I've never seen a British Tv show where the concept of "cleverness" wasn't central or heavily emphasized...

I've never seen a British Tv show where the concept of "cleverness" wasn't central or heavily emphasized. Is there a cultural obsession with being smart or is this merely the government trying to promote intelligence?

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try watching bottom, catterick, spaced, harry hills tv burp, a touch of cloth, blackadder

Stop watching trash shows intended for the American tumblr audience.

Actually, just stop watching brit TV altogether, there hasn't been a single non-documentary worth watching in a decade.

>Is there a cultural obsession with being smart

You may be surprised to hear but intelligence is seen as a positive thing in all human cultures other than in America.

It's a regionally specific to London I think, particularly since that place has a cultural heritage of superiority, and since most of our shows come out of London, there you go. Look at the humour of Vic and Bob or Frank Sidebottom compared to Stephen Fry or Rowan Atkinson.

You're watching the wrong British media.

Imagine an American trying to understand chubby brown

>Stop watching the BBC

Shortened that for you

ur just dumb

i love BBC

Blackadder has a huge "cleverness" theme throughout

>I've never seen an American Tv show where the concept of "dumbness" wasn't central or heavily emphasized. Is there a cultural obsession with being stupid or is this merely the government trying to promote ignorance?

That's because you only watch BBC stuff that gets exported that reddit americans love like Dr. Who

Watch literally anything on ITV, bbc's main competitor.

For example

>Is there a cultural obsession with being smart or is this merely the government trying to promote intelligence?
I'm astounded. Why do you make this sound like a bad thing?

ITT: Americans think BBC/London shows = British television


Stupid redditor Americans watching Shooting Stars. Utterly tragic, desu.

>impyling a dumbdumb American is going to understand words like "astounded"

>what the fuck I can't just turn my brain off!?

No. Much more pervasive empathising with the underdog.

We like rooting for the shit guy.

>Americans get offended by intellectual tv shows
