like something you'd find in the "erotic" section at a book store.

>bounty hunters
How did you not like the ABH? When he showed up you knew shit was going to go down.

Bounty hunters and bees sound retarded, and they should be, but they make for such entertaining episodes. It's once the Syndicate goes away that the mythology does not only continue to be a mess, but it turns into a boring one.

what episode is where death row inmate can see murders and even called for scully's dead dad. It was absolutely kino 100% my guy

I agree.I kinda liked closure though,even though it was probably meant to be a quick resolution before duchovny left.

I really don't understand why they gave scully a daughter other than forced drama but whatever,i always skip those eps and they never talk about it again anyway.

I really like follie a deux, both the concept of the episode as the weird way in which the monster moves around when someone is able to see it. As if they still cannot accurately perceive it.

Beyond the sea
Just watched it again,its great.

I liked all the grounded stuff (government conspiracy, brainwashing, cloning, the stuff with indians) but if I remember right the ABH started off a whole new level of weird to the main plot that never goes anywhere satisfying enough for me to buy the premise to start

>You're right, I guess I just deleted Hollywood A.D. from memory for being so shit. Only the bathtub scene was good.

It's kinda a shame because i liked all the ep's david wrote aside from this.

The unnatural is kinda cheesey but i can't help but love it.

Beyond The Sea. Also a top episode, mostly thanks to Brad fucking Dourif doing his shit.
Even so minor episodes like Theef and Brand X are so enjoyable because they got legends like Billy Drago and Tobin Bell to guest star.

>and they never talk about it again anyway.
It's an important part in the episode All Souls

I hated closure. I would've rather have Samantha remain as an X-File. At least she could still work as some sort of McGuffin, even after Duchovny was gone.
That ending to her story was so fucking dumb.

>Brad fucking Dourif

>mostly thanks to Brad fucking Dourif doing his shit
Gillian did pretty well too.

I just decided to rewatch the reboot season and my god it's even shittier than when I first watched it.

Is television just getting worse over time or does it happen to be the shows I am picking?

I meant post s5,i haven't watched all souls in a while though

why the hate?

>I would've rather have Samantha remain as an X-File
I'd have rather found out Samantha had been taken by a paedophile. It would've been pretty hard hitting for Mulder to have found so many conspiracies and supernatural beings, only to realise that his reason for doing so had been misplaced, and was much simpler.

the burt reynolds episode is literally one of the best in the show's history

Nah, that'd be shit and take any motivation from him and anybody around him to keep snooping around. It's just a shit "gotcha" twist that would ruin the show's themes and atmosphere.

>take any motivation from him
Why would it take motivation from him? He's spent his life dedicated to dealing with the supernatural.

What the hell are you talking about? It's probably one of the 10 worst ones.

I actually found the reboot to be better than I thought it was gonna be. I thought that the 3 MOTW were good (2 and 4) to great (3). The mythology ones were a mixed bag as usual and the only trully fucking awful one was the fifth. If Carter lets more people write and direct next season, it might be pretty damn decent.

They didn't know if the show was going to continue after season 7

I think as time went on the more of a mess her story became and it had a predictable ending too.

I kinda hoped it would've been something mundane like a serial killer abducting her or something but thats just me.

Because it was his way to look for her sister. Finding out she was actually taken by a pedo would make him quit, like he almost did every time they'd make him believe there was no real aliens.

They should've let it as vague as it was, where you knew there had been some shady shit going on, and that even his father was involved, but never knowing exactly what happened.
They should've learned a lesson from Twin Peaks.

How did they get away with this?

*his sister

>doesn't like the burt reynolds episode
>actually thinks the reboot weren't some of the worst the show has ever produced

you have absolutely shit taste. kill yourself

The chicken cannibalism episode was thebest, desu.

>They should've learned a lesson from Twin Peaks
The reveal is the best part of Twin Peaks though.
People go on about how it went to shit after that, and Lynch isn't happy with it, but it was inevitable. The show was built around the idea of following the wacky residents of Twin Peaks, with Laura's murder fading into the background. But we saw what happened when there was no murder mystery - the show couldn't hold itself together. The interesting part of Twin Peaks was the mystery, and they cut it out.
Samantha being abducted by aliens was not the most interesting part of the X Files.

