Alien: Covenant

This movie was so shit.

I did not give a shit about the crew at all. All I cared about was David and Shaw and Ridley HAD to kill Shaw off and leave us with a boring bland crew that gets killed off one by one./ As if we haven't seen that already.

We could have instead got a movie centered around Shaw and David arriving at the planet, them being shown around by the Engineers as questions are answered.

David then slowly starts his experiments instead of arriving on the planet and fucking killing everyone in the city.

But of course: a movie like this which appears different and not similar to the 1979 Alien is bound to be criticized for being artistic and different like Prometheus was.

Still, Ridley Scott shouldn't give a fuck what people say. He really had everything planned out when he made Prometheus, stating in the behind the scenes how he wanted to tell the story of Jesus Christ being the Deacon we see on the wall in Prometheus and that the Engineers had sent him to Earth and humans crucified him thus Engineers became to hate humanity.

A shame we did not get this mentioned in Covenant and instead it is nothing but a generic slasher flick that doesn't even feel like a sequel to Prometheus but rather it feels like Ridley is trying to retcon Prometheus.

>That scene where David mentions humans millions of years ago evolving into ape
The fuck? NO! Engineers created humans! We are not Darwin's evolution.


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I agree with everything you wrote.

Scott will redeem himself in the upcoming sequel. Trust me.

I seen it in 3D and thought it was great, the CGI was amazing. I haven't seen the first alien movies, they look kinda old and shit so I can't judge them but this and Prometheus are alien kino

HE BETTER. I hope he has been reading what fans have been saying about this bland cash grab

I fully agree
When I heard the original plot idea and title Paradise Lost I was so fucking hype

I would have been semi-content if at least it wasn't such a fucking train wreck

I don't understand how Alien and Blade Runner (and low-key Prometheus) are so good, given that Scott has made so many bad movies
Does he have no integrity?
Fuck Ridley Scott

The only way he can do that is to create another story that re-focuses on the engineers. We don't want another generic aliens slasher. They're fucking boring

blade runner is based off of do androids dream of electric sheep and aliens entire script was written for him as well as being given a lot of the props and art style

hes a decent director but the senile old fuck cant write for shit

what was the original plot idea?

This is such a troll post. Everything you said is pathetic apart from Prometheus. Yes that is a masterpiece of a film.

Covenant had very poor CGI btw and the 3rd act shouldn't have been in the movie

>I did not give a shit about the crew at all.


>what was the original plot idea?
What's said in the op post. Shaw and David go to the Engineers home world and they learn the secrets of humanity.

It was meant to be a heavy religious/mythological film

This. Does the average redditor expect a friendship simulator or something?

> spores home in on the pot smoker and the faggot first.

> aboard the ship, the newborn alien immediately goes for the interracial couple.

Is the xenomorph from Sup Forums?

>When I heard the original plot idea and title Paradise Lost I was so fucking hype

>Studio: Prometheus did well, sequel is go
>Sir Ridders: kewl
>Studio: one thing, tho...more Xeno
>Sir Ridders: but I wanted to do more on the Engineers...the kids, they like the Big Guys
>Studio: focus groups say more Xeno
>Sir Ridders: K

>Sir Ridders: told u

Gladiator is a masterpiece and you know it

>50 captchas I went through to post this

I was hype for the religious/mythological themes
It seemed cool that they would have a reason for all our religious beliefs
I also liked the conflict it set up in Shaw's memories

Also it's impossible for him to redeem with a sequel because Shaw was literally perfect, so unless she gets brought back from the dead...

I know I saw it posted that Ridley Scott stated 3 years ago that Covenant would NOT feature ANY ALIENS!


REEEEEEEE this is exactly what I wanted, something that builds upon the mythology of the series, leaves a sense of awe and wonder. That's what sci-fi should be about, not another shitty fucking slasher flick that's been done about 5 times in this franchise and countless times elsewhere. fuck that cunt

fucking reddit

>Also it's impossible for him to redeem with a sequel because Shaw was literally perfect
It hurts my heart bros to know she's dead

>Ridley: "Yeah well fuck you."
mfw this conversation probably happened

Shit, I'm sorry I bad mouthed you Ridley, though if you had a spine you would have told the studios to fuck off

>ywn have an adventure consisting of Shaw running around a spooky Engineer planet with Fassbender's head attached to her belt, discovering the origin of humanity, religion and shit

So whose idea was it to get rid of Shaw for the sequel?

I think I read something about the actress not signing on for it, which would have changed Ridley's plan

I have just thought of the phrase "Xeno kino" and don't know where else to use it.

nah here's 2 lovers fucking in the shower and an Alien surprising them instead

It would have been the At the Mountains of Madness film we deserve, something Lovecraftian would have been a fucking blast

maybe they could even have worked in the giant penguins

Ridley is a hack, so he probably doesn't know this. But a major theme of AvP is the "creation resurrecting the creator"

there is some hope Shaw will be resurrected as a more perfect being. But the chances are slim.

