If you kill him he'll win

>if you kill him he'll win
Yeah, so fucking what? Who cares if he wins in his own mind? I still get revenge, who cares what the fuck he thinks? He'll be fucking dead anyways, so his victory will only last for like one second.

fincher is a hack
Gwdt his best movie

I just saw it on IFC, too.

Zodiac is the best

I thought this was going to be one of those ISIS films.

You can't just shoot an unarmed prisoner in cold blood dude. Pitt is getting arrested at the end.

except the guy ended up in prison himself and probably on the death row because of his murder
so he won as in fucking his life even more than just killing his wife

>kill suspect in your custody
>get put in jail
So now his wife and unborn baby are dead, AND he's in jail for the rest of his life.

Extreme emotional distress will obviously be attached. No chance he does any real time

Oh good so if I'm angry and I kill someone I won't go to jail. You're fucking retarded. KYS.

He would though. Spacey was in chains and in police custody. Pitt was himself a police. All that would lead into jail time.

Also, he would loose his job over this.

All in all, Spacey won and got what he wanted, as Pitt would be punished of his sin of wrath.

Getting mad because you didn't get your semen rations is different than killing someone because you find the severed head of your pregnant wife in a box.

Murder is murder.

it's a numale line of thinking

if you kill your enemies they win

what jury do you think is sending him to death row after hearing what happened to his wife?

Yeah no jury is going to give that man serious time. Atleast in Texas they wouldn't.

Then why go to the site at all for the head? Did you not pay attention to the scene right before they went out to the desert? John's attorney said he would plead insanity and so he'd be sentenced to a mental institution instead of pound me in the ass prison

Well, it probably would be considered as manslaughter, as there was no predetermination from Pitt, but he would still go to jail.

Keep in mind, he did cut off his pregnant fiance's head and had it shipped to the middle of nowhere to fulfill his endgame.

Because everybody else will see what he made Mills do. It'll feed his mythology and make his legend all the more potent over the years.

If Mills had refused to kill him then his plan would've been foiled.

Hollywood isn't THAT Jewish.

The real sin was that he didn't shoot his kneecaps first and work his way up. Was anyone else annoyed that he just gave him a quick headshot?

This is the only good answer.

Anyone who thinks pitt would go to jail is stupid

This movie is a masterpiece but the ending always annoys me because I get into debates with people who think that Mills would go to prison. BULLSHIT! If there was ever a more clear cut case of temporary insanity, I'd like to hear it. Guy just found out his wife was beheaded and that she was pregnant. No jury in the world would convict him!!!FACT!!!

This. I really wanted to see Doe's composure tested. Would he still be Smug Spacey if he was bleeding out?

He would definitely go to jail.

>Jury nullification doesn't exist



Because revenge isn't as awesome as movies would have you believe. On top of that, he still dies knowing that he beat you, and nothing you can do will bring your newly-murdered wife and unborn baby back.