Does "diversity" casting in Hollywood alienate xenophobic Asian viewers?

One thing I know about Asians in my neighbourhood is that they're one of the most unashamedly racist people I know, especially against blacks and anyone who is seen as below whites. It's common to see black/white couples in my suburb, and it's usually the Asians who are known for giving interracial couples dirty stares. So I'd imagine this would be much worse in Asia, which is also Hollywoods second biggest market. Most Asians who watch western movies just want to see white people, and unlike whites, they can't stand diversity casting and the multicultural agendas in movies, unless they're casting Asian actors and actresses.

Everyone says Hollywood is just another profit obsessed industry, yet why does Hollywood actively alienate their second most important market by heavily casting non Asian minorities? I can't even imagine how they'll promote the black Panther movie in Asia, considering it's mostly an all black lead.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you live in Asia?

They have an agenda beyond short-term profit.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxists Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


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also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxists fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


I'm a Singaporean and my country is like 80% ethnically Chinese. Our biggest IMAX theater was packed last night and looks fully booked for the weekend.

This "Asians hate people of colour" thing is a huge meme. Otherwise FF movies wouldn't have done well in Asia.

>be me
>also singaporean
>watch the force awakens
>keep telling my gf what a dumb nigger Boyega is
>white people there keep looking at me while other chinks dont give a fuck
>movie ends
>J J ABRAMS on the screen
>white kid with her asian bf pats me on the back
>excuse me but i think its rude to use the N word
>i tell her "Do you see any niggers around? Go home and complain on tumblr"
>she gasps at me and urges her boyfriend to do something
>told him in mandarin "keep your pet on a leash, you race traitor"
>walk off
>my gf tells me i'm an asshole
>i tell her to stop going to reddit or she'll have to take the cab back home
>i wrap my hand around her and tell her, just kidding you know i love you babe
>she just keeps quiet

The point is to desensitise these racist shits to brown faces

Probably because the youth there are already influenced by instagram and nigger culture. Bruh here and bruh that

Maximum profitability will come about when the whole world is transformed into a genderless, classless, raceless Brazil, where every possible identity is a commodity manufactured or simulated and sold.

tfw cyberpunk isn't actually fantasy


Wait there's a second negroid chick in Spider-Man Homecoming? What role does she play? I am confused. No I am not going to watch your fucking movie. Anons already confirmed that there's no quirky sexual tension between Peter and Aunt Tomei.

Yeah look at those racist Asians.

>Maximum profitability will come about when the whole world is transformed into a genderless, classless, raceless Brazil, where every possible identity is a commodity manufactured or simulated and sold.


You're communicating to someone hundreds if not thousands of miles away with no conception of who or what I am beyond the words I type on a simulated online culture not resembling any community existing in the real world. This site, this community, this culture, is an active participant in an ongoing culture war pushing back against neoliberal corporation preferred left wing progressivism, whose ultimate agenda is the dissolution of ethnicity and gender.

Tfw cyberpunk hacking the Gibson.

>raceless Brazil
I don't think you've been to Brazil.

I love you

You are a piece of shit, Boyega hasn't done anything to you.

Kill yourself nigger lover


Brazil is the very epitome of a multi-ethnic society, you retard. It's raceless in the sense there isn't one, identifiable Brazilian race. It's an amalgamation of various mutts.


Southern Brazil is white

why the fuck do all other cultures talk during the movie?

shut the fuck up, nigger hating chinky bing bonger.

p.s. i discovered why chinks hate niggers. their eyes are already squinting so all black people look like a black amorphous blob.


You can lay out the truth as clear as day and these fags will never even consider it, I'm just surprised the reddit tranny hasn't told you to go back to Sup Forums. Guess even Leafs need to sleep.

Whatever you say, shitskin.

Thai people really hate dark skin(even though our skin is relatively dark).

everyone think both Liz and new MJ are ugly as fuck.

there's one whitening cream commercial where a black girl used the cream and turn white. hahaha

I think they hate niggers because niggers are dumb, violent animals

>google her
jesus fucking christ, black does not crack. i honestly thought she was early early 20's like tom.


>Sup Forums "humor"
You have to be 18 to post here.

I see the reddit tranny has awoken.

Why the fuck is Zendaya MJ goodammit is the most ugly girl in the movie.

boyega is a cool dude. i don't consider him a nigger

they couldn't find a graduation picture of the nigger so they had to use the one with a happy pitbull in it?

Some movies are targeted for US audiences and other for oversea audiences (and China, increasingly). The Sinoboo movies don't feature too many negroes.

Still, you would think that the call of the Shekel would be stronger.

Unless it becomes independent that won't mean much. The niggs in the Northeast will still rape, murder and vote for the most retarded form of socialism available at the time.

Only whites can be racist.

Singaporean shitposting at its finest

>It's raceless in the sense there isn't one, identifiable Brazilian race.

