Why bring him on Agents of SHIELD? WHY? I hate that series!!

Why bring him on Agents of SHIELD? WHY? I hate that series!!

Now is your chance to learn to love.

really? Movies are A list, Netflix is B list, and TV crap is C list. Ghost Rider is easily a B list character. flaming skull requires a lot more production value than regular tv is willing to shill.

>WHY? I hate that series!!
That's exactly why

Sucks for you. I love it and Robbie, so this is a win-win for me.

>Jessica Jones
>B list

>flaming skull requires a lot more production value than regular tv is willing to shill.
But Robbie doesn't have a flaming skull since he's not actually powered by the spirit of vengeance. His face is just a spooky helmet. They don't even need CGI for that beyond some fire coming out the top.

Also I'd hardly call a character that has appeared in all of 18 comics ever "easily a B list character"

>Jessica Jones
>B list

>Guardians of the Galaxy
>A list
wew laddie

So... they put him there cause nobody's watching anymore, right?

It's better than netflix stuff.

>Agents of Shield sucks, it has not big names

deal with it bitch

Then don't watch it?

Ah, this is...weird. I'm pretty sure it has absolutely nothing to do with anything they planned for next season. The closest connection is that one guy in Season 1 who was sent to Hell, but that hasn't gotten brought up since then at all. Also, that skull looks really really stupid.

That is disappointing.

I think the problem people have is that this is the MCU's Ghost Rider now. A side character on an ABC show.

Because it's easy ratings bait. Plus, due to them having 3 well liked iterations of the character, they can get away with using one on a basic cable show.

And in this case, it's the newest GR with the least amount of established lore.

Now if they were using Danny or Johnny on AOS, then this would be an issue. But they aren't, so it's not.

And they can still use Danny and/or Johnny on Netflix like people wanted.

Who cares, Ghost Rider would never get an MCU movie anyway because they're not allowed to do religious themes because of Chinese laws

And let's face it...you can pull off the alien thing with Thor, Ghost Rider NEEDS explicit religious implications

>Ghost Rider has an MCU thing before the Fantastic Four
>It's not even Netflix

>And let's face it...you can pull off the alien thing with Thor, Ghost Rider NEEDS explicit religious implications
Mephisto is explicitly an extradimensional being and not the canonical fallen angel Lucifer though.

he's also a red cloud that needs to devour the earth

They're doing Dr. Strange in movies and K'un L'un on Netflix. If they're already doing magic in those two it makes sense to introduce it across the board by adding some into the cable side of things.

Huh? Is that a RotSS reference? That was Fox's version of Galactus, not Mephisto, and by the way, the Ghost Rider movies were Columbia Pictures, not Fox. Otherwise, I have no idea what you're talking about.

So fags can complain and real fans can enjoy it

It not having big names isnt the sole reason it sucks

>real fans
like who? you? hahaha fuck off

>Why bring him on Agents of SHIELD? WHY? I hate that series!!

Because Bendis loves you, son. Embrace the Words of Bendis.

Just a poor reference to FF2. Figured if they did Mephisto for MCU it would either
-Follow suit of DD's religous undertones if it was in Netflix
-Ayyliens if the MCU, which would be worse or only slightly better if they do a space retcon of what Mephisto the faustian dealer is.

>basic cable show
Are you one of those people who don't know that broadcast tv exists?

Past your bedtime isn't it?

It would be pretty easy to make him what he is though: a bargaining "Hell lord" extra-dimensional being who poses as "Satan", but is not actually synonymous with Lucifer from the bible.

Wait shit this happened? Fuck I might have to start watching that series now. Or is this a promo of something that will happen.


So is Robbie actually a Ghost Rider or is a inhuman fucking shit?

GOTG had one of the biggest events in Marvel history

Ant-man is directly connected to the Avengers (which I know wasn't an A-list title before Ultimate but still)

Because we were due for a monkeys paw, and boy did I certainly get one. I cant for Robbie to be fucking irrelevant next to Daisy

Neither. Hes not possesed by the Spirit of Vengance, hes possesed by his dead Satanist, serial killer uncle

Theyre probably done with Inhumans and moving onto Supernatural for Dr Strange and Iron Fist

>We will never get a Mad Max style Ghost Rider MCU movie or Netflix series
Fuck everything

Would you give Nicolas Cage another chance if he dialed back the hammy craziness and returned to be GR in a 3rd movie to fight Zadkiel to save heaven?