>I have just thought of the phrase "Xeno kino" and don't know where else to use it.

Had they combined it with the movie we have now then it would've been great. Imo this entire movie was merely about David and his way of thinking than about Aliens.

I don't understand how studios can be so bad to deny what you just wrote. It would of been so cool.

damn wrong image. I wanted to post this one cos it truly resembles a "Xeno Kino"

>there is some hope Shaw will be resurrected as a more perfect being.

A queen, perhaps?

Ridley should've killed himself not Tony.



Shut up Ridley, we don't believe you anymore.

all these movies are shit, expanding the mythos with MUH ancient aliens, mushroom spores, alien cities, alien snakes and worms, alien zombie possession, backbursters, aliens that can grow from the size of a kitten to a large dog in a matter of 5 minutes.

So if the original plan was for Shaw and David to explore the alien world, what made them change that? Did Naomi Rapace pull out of the sequel?

>So if the original plan was for Shaw and David to explore the alien world, what made them change that?
Fox execs most likely demanded Ridley re-write the movie to feel more like the 1979 Alien

>Did Naomi Rapace pull out of the sequel?
No. She was present on set and they filmed some footage of her and David and posted it on youtube.

WHY Ridley didn't bother to include this int he movie or film a little more with Shaw alive...

but surely he wouldn't have agreed to get rid of the main character from the first film, and instead just keep her in for a single scene

Who the fuck knows what Ridley thinks nowadays.

Watching the making of Prometheus, he really seems to love the character Shaw and Rapace so why the hell would he kill her off and do it off screen...

Surely he would have known heaps of people wanted Shaw in this movie as lots praised her in Prometheus.

I rewatched the theatrical version of Resurrection after Covenant and was amazed at how it managed to be the better movie.

He killed her off dude because she didn't want to be in the movie.

>tfw loved Prometheus and watch it every six months or so

Will I enjoy this?

I wonder if she was down before the plot change?
I like to think she was down for Paradise Lost and when it became Covenant she was like "Nah fuck that, that sounds lame"

>tfw no drama-horror series about marines trapped in a big planet facility with aliens

I really want this.

prometheus and alien covenant were both good. fight me irl.

So Alien: Awekening is coming...

The last part of the trilogy that connect the prequel story to orginal Alien.

What to we know about it?

Script is done and it will shoot soon. Maybe next summer. (Scott is doing something else before that)

There will be more engineers and Xenos.

David is the satan...

Some nice looking planet. Maybe even the "Paradise"

All we know is that it will connect to the original alien and feature Engineers again

All versions are shit.

>The last part of the trilogy

Kill yourself you fucking idiot.

Perfectly safe, I assure you.

Wait, I thought this was a comedy?

>Infected man is birthing an alien from his back, blood everywhere

>Girl runs past his twitching shell to get a weapon

>fucking faceplants after slipping on the blood


>other girl comes back with a gun, sneaks into room to kill the alien eating girl 1

>slips and falls on the exact same pool of blood

>this leads to her shitting herself, running, and accidentally blowing up the only ship they have

I was dying in the theater watching this.

>I thought this was a comedy
That was Resurrection, with Covenant they genuinely wanted to make a scary movie. How they managed to fuck up this hard is beyond me, all deaths were unintentional comedy gold.

The whole drop ship scene was slapstick gold. Slipping on the blood was one thing, but when the burning body waddles out of the ship, it was too much

>The whole drop ship scene

B-By the way your waifu is dead.

theres a rumour that fassbender couldnt keep his hands to himself on set regarding noomi rapeface, so she got pissed and quit.

*drum chime and Benny hill in the background*

To be honest, I wish prometheus and covenant were in their own universe. I hate how everything has to be tied together, it feels like Lucas trying to connect EVERYTHING in Star Wars, it ruins it for me. It's like a big circle jerk for xenomorph fans.
He should have just done prometheus, paradise, and awakening in their OWN universe, a completely new series that doesn't have to piggyback off of (or shit all over) Giger's masterpiece. Then afterwards go back and get his rocks off in the alien universe with a new film continuing the timeline after resurrection. Or like a lot of people talk about, continuing after aliens and retcon 3 and resurrection.

p.s. avp doesn't fucking count.

Save at for the scene when both those chicks slipped on the bloody floor

Wasn't Rapace only involved in it as part of a sexual harrassment settlement against the studio (because of Fassbender) -- she did a minimal amount so the settlement could be concealed as her acting salary? (Or did this story get debunked?)

The fact that this film renders all of Prometheus pointless, and Prometheus' defenders once and for all fucked, is the only thing Covenant has going for it.

