
Doesn't even have a dick

I'd never be robocop

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You're not using it anyway.

so you be telling me they couldnt salvage any of this and just went lol just put his head in a robo xD. shitty design


>studio wants a bland action flick

It's a shitty scene that's easily on par with the rest of the movie.

it's a mod

It's like in the original when one of the doctors mentioned they could save Murphy's arm, then the corporate guy just said 'lose it'.
It's not that they couldn't salvage him, they just didn't want to as they had their own agenda.

You're projecting
While salivating at the thought of your autistic millennial faggot ass being encased in metallic edge, with a leg gun

I don't care if they gave me an arm that shoots sabot rounds, it doesn't replace having balls and a dick

Why human lungs? I can't even remember this garbage flick


>spend $4 billion grafting a human to a state of the art combat machine
>human arm gets shot off and it bleeds to death.

I would swap my balls for Happy Gilmore's free subway for life card.

Probably because then he would have to talk without breathing. Not good for PR.

In robocop 1 you felt sorry for him because you knew he could never be with his wife again. He still had primal feelings for her, still wanted to have sex with her but was physically unable to. He became an abomination

These reboots don't capture these types of emotions, it's all about glorifying tech and being vague about what exactly the consequences of it would mean. He literally had his nuts blown off, he's not a man anymore. He's a eunuch

The part where he was running through the factor in China or whatever and breaks out into the rice fields was neat.

Too big, you'd wreck her!

Movie could've been worse. It was enjoyable, at least.

I really liked that hallway shootout sequence

There wasn't a single scene this good.