I like the episodes where mulder has to use his profiling capabilities against semi normal people and it would've been interesting if he just suppressed someone taking her like they hinted at during the 4th and 7th season.

The conclusion we got was boring and predictable,aside from a serial killer i'm not sure what else they could have done though.

Are you really implying that revealing who killed Laura was a detriment to the show?

That episode was Carter's his most embarrasing display of self-indulgence in the whole series. It's as if he was completely unaware of how shit the show had been for the whole season.


>The reveal is the best part of Twin Peaks though.
Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. While 100 times more satisfying than the bullshit they came up for Samantha, it killed the show. And in a way, the Samantha thing killed it too, for a while. They were somewhat smart enough to sort of re-ignite it with Mulder's own disappearance but then they fucked everything up in the last season.

>ctrl f
>Field Trip
Field Trip.

>That episode was Carter's his most embarrasing display of self-indulgence in the whole series

but that's exactly what the reboot mini series was user, the whole scene about the alex jones clone and cringeworthy attacks on bill o'reilly were, without doubt, the worst sequences on the show.


>the only trully fucking awful one was the fifth
I hope you're not including this when you say that.

>aside from a serial killer i'm not sure what else they could have done though.
Nothing, leave it as vague as it was, where we had enough info to know The Smoking Man and Mulder's father were involved, but we wouldn't know the details of it. That was good enough. It's not like the show was known from explaining everything and tying all loose ends in a tidy knot anyway.

I'm saying it killed the show. It's different to compare Twin Peaks with X-Files since from episode 1 you can tell Twin Peaks was meant to have a definitive end, while that wasn't the case for the X-Files. My point is that they should've seen what happened when they tried to keep TP going after the solving of the murder, and realize they shouldn't even attempt to solve Samantha's disappearance. Just let her be the ultimate x-file.

What did you think was the best part of Twin Peaks..? I can get liking some characters more than the investigation, but none of them were consistently excellent.
And you're not seriously saying Samantha's reveal killed the show when the very next episode was X-Cops, right?

>the whole scene about the alex jones clone and cringeworthy attacks on bill o'reilly were, without doubt, the worst sequences on the show.
I think the worst sequences of the show were any of the ones included in episode 5.
Other than that, I was ok with the Alex Jones character as a means to update the show to nowadays reality. It would've been worse if they just ignored all that shit that's going on in the internet nowadays. Could they've done something better with it? Sure, episodes 1 & 6 had some good classic mythology moments but also a lot of what made the mythology the worst part of the later seasons. I still think the season was better than it could've been. There was not much self-aware bullshit or forced things. The MOTW episodes felt natural and wouldn't be out of place in any of the earlier seasons.
Maybe you had your hopes too high. I just hoped I wouldn't hate it, and I didn't.


I think it was the investigation, but not necessarily them solving her murder, but finding more shit about TP and its inhabitants. Like I said, it still felt like the show was supposed to have a definitive ending, so it's different than The X-Files. My point is that the lesson they should've learned is that if you plan to continue the show, don't solve the case that's the core of it.
And yes, while there were still some MOTW out there, a big chunk of the heart of the show went away, mostly in Mulder's motivation. The character was kinda redundant after that, and I think it was a good idea to make him get abducted and be the new "Samantha". That injected new life into season 8, which I'd say it's better than both seasons 6 & 7. But after all things are said and done, the resolution of the whole Samantha affair was a big mistake.

Yes, I am. It goes for too long and has jack shit to do with the episode. It was a self aware "look how cool I am, fellow kids" moment that I feared that season was gonna be filled with. Fortunately, they only kept it contained in that shit episode.

I mean,the show can't go on forever.
Closure was meant be the final resolution to a show no one expected to continue.
I was happy something wasn't open ended for once even though it was kinda meh.

S7s mytharc overall is full of decent ideas that are poorly executed,tbqh.

>has jack shit to do with the episode.
But it's how they solve the mystery user. Without the mushroom trip the episode wouldn't have been resolved.

Scully not being in his trip irked me.

Yeah, the mytharc was best when we couldnt be sure whether there were aliens , or whether something/somebody else was using the idea of aliens as a cover, or whether it was genetic experiments, etc. And when there was the spooky watergate/noir-influenced conspiracy aesthetic - meeting informants in dim parking garages, etc. It was probably too much to ask that the mystery be resolved in a way that made sense. I guess what we got is enough to be thankful for.

