Say what you want, but they fucking NAILED the ending.

They missed the reflection in the puddle showing Batman strangling him

>people paid money for that

Batman can't kill the Joker if this is to be in the animated series' continuity

Completely lost interest after they turned Babs into the generic stronk wimyn character.

I almost turned it off once she fucked batman. Once I finished it I immediately deleted it. What the fuck was DC thinking.

>if this is to be in the animated series' continuity
It's not. But Batman doesn't kill him in TKJ anyway.

Anybody got a download link?

Then what was The "Killing" Joke?

just go to rarbg.

I'll let you know right now - you'll regret it

I will admit the Batgirl half is weak, but everything that was straight from the book was great. Conroy pulls a weak performance on the first half but nails the second. Hamil just nails it all around.

I think if they should have just stuck with the book part it'd have been a 8.5/10

hamil sounded kinda old IMO. He said this was his last joker performance and now I know why

So does Batman snap Joker's neck Ala Grant Morrison?

Dunno. But the only person I've ever seen support the "kill theory" is Morrison, who had no input on the book at all. The book was published to be canonical (regardless of Moore's original intention) so he never killed him.

>He said this was his last joker performance
He always says that though

>He said this was his last joker performance and now I know why
He's said that before. He sounded just as old in Arkham Knight.

>What is Justice League Action

He's in that upcoming JLAction cartoon as Joker.
I think he said he found a way of doing the voice that was easier on his throat, back when Arkham Knight came out or something, so who knows when, of if, he'll stop.

Name the references.

>think he said he found a way of doing the voice that was easier on his throat, back when Arkham Knight came out or something
Jesus really? Because he sounded strained as hell in AK.

>presumably the TV show from TDKR or many other Joker stories
>Batman '89
>Batman '66
>Jason Todd's best story
>Just Joker and Harley (weird that he's got his classic design and she's Nu52)
>The Laughing Fish
>Batman #1 also somewhat similar to the cover of The Man Who Laughs
>I don't know?
>Hideout from BTAS

Laughing Fish, Death in the Family, The Dark Knight, Arkham series, Pagliacci, Batman '89, and Batman Beyond reference(?)

He does. And he doesn't. It's up to the reader to decide

>He does. And he doesn't. It's up to the reader to decide
Given that the book was printed to be canonical, it's really not. If you wanna view the story as a non-canon one shot then you can justify it I guess.

>The book was published to be canonical
Not true it's first March 88 print was sold as an elseworlds story however it was quickly changed to canon when it's critical reception was so well.
Frankly I think that was a huge mistake because as the user pointed out, it makes the title pointless.

The fans are killed because of how bad it is. Alan Moore's future adaptations are killed. And now, the animated version kills the hope for a good movie. It's all a big joke.

>Given that the book was printed to be canonical
Then why did it take over 2 years for Babs to become crippled?

>>Although there has been speculation as to whether or not editors at DC specifically intended to have the character's paralysis become permanent, Brian Cronin, author of Was Superman A Spy?: And Other Comic Book Legends Revealed (2009) noted that DC had hired Barbara Kesel to write the Batgirl Special specifically to retire the character and set her in place for The Killing Joke.
This is what I've always heard.

>Not true it's first March 88 print was sold as an elseworlds story however it was quickly changed to canon when it's critical reception was so well.
Interesting, got any source on that?

>Frankly I think that was a huge mistake
I agree, I've just always assumed it was canon.

Try 6
it wasn't till Zero Hour that all that got rework into canon

Not user but I can't trust any source after 2006 because that's when DC was battling Moore and what not over rights and shit with his books, I feel they say anything to keep Moore's influence away so they could get the money rolling in.

That one day Batman or Joker will possibly kill each other and they are too stubborn and crazy too change the course of that happening.

No they didn't.

They're both just standing there, still, flat.
There's no wind blowing batman's cape, there's no raindrops soaking both of them.
The scenes are all off and filled with meaningless negative space, Mark Hamill reads the whole joke without any direction, and the police lights in the puddle are completely missing.

It failed to capture any part of what made the ending so great.

