ITT: Times you cried like a faggot bitch to a kino

ITT: Times you cried like a faggot bitch to a kino.

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Nigga that's like babbys first film. Pleb


Everybody cried the first time they watched the Titanic. Admit it.

To be honest I didn't cry but I did laugh when the Titanic was sinking and people were doing backflips along with hitting the poles.


a true blue-blooded patrician I see

Forrest too. Very emotional.

I bet you're a right winger.

I don't let outside enities make me cry

Just a very beautiful story it makes you cry

The crushing loneliness you feel inside is indirectly affected by outside entities

ending of dragon heart


fuck this made me cry too


Complete crap, couldn't feel anything for this because it makes it seem like Coop didn't give a fuck about his son, I get she was younger but he left the son in charge of the farm and even got a grandson named Coop Cooper.

Fucking Nolan 3rd acts.

coop jr was dead to coop sr when he cared more about fixing a flat tire than chasing down a drone so they could hack it out of the sky

you mean the son who was deliberately killing his family through exposure to the dust?


I laughed at this scene.

Fucking traitorous southerner deserved a painful death.

The closing scene of The Unforgiven. Wasn't a bit bitchly cry so much as manly tears of admiration.

I don't feel that loneliness crushing

The way the leaves blow away in the wind was a perfect literal expression of her giving up on life.

You know you cried or at least found it sad.

It's normal to get emotional at a good story. You have a mental illness.
To the stars, Bowen.

I Am Sam

Forrest Gump is tear worthy.


true just like thoses traitorous patriots who fought against the queen

You're my friend, best friend. ;_;

>tfw Bubba dies
>tfw I'm racist
I didn't want these feels

Never had much of a reaction to this one, Uncle Ben's death was much more emotional. Also that scene where Aunt May gets upset because he won't accept his birthday money.

What movie?


What Dreams May Come.

this movie in general but more specifically the father son parts

those MJ tiddies

>best friends of your whole life

What a sad sack of shit, what the fuck

I can't imagine a person more boring than one who thinks being 12 was literally the best time of his life

Being 12 is like playing the tutorial of a videogame where you haven't unlocked any of the cool abilities yet, like making a shit ton of money, driving a fast car, fucking babes, and so on

>the Noland batman trilogy had a happier ending than the spider man trilogy
It's crazy to think what a depressing note a hugely successful mainstream blockbuster franchise ended on, that final shot of mj and Peter was pretty sad, nobody is happy or in a better place from where they started the movie

you sound like you're 12
go play with your buddies

12 Angry Men ending.

>Being 12 is like playing the tutorial of a videogame where you haven't unlocked any of the cool abilities yet, like making a shit ton of money, driving a fast car, fucking babes, and so on
sounds like what a 12 year old thinks adult life is

Wasn't this movie about a spic who killed a guy, but didn't go to jail for it?

Mentally maybe.

>he doesn't think that's what adult life is

You're just missing out, pleb.

I'm 28 and make $140k a year.

I always lose it when Kirk's voice breaks in the eulogy.


every fucking time

Unironically the end of 12 Years a Slave.

>baww i'm a nigger and i had to labor for ten years doing honest work instead of being a mooch


>soldiers dying is sad
all brainwashed idiots i feel no remorse for

Frank Sobotka walking to his death
Manly tears for Bodie dying defending his corner
Bubs trying to do an hero and his redemption in the end

SHIEEEEEEEET, the wire had some feelsy moments

Some of mine:
-The last 10 minutes of Toy Story 3.
-I got teary several times during The Muppets in 2011. Starting with a shot of Kermit's celebrity photos, namely the one with him and Jim Henson. And ending with "Rainbow Connection." (If they'd included "Just One Person," I would have been on suicide watch. It would have fit in the movie, but fuuuck.)

This, along with "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you" and "You bow to no one."

I thought Carl reading the Adventure Book was worse. This part caught me off guard, so I almost didn't realize the feels.

Dog deaths are literally cheating when it comes to tears

You sound awfully upset for someone who thinks adulthood is so great.

>only 140k
You can't even support a family yourself and have money for toys, lmao

>wanting a family in your twenties

Poorfuck detected, gb2 farming or whatever, peasant.

He was a talented musician you fuck.

All I'm saying is you'd best get your bread up lil nigga, if you got good credit consider looking into getting a loan to purchase commercial properties, be smart son. I know you got this shit. Take it to the next level. If you can't basically retire in your 40s you fucked up

>not a mooch

Get lost, nignog.

You're right, I will. Started trading this year too to make a little extra.

When Arnold lowered himself into the lava in T2.

why are you such an insufferable faggot? What kind of person feels compelled to e-stat dickwave anonymously on a laotian fingerpaint footjob forum? I bet you're Indian

>he's still going

Holy shit, please go on. This is very entertaining.

Word nigga if you ain't side hustlin you ain't hustlin

Yeah, everyone who works in the arts should be kidnapped and forced to do manual labor for free for the rest of their life. You're totally right.

This shit right here, impossible not to cry like a bitch

I didn't say that. I said he has no right to whine about having to do 10 years of honest labor for a change instead of being a hack mooch "musician".

I'm not gonna watch some fag pout and whine about his dog like he expects everyone to care.

This. Isn't he an ex con or something, too?

lol whatever makes you feel like a big guy

I'll cry to good drama but not that bullshit. No dipshit seeking attention with a sob story is getting a tear from me.

I don't think you've seen the film

>honest labor



When Christian Bale is singing in Empire of the Sun as he watches the Japanese suicide pilots taking off. That shit had me bawling

>I love you Creasy...and you love me too, don't you?
>Yes, I do. With all my heart, Pita.

Any type of tearjerker moment will get me no matter how cheap or telegraphed it is.

Forrest Gump is dishonest film

Every fucking time.

Rocky doesnt care if he won. He doesnt care about the judges decision. He did it. He was a nobody who took the champion of the world to the final round. All he wants is to see his girl. One of the greatest endings of all time.


Chose one




Manchester By the Sea

most forced "emotional" scene ive ever seen
also this movie was boring as fuck

the fact that he wouldnt sell the script if he wasnt the main character made me really respect Sylvester Stallone. he always seemed like an appreciative actor.


Is it considered kino around these parts?

Okja baby scene

This scene combined with an earlier scene.

Jack Johnson: Doc, you oughta be in bed, what the hell you doin this for anyway?
Doc Holliday: Wyatt Earp is my friend.
Jack Johnson: Hell, I got lots of friends.
Doc Holliday: I don't.

You bow to no one makes me cry everytime


"you" are nothing but an infinite amount of outside entities all condensed into a superposition known as "you"

this. Every Time.

end of Armageddon opened my flood gates