Why wasn't he successful in the end? He was clearly really talented, they made a point of showing how good he was...

Why wasn't he successful in the end? He was clearly really talented, they made a point of showing how good he was. I feel like it was a bit unrealistic.

he was before his time

folk wasn't really popular before Dylan

Lots of people are talented.
Not many people get attention/fame.

It's the sad truth of the world. Your talents mean nothing and nobody gives a shit.

There are tons of very talented people that aren't successful. There might even be talented people on Sup Forums

Is Llewyn one of us?

Because he was a cunt

If he had signed for royalties on please mr kennedy he'd have been a millionaire, as that was a number 1 hit for a few months.

if he had taken Bud Grossman's offer in chicago, he would've been either peter or paul in peter paul and mary, making him a millionaire.

there were a number of other missed opportunities

success has more to do with drive and a killer instinct than it does talent

He has the drive though

He goes all the way to chicago

I kinda interpreted it as: sometimes, no matter how talented you are, you'll never be successful. There always luck / other factors that go into success. As you channers probably know by now.

I don't see a lot money in there

Talent =/= success

Doubt it

After his partner died, he wants to be alone. He's afraid of reconnecting with people. The manager/producer even says that he should work in a group, and he turns it down. Stays away from his kid, his dad, Jean (even though he likes her), any new partners, etc.

And maybe he wasn't even talented. Just another folk singer in a sea of folk singers.

Consider not visiting this website until you are old enough to do so.

He was fucking depressed.

This and Synecdoche NY are great "what's the fucking point" core

>He was clearly really talented
And he hated his talent or at least what the product of his talent was becoming, the entire end of the movie deals with this.

in what sense

>He was clearly really talented
Not really, he was nothing exceptional

His character is Sup Forums incarnate

How? Because he was talented?

>has drive
Layers man

Actually the other guy drives most of the way

Llewyn is the ultimate pleb filter

If you, in any way possible, identify yourself in Llewyn you are a fucking loser that deserves to have a fucking shit life and nobody at your funeral

I don't think he was clearly talented, or it was just not his time. He could have been succesful if he had given up part of his pride. It's basically the same story as in Frances Ha except that in Frances Ha she has to accept and give up part of her dream to succeed, and Llewyn is not willing to do that so he fails.

>tfw I share a lot of stuff with him
>Even in the merchant navy

The asocial asshole part maybe, but I don't many people on this site have any really talent.

Yeah, I'm kind of Llewyn. I'm not antisocial, I'm just a bit of a cunt without meaning to be

Best pilot in the Resistance

Dylan was Jewish and had the right connections. Llewyn was a dumb goy. It was a movie about Semitic nepotism.

Everything bad that happens to him is the direct result of his own actions. But he sees it as life shitting on him unfairly. He's not willing to make any personal growth which is why the movie "starts over". The same shit is gonna keep happening to him until he can change.

Talent doesn't mean anything. Shamelessness, physical attractiveness, and/or sociopathy are how you become successful in modern society. Max 120 IQ or else you'll likely have too much anxiety, principle, and suffering to function.

>I'm kind of Llewyn
oh are you an extremely talented but severely underappreciated artist?
I don't think so
you're Adam Driver in this movie

Directed by jews

Not his own actions, his nature. He's too good for society. You see the conflict of "changing" when you're better than the people you're meant to change to accommodate. The world is just a horrible place.

Dave Van Ronk's corpse is laughing right now.

It's a film about accepting that you're a fucking idiot for having principles

>having actual talent or artistic integrity in a world of Justin Biebers Kanye Wests and Taylor Swifts

Lmao good luck

why make a movie about that when that's real life

You know what's sad is that people today actually think this. My grandpa always said it was going to hell in a handbasket, he was right. Glad he's not here to see how shit humans have become. I wish I wasn't.

A friend of my dad would always say that too.
I guess they made the movie to red pill those who aren't aware of that? Or to comfort those who already experienced it.

Is it because Oscar Issac changed his last name to seem Jewish when he's Puertorican?

the point of showing dylan at the end was showing how dylan's career started in the gaslight cafe. If anything Llewyn had better connections than dylan had starting off.