As I remember the episode, that wasn't at all how they solved it.

William kinda became samantha 2.0 to me,since we knew david would not be back fulltime at that point so finding him was kinda futile unless they were going to end the show.

First off, that closure was shit. Not just poorly executed, but the idea itself, it was fucking godawful.
Second, in a show that's known for leaving open endings everywhere, what was the rush to solve that? Even more so, in the middle of a season and in a way that it's as unrelated to the myth arc as possible?
They obviously weren't "sure" if the show was gonna go on, but were willing to do so. Then, why shoot yourself in the foot like that? Leave an open ending to it, in every season before. By then, Samantha's disappearance was more relevant as a mystery itself than any bullshit explanation they could've come up with.

It was - Mulder finds out what the coma guy is trying to say, warning them about the other terrorists.

>david would not be back fulltime
You didn't need him back fulltime. His disappearance on season 8 was great to keep Scully motivated, and add Doggett into the mix. After that, when Mulder returned, Scully should've cooled off and only serve as an occassional consultant to Doggett, who would be motivated by his own son and all the shit he had seen during the past year.
The character had somewhat earned people's sympathy by then, and helped out by Scully guest starring, and Skinner, and maybe the introduction of a new rookie to help him out, it could've slowly lead into a new generation of X-Files, or at least end it in a higher note. Instead they fucking shoved Reyes and his magical bullshit out of nowhere, forced a romance with Doggett, completely void of chemistry, and that had nothing to do with the characters, and kept pushing forward with that super-soldiers bullshit.
It's such a shame how the show ended.

But wasn't the whole thing that he didn't really take the mushrooms?

That didn't stop him from getting the information he wanted.
Hey man, just love the sequence, not the story they constructed to get it to work.

I still hated it because of what I said here

The starlight concept was shit sure but the rest was perfectly acceptable.

And it wasn't just the fact that the show was possibly ending it was the fact that the lead actor was leaving,why would scully care about solving samanthas disappearance if mulder was gone?
Sure one could help resolve the other but each end with the shit outcomes, either we get an unsatisfying resolution with scully finding mulder and them continuing their search indefinitely and thats how it ends or scully solving samanthas case without mulder being there which would not feel right.

At that point. with all the cloning and all other bullshit they had came up with, there was no way to solve Samantha's case. Like I said, they should've left it as some sort of ultimate X-File, maybe to link it to Mulder's disappearance later, or even to Doggett's son's death and therefore, continue the conspiracy plot without coming up with bullshit like "super soldiers".
Keep it vague, if the show doesn't continue, it's just left as "the truth is out there", which is the fucking theme of the whole show, and if it continues, you still have it handy to milk it or just ignore it. But at least you wouldn't have screwed such a big part of the mythos in the ass just because you were on a hurry to come up with an ending, after 6 years of winging it.
The problem with Carter is that he started the show having interesting questions to ask, but at some point he started believing he also had interesting answers, and that is so much harder to pull off.

I like Doggett but personally I think it would be neat if the reboot was about William trying to find his parents and discovering The X-Files,If IWTB and S10 never happened the last time we see Mulder and Scully they're vigilantes on the run so it could have been a pretty interesting mystery,oh well.

Eh,I like the fact that they resolved the biggest mystery in the show.

I don't really want the show to continue either I just want them to tie up all the storylines this season (lol) and end it,As much as I like TXF's premise I don't think I could watch it with different leads personally.

>"Agua Mala"
jise chung is the most comfy episode

> Decide to make a six episode 'season'
> Make three of them MOTW episodes
> Decide to cram an entire season's worth of plot into three remaining episodes
> Each mytharc episode has the pacing of a hyperactive meth addict as a result
> Arbitrarily change the entire mythology of the previous 9 season for literally no reason

Season 10 was a fucking disaster, as much as it pains me to say it the series would have been better off without it.

>the series would have been better off without it.
But we got one of the best episodes of the show ever.

Kill Switch, and here's why ...

1) Not a Mytharc. Never did like the Mytharcs.
2) Good sense of humor without any smug self-referential stuff.
3) Great opening scene
4) "Twilight Time"
5) Esther Narin, one of the better one-off characters the show has seen
6) Sad/downer ending.

That was my go-to comfy ep.