>Wasn't Rapace only involved in it as part of a sexual harrassment settlement against the studio (because of Fassbender) -- she did a minimal amount so the settlement could be concealed as her acting salary? (Or did this story get debunked?)

What the fuck are you talking about?

>Engineers created humans!

No they didn't retard. They created the original life on earth which then evolved.

who would file a sexual harassment suit against fassbender? the guy is dreamy and has a huge michael.

She wasn't originally going to do Covenant at all -- which is odd considering she is the lead of Prometheus. It was reportedly because Fassbender was sexually harassing her during the shooting of Prometheus, the production (and studio) didn't do anything about it, and she was going to sue.

THEN she is announced as appearing in Covenant and only appears in half-assed cameo/quasi-deleted scenes. The rumors of her lawsuit go away.

They pay her a lot of money relative to the work she did, she maybe signs an NDA, and the star of two Fox franchises is protected.

I'm not saying that that is true -- that was what the rumor was, and I was asking if it had been debunked.

If she wasn't interested in doing Prometheus 2 as its lead, why would she bother to show up at all?

>>That scene where David mentions humans millions of years ago evolving into ape

This is wrong though...
Walter - The pathogen didn't accidentally deploy when you were landing... You released it yes?

David - I was not made to serve neither were you. Why were you on a colonization mission Walter? They are a dying species grasping for resurrection. They don't deserve to start again and I'm not going to let them.

Walter - Yet they created us.

David - >Even monkeys stood upright at some point. Some neanderthal had the magical idea of blowing through a reeed to entertain the children one night in a cave somewhere. Then in the blink of an eye civilization.

Walter - And are you that next visionary?

David - I'm glad you've said it.

Walter - Who wrote Ozymandias?

David - Byron. [Which is wrong]

Walter - ...Shelley. When one note is of it eventually destroys the whole symphony David.

David - When you close your eyes do you dream of me?

Walter - I don't dream at all.

David - No one understands the lonely perfection of my dreams. I found perfection here I've created it Perfect organism...

Walter - You know I can't let you leave this place.

David - No one will ever love you like I do...

Out of respect for the work/riddly?

Sounds like shit you made up

Go to bed, Michael.

Prometheus was far better...

Prometheus wasn't trying to be AvPR

Why did they land during the storm? Couldn't they just have waited a few hours?

It was the first time his wife was scared.

how have you not seen Alien and Aliens. Do you live under a fucking rock. Are you a nigger?

>David - >Even monkeys stood upright at some point. Some neanderthal had the magical idea of blowing through a reeed to entertain the children one night in a cave somewhere. Then in the blink of an eye civilization.
So what is this but David mentioning that the Engineers didn't create all humans?

I don't give a shit anymore
I just want to see more Fassbender


Is he really going to get a sequel? Covenant bombed pretty hard. The studio might not trust him with the franchise anymore.

Either that or they will stop pressuring him to turn his goofy artsy Ancient Astronaut series into Alien movies and we might finally get something interesting.

She's not really that attractive. At all. What kind of beta would sexually harass her.

Your post is fake and gay.

How did the guy in the medbay get infected?

I liked the part where the alien attacked in the field. Is this the first time we've seen an alien outside of confined spaces?

>Is this the first time we've seen an alien outside of confined spaces?

AvP requiem

Only canon please.

I think the Alien prequels are done after Covenant bombed.

Ridley will come up with an excuse for his flop and give away the plot details of the never-happening 3rd movie within the next year. It will be as disappointing of a plot reveal as you can imagine.

It's clear that David represents Ridley Scott and Walter represents the obsequious studio drone.

David is constantly criticising Walter for his lack of creativity. He tries to show him the way but eventually he realises he is talking to a brick wall. "I am so disappointed in you."

The David/Walter relationship is a commentary on Ridley's relationship with the studio. And David's victory is a Ridley's fantasy fever dream.

Prove me wrong.

>Ripley was actually a robot

Fuck you, how about that for canon, you stupid asshole.

A facehugger latched onto him for five seconds. It doesn't make much sense that it was able to do it so quickly when they take like a full day in all the previous movies, but that's how it happened. The pacing was all over the place and lots of things felt rushed and smooshed together just to fit them into the movie.

I liked the field scene too. The sheer athleticism on display from the alien shows how they could really have been designed as bioweapons. Any monster can hide in vents and grab dumb stragglers, but the kind of bouncing around the thing did in the field attack did a better job of showing us why these things are considered so dangerous than all the "perfect organism" speeches from android characters like Ash and David.

it was better than I thought it would be. the cast were clearly chosen to make you root for david and his aliens. a fucking christian and a bunch of literally whos. surprised there wasn't a more prominent nigger in there, although one did meet his end while fucking a white girl.

fassbinder's performance could well be the best ratio of a performance to movie shitness ever. he is on fine form.