No. Enough of Blaze too, get Ketch. BUT WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS NOW

What a nice piece of Army of Darkness concept art.

>Ghost Rider is easily a B list character

Johnny Blaze is B-list.

Robbie Reyes, not so much.

I'd give Luke Cage another chance if he turned up the hammy craziness, I unironically enjoyed it.

>toned down

But the reason Spirit of Vengeance worked is because Cage doubled down on his insanity.


Nicolas Cage*

>he's not actually powered by the spirit of vengeance. His face is just a spooky helmet.
The fuck? So what powers does he have?

>Ghost Rider
>Big name

His powers dont originate from a spirit of vengeance or deal with a demon. He's possessed by his satanic uncle Eli Morrow and is bound to a car instead of a motorcycle. Eli practiced dark rituals to escape damnation, but oddly enough his spirit does work similar to Johnny's spirit. So far Robbie is resistant to harm, able to magically enhance chains/knives/crowbars into weapons, travel in darkness or into his car, damn people to hell, and has his own variation of the penance stare IIRC. So in short he's like a different breed of Ghost Rider

>they're not allowed to do religious themes because of Chinese laws
I'm fairly certain the Chinese have a strong stance against films with spirits, ghosts, etc. anyway. We shouldn't have to suffer for their beliefs, user.

>and has his own variation of the penance stare
Nah, he doesn't have that
He can get intangible and transport from anywhere to the car, which is pretty fucking cool and the other riders don't have

Why even call it Agents of SHIELD?

He also has the teleporter boot that can teleport anything put into into another shadow

Yeah, he's a pretty fucking cool Ghost Rider, he's origin story is cool, his alternative powers are cool, his car is cool, his design is fucking amazing, and he's latino so that's one more point because of the whole marvel pandering thing they've been doing
I really don't know why he's not more known
I guess i should hope for a new ongoing now

His comic wasn't cookie cutter enough for their intended audience and basement dwelling-neckbeards (aka the people who actually pay money for marvel comics) doesn't care for an another minorty legacy character replacing the original if it's isn't written by Bendis or they can't fap to it.

>Ghost Rider is a Meta-Human & not some avenging spirit sending demons back to hell.
>drives a mustang.
>on a Non-canon series


Fuck! You!

>a Meta-Human
>drives a mustang
As Robbie always has
>on a Non-canon series
Then why do you care?

>>a Meta-Human
MCU acknowledges his Abrahamic roots or what?

>As Robbie always has
& fuck him.

>Then why do you care?
Why do I care that a fav hero of mine is not going to get a movie or series, but pushed onto a shitty show no one watches in hopes to spike views?

Robbies Ghost Rider is possessed by his Satanist serial killer uncle, not the Spirit of Vengance. Also who the fuck knows, they just released a teaser.We all know its to set AoS up for a Supernatural season.


Danny and Johnny are fine, they have almost 0 ties to Robbie so its easy to put him into a Netflix show or show up later in something else, the same way both Hank and Scott were Ant-Man

I bet you think Johnny and Danny aren't even around anymore


>I bet you think Johnny and Danny aren't even around anymore

I won't but Disney will treat it as such.

>We all know its to set AoS up for a Supernatural season.

Man, I can't wait for all of that to be sidelined for a tie-in to whatever movie comes out next year! Maybe with a side order of painfully forced melodrama!

It's not a mustang

What's he going to do? Use his skeleton magic?

tying into Dr. Strange movie

It's too little too late.

Do they haev the rights to FF back?

>tie-in to whatever movie comes out next year

You mean fucking Doctor Strange? The most supernatural Marvel movie yet?

Oh, sorry
>Agents of SHIT

Nah, lat we heard, those were still at Fox, but plans for an Fant4stick sequel were scrapped.