See they planned to retire her after TKJ, as in, never appear again (she was already non-existant in the Bat-Books by the late 80's).

I expected to hear a choking sound. some people said it was open ended but it did not seem very open to me.
it need not be in the same continuity. good story should be top priority
A)you are autistic B) you missed the point
don't be a baby
first half was ok but it did not fit tone and it was a disappointment mostly because people came for the killing joke and got France instead

Honestly I feel they wasted to much of the budget on "looks" and that add on story.
I think we can all agree we would have rather had a 40 minute telling of the source with double the quality in environment then the 80 minute slog we got.

>the only person I've ever seen support the "kill theory" is Morrison
People have been saying Batman killed him at the end since the book came out. I remember people discussing it as a theory in the 90's and there's evidence in the book to support it.

if he does not kill him in the end then the story is pointless

wasn't there an after story made where Bat-man was dealing with the guilt of killing him?

>There's no wind blowing batman's cape, there's no raindrops soaking both of them.
The whole movie was lacking in such details. basic stuff like stomps in the puddle had minimal effort in them which made them look fake, like when in a CGI show you notice how empty the city is (all the still and loops did not help)

They should have paid MADHOUSE to animate this

You know what else got nailed? Barbara

> A)you are autistic

and you're a cuck

>B) you missed the point

That Bruce Timm has always been a pervert and he projected his fetish onto an established character? No I think that point was made loud and clear.

They retired her after the Special before that. They made a strong send off then, they gave no hints or warnings of TKJ.
This "oh it was always planned" didn't surface till WB was getting dead serious about making a Watchman film as a backdoor way for DC to write stories about the cast again, which lead to credibility of rights being the standing fight. Suddenly Killing Joke was always to be canon, Extraordinary Gentlemen gets an earth number, and Watchmen are being pushed hard as a DC own property.

Should they just stop using Hamill at this point? Really disappointed at his performance in this

Did not work out for marvel so why would it work for DC

Im just going to edit out the first 30mins to this.....

>and you're a cuck
prove it
>That Bruce Timm has always been a pervert and he projected his fetish onto an established character? No I think that point was made loud and clear.
non of her actions are presented as positive, you retarded faggot

what evidence?
what story?

why do people think batman killed the joker? you are making me want to post the last few pages

>comparing TV anime madhouse with takeshi koike big budget film madhouse

Was this really as bad as you guys are saying? I didn't even realize it had released yet.

yeah that will show them. put it next to your supercut of star wars

I feel like it's at a point where he's been talked up so much people just let him loose with no direction.

I thought he was pretty good with the singing bit, but the worst parts of the performance feel like nobody is making him do a second take.

I'll change my comment. The only person of note I've ever seen support is was Morrison. Moore nor anyone else who worked on the book have ever said anything about it, and it's not included in the original script.
Yeah there's evidence to support it in the book, but it's still ultimately a theory (though one that I like a lot, especially if you take the book out of context and treat it as an elseworlds tale).

Not really. The book has other merits outside of the interpretable death. It gave us the most iconic Joker origin story and kickstarted Babs transformation into Oracle. It also showed how strong mainstream Batman's code of ethics are given that he didn't kill him in the main canon version.

Torrents are up early.

>big budget
kek. prepare your anus for Iron Man: Rise of Technovore DC edition

just for you guys the last few pages pls point out to me where batman kills the joker.

its ok.


i can see batman holding on to the joker OR choking him.

Im not trying to "get back" at WB, Im just pointing out the prologue was unnecessary. Also fuck Star Wars

still no death being implied.
or maybe i suck.

just for completetion

Is that so? I know nothing of the animosity between more and DC so I'll take your word for it.

Still though, regardless of if they planned it or not, the canonical ending is that he doesn't kill him. But the fact that it was allegedly printed as an Elseworld certainly makes the other ending more feasible.

It's the last 5 panels and it's open to interpretation.
That means one person can see it one way and someone can see it another way.
There's implications for both possibilities but no concrete evidence for either.