99% perspiration

hit me hard desu

>retards actually believe this

Everyone successful got lucky, that's the end of it

I agree with this. Hard work might be necessary for a few tasks but luck is always a determining factor in your success. Variables you can't always control like being born talented, good looking, having connections, having the right skill in the right place at the right time. Meeting the right person at the right moment.

Luck doesn't exist.

The primary factor working against llewyn was his unwillingness to compromise. He had multiple opportunities that were worth millions dropped on him. He could've improved by learning from goodman, got millions by taking royalties on please mr kennedy, got millions by taking f murry abraham's offer, etc. But doing so would mean sacrificing something, and he was unwilling to do so.

Luck DOES exist.
A kid born in Africa that starves to death is unlucky. A guy born to a family of famous musicians or music producers, who coincidentally wants to be a musician is lucky.
I agree though, that in the particular case of Llewyn, the movie shows that he didn't succeed because he didn't want to compromise.

luck is the ascription of magical qualities to variables outside of your awareness

saying a kid being born in africa is unlucky is also claiming there's a chance the same kid could have, magically, popped out of a vagina in a mansion in Prague.

He could have just not been born.
Either way, call it whatever you want. I said "luck" but I basically mean just what you said: variables outside of your awareness will define your success. Variables you can't change or control. Hard work can't overcome this "bad luck" more often than not, imo.

This is a borderline meaningless platitude. "Hard worK" only ever overcomes anything when said work is applied in a manner that can actually overcome something. "Luck" is only a factor if one is simply working hard in whatever random avenue they first find, and even then, forces are guiding them to a number of avenues that are, by design, treadmills designed to go nowhere and accomplish nothing.

But as you and I have both acknowledged, we're not talking about inside llewyn davis anymore. As he was working in the right ways for the right people and making all the right connections, and the only reason he wasn't successful is because he didn't want to compromise.

please leave or lurk m0ar. actually, dont visit boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, or even Sup Forums because they have a tendency to not self-moderate newfags.

This, some times its up to plain luck or connections.

Hell it even ends up just because some people are prettier then others, remember the fat ugly Irish woman who had a fantastic singing voice? Well everyone else forgot and went back to what ever vapid whore they listen to now.

He was nothing especial and too stubborn to listen to anyone else.

I think it was implied that there were many characters as talented as him, but down to earth, as in knowing what you need to give to make it in the industry (timberlake's character making a pop song).

llewyn was lucky as fuck, worked hard, and had great connections.

>remember that woman who became pretty central to an idol show's marketing? Well they moved on to the next thing

wow imagine that

Wouldn't know, never watched this, I just come here with a group of friends to shill post to make you guys paranoid. You guys made this place a shit hole and we just want to fuck with you now, but from time to time I like to add something productive to the conversation.

You come here with a group of people? What are you doing with your life?

He just told you. Coming here with a group of people.

can't afford time on lineage anymore, just bored of it, or just letting the bots run while you shitpost?

I have a lot of time and money because I have a good job that bays for me to do very little now days, we're all old oldfags who just don't like how this place is now days so we endlessly shit post and torment you guys.

>we're oldfags who enjoy pissing in the ocean of piss!
>don't get to angry of how hot our GFs are lol!

... uh... huh...

With that projection you could run a theater.

In order for that to be projecting I would have to be lying on Sup Forums.

so if you're all posting from the same internet cafe, do you all have separate IP addresses or do you have to take turns on who gets to post every minute?

The fact you posted that shows how new of a newfag you are, now post some reddit handwave argument. Long before the Rules proper the rule was everything is a lie, how do you know I'm real? I could be just getting you to tell me were you cp is?

Half of us aren't even in the same country. We mostly met on Quake.

I made two specific "oldfag" references.

Good job on missing them.

>There might even be talented people on Sup Forums
Oh come on now.

This. How can people not get something so simple? Oh right, this board is filled with bitter self-defeated losers.

He was basically Art Garfunkel. He had a lot of talent, sure, but he was destined to be in a duo act and he refused to find another partner after his first one committed suicide. He couldn't let go of the pain of that relationship and it hindered him personally and professionally from that point on