You could say that about the entirety of the Americas including you know what

The new generations of Asians are just as brainwashed as ours. The girls are degenerate whores and the guys are pathetic numales.

Steady lah!
t. Malaysian

In the show Dear White People, a random Asian girl pops up at a pep rally in episode 5 and immediately joins the crew of blacks based on their shared hatred of everyone else there, introducing herself as "your catch all Asian friend you're gonna share your weed with."

The group goes to a movie theater and the black group complains about how they always only have the choice between the cheap urban comedy/drama and tragedy porn, and the asian girl tells them it must be nice to only have two options this months when she's had the same two options since 2000: Joy Luck Club and Crouching Tiger (one of them mentions Kung Fu Panda to her.)

The funny part about it is that she's given literally one more line across the last five episodes, a throwaway as everyone in the group is paired off to prepare for a protest.

Is this an example of things that never happened?

Give me one (1) good reason why every single role in hollywood can't be cast as a straight white male.
protip: you can't

yes, they literally hide the black characters on the Chinese posters

>honestly thinking hollywood is run by evil masterminds who construct their movies with extremely advanced brainwashing techniques as ordered by the jewminati when in reality they are out of touch overpayed retards who couldn't organize a gang bang in ur mums bedroom

they make him smaller, not hide

The Raid 1 and 2
Kungfu Hustle
IP Man
Jackie Chan

true or not. this is a great post worthy of archive, cap, and a demotivational. truly old aristocrat internet

>>>i wrap my hand around her and tell her, just kidding you know i love you babe
the state of the apologizing beta dreaming he is dominant

Living in your head rent free

Fucking faggot is never off here. Every thread you see the same retard crying and moaning.

They just wanted to make Ford bigger because the fugitive was huge there


fucking based wtf I love singapore now

>african guy I work with absolutely hates asians
>hates chinks for taking jobs in his country
>hates indians because they smell bad
>says asians have small dicks


I actually love this Catch-22 that Hollywood is in. They know that if they push the diversity card too far, they lose out on all that money in China and other parts of Asia. Yet Hollywood is all about touting their liberal cred so they're fucked. It's either sacrificing profit for progressiveness or they fuck themselves over by not having the Chinese bail out their shitty films.

>Everyone says Hollywood is just another profit obsessed industry, yet why does Hollywood actively alienate their second most important market by heavily casting non Asian minorities? I can't even imagine how they'll promote the black Panther movie in Asia, considering it's mostly an all black lead.

They don't give a shit. Fate of the Furious is the biggest hollywood movie in China EVER and it is a predominantly black cast

Chinese like to watch dumb shit, but they prefer seeing white actors with a handful of black and brown ones. Black Panther is going to be predominantly African or black American cast so it's not going to do well there at all.

>YFW when chinese hatred of niggers and hollywood need of Yuan could end the ((diversity))

It can and can't. Hollywood is full of limousine liberals, they like to talk about leftist ideas, but they won't give up their luxuries and wealth. They'll continue to press the diversity card and will just blame Asians for being racist.

What's race traitor in mandarin

you win the internet :')

If chinks hate shitskins so much, why do they love the Fast and Furious series?

Mindless over-the-top action involving cool cars and stunts? This shit isn't rocket science.

Asians don't want to see disgusting poos or blacks.

Deal with it.

Pukimak cina babi

She didn't pay any toll, if anything she profited, that kid is almost guaranteed to be unintentional and she probably secretly hated him, coalburners have about as much of a maternal instinct as the sheboons themselves, she's now not only single but no longer bogged down by a kid, and is free to resume her degenerate lifestyle in full.

>he still looks like a mad hood nigger despite the happy doggo
>he probably didn't even graduate

>Spiderman 4 was actually an officially suggested possibility at one point

>tfw this probably didn't happen

Either way this is one of the worst posters of all time for a big budget movie and I'm amazed this was approved. Even the TLJ poster looks better than this.

cool story pol

>mfw I meant to do a video so that I could cash in on all alt-right views and money
>mfw multiple people have already done it

Chinks are ransacking Africa, but it's because the Africans keep allowing corrupt/incompetent leaders to do whatever they want

Why wasn't Laura Harrier the MJ instead?

She checks the same diversity quota and I actually want to fuck her brains out.

Chinese love Indian films, dumbass

Exactly the point...Liz is the love interest. Michelle is supposed to be a Helga Pataki/Daria kind of character.

>thinking hollywood is run by evil masterminds who construct their movies with extremely advanced brainwashing techniques as ordered by the jewminati when in reality they are out of touch overpayed retards

why cant it be both?

>couldn't organize a gang bang in ur mums bedroom

say what you will about the people in charge but one thing they can do better then anyone is organize. how? money.
wake up.

Eh mostly only the comedic ones

Most of those have white and muscular Indian though, they also watch it for the female heroines

She looks like Obama's daughter.

Sounds like my kind of utopia