>It gave us the most iconic Joker origin story
>Babs transformation into Oracle
its an event, like Jason death the event is more important than the story surrounding it
>It also showed how strong mainstream Batman's code of ethics are given that he didn't kill
as has been shown 1000s times with joker and other bad guys. Its not new ground, him actually making the kill and betraying jim's expectations would be new ground.The final conversation he has with the joker is super good if he kills him but its just corny if he does nothing but repeat the cycle

That line separating that, them that also opens the book, disappears. Never noticed that before.

First half is pretty bad with the Barbara focus. It gets better when they actually start adapting the actual comic, but the poor animation really takes its tole on the overall quality.

>its an event, like Jason death the event is more important than the story surrounding it
I'd argue that the Killing Joke is the direct opposite to DITF. The event is the only notable part of DITF (how many people remember Jokers diplomatic immunity?), lots of stuff in TKJ has stayed within memory Babs getting crippled isn't more important the the story of the book.

>as has been shown 1000s times with joker and other bad guys.
It has now. At the time it wasn't repeated every five pages like it is now. Also at the time Joker had done nothing (in main canon) as deplorable as cripple Barbara (DITF came after), so after the book was made canon, finding out that Batman let him live was actually quite powerful at the time.


The Joker's laughter also just cuts out abruptly. Notice the sound effect for the siren lasts a bit longer. Again nothing definitive but it makes you wonder.

I always saw it as the "flashlight" gets turned off in the final panel. Batman turned off the flashlight on the Joker, neither of them escape. They both "stay" in the mental hospital.

but in the joke, the one holding the flashlight already crossed over.

I don't see a shadow but I think the light going on is symbolic show of death

Joker crossed over, he's dead.
Batman killed him, he succumbed to the insanity; he has to stay.

the point is that the whole premise is absurd since you can't walk on light

Walking on light is not really that absurd in the DCU.

fine, walking on light from a flashlight you found in a mental asylum

why would the one holding the flash light die?

its the person who tries to cross and has the bridge turned off under them that dies.

that's the text, but the subtext is that the two inmates are batman and the joker.

I like the theory that Batman kills Joker with the pin, which gets lodged into his glove during an earlier fight

>subtext is that the two inmates are batman and the joker.
yeah im not stupid.The flashlight can be help that batman is talking about but in the eyes of the joker its an illusion

Umm...did Batman throw those minions dressed like him into the spike pit in the hall of mirrors scene??

yes. fat lady also took a knife to the back, I was not paying attention but it seems few people died

Yeah, I noticed that too but Batman didn't throw the knife; the two headed lady did. He straight up Afffleck'ed those guys in the pit.

Did we really need a scene where Batman fights the circus freaks?

>Extraordinary Gentlemen gets an earth number


i legit wondered why they never fought him in the original, sure it doesent add anything to the story but they were working for the joker

Extra action is better padding than the stuff with Babs at the start.

I think LoEG is the only ABC property that Moore 100% has the rights to so I think that's probably bullshit.

On the other hand I have started noticing that the ABC logos on the recent Promothea and Tom Strong trades have been removed and replaced by the Vertigo logo so those might have earth numbers.

well if you want to get all technical then im pretty sure this guy suffocated

Fights and murders a few.

Speaking of, if you had control over this adaptation, what would you have added for time instead of this garbage we got?

i remember this thing in TDKR, i am pretty sure that it just knocks the guy down and the sweat makes little holes for him to breath

Batman killed more people than the Joker did in this.

is he a good fuck?

Who ?

technical they did find those 4 dead bodies so joker the top killer
Where here it looks like he tired to pull it off, failed and suffocated

>Where here it looks like he tired to pull it off, failed and suffocated
That happened to the mutant leader tho, but well it was the mutant leader so theres that

would you do any of these hos?
france paris

I would have put some focus on Babs at the start. Show her briefly as Batgirl, maybe via montage full of references from her 60's and 70's appearances. Also would have shown her and Jim interacting more just to show how close they are, which really is probably what Timm and Azz should have done instead of what we got.

Probably add some stuff to Jokers flashbacks, mostly just quick scenes from early Batman comics or Jokers three way Revenge just to cement the animosity between the two.

And obviously extend the action sequences like I said. Also would have pushed for something resembling the original's palette.