You will never be as sexy as Rita Loud

>you will never be as sexy as Rita Loud

Other urls found in this thread:

Her vagina must be a horrifying sight after squeezing out 11 kids.



Anal is the only answer.

>obsessively names their kids "L" names
>doesn't have an "L" name herself
fucking casuals

literally throwing a hotdog down a hallway

more important question is How big is Mr.Loud?
is he more length or girth?

"Condoms feel weird"

Maybe each generation has its own letter to keep track.


If her name is Rita, why is Lynn named Lynn Jr.?

Unless you can name them after grandparents, I don't really know how the Jr. suffix works.

>that episode where Lynn discover she was adopted

>It's a Quiverfull family, and all the religious stuff happens off-screen

Maybe her full name is Rita Lynn or something
why she'd have that kind of name, I don't even know

Hubba Hubba

I didn't even know you could name girls Junior. This is the first time I've ever heard of a female Junior before.

>Rita Lynn
I kek'd

>Mr. Loud's first name is Lyndon. After seeing his despair at having yet another girl, Rita agrees to name her child "Lynn" so he can pass on his name.
>Naturally Lincoln is the next kid out of the chute.

From my understanding of it, she could be named after anyone in the family, but in order for this to happen, Lynn Loud's namesake has to have the _exact_ name (duh) and be alive at the time of the show.
So the mom's really out of the picture for being Lynn's namesake, that is unless the writers want to ignore this naming rule.

Elise from Dan Vs. is a Junior.

"As long as no one finds out she's my sister."

Maybe she's half Japanese


Would fuck that thicc!


"Lana" is anal spelled backwards....

perhaps it is a look into the future, Bobby.


>"Nice horse Loud!"

What did he REALLY mean by this?

I really didn't get neither...


Read this in Hank Hill's voice.

>I can see Uranus from here and boy is it gassy

Nice ass

>Not Hank Venture's voice.

A Novel Idea

Is there a pastebin or something for all these episodes in webm form?

Fucking hell, I gotta draw Mrs. Loud.

>check em

Please do, she's so underrrated.

A shame he only is in that dress for about a minute, I was hoping he'd wear it the whole episode

apparently, Lynn is a unisex name. So maybe the dad is named Lynn and as pointed out, the mom let the dad name a child after himself, even though it was a girl.

I guess he thought after 4 girls, she was closest he was going to get to a boy.


Lincoln makes for a ridiculously cute girl


Oh... how the might have fallen.

And that is why Lana is best girl.


True. Canon Loli Lincoln (Lolicoln?) can't come soon enough.


I never like those weird small pointy boobs that stick straight out.



Now, take her clothes off.





Goddamnit, where are you people finding these things?!



SB99 posts his new art on the Loud House thread in 8cuck. Maybe he'll even do a request for you.

Have there been any more new episodes since Novel Idea?

Chubby-chaser death camps fucking when?

Novel Idea aired yesterday, have some patience.

Anyone got a link?

I can't link it directly because the spam filters don't let you, just like blogspot links.

It's like Sup Forums, except with an 8 instead of 4. So swap the 8 for the 4, then google that and Sup Forums and you'll be at the Sup Forums board for that chan. The board moves much more slowly than Sup Forums Sup Forums, so it'll be easy to find the thread from that point (it has a catalog system like Sup Forums does.)

That Daddy Loud's daughters are 'Whores'. Probably


How did they get away with the anus joke?

Uranus jokes are pg tier.

They probably both really dig pregnancy.
Between their own kids,
they probably got payed for Mrs. Loud to surrogate for another family.

Best ass since DexMom


GENDERBENT girls leaked


>rita lynn

Maybe she has ADHD?

>mohawk luna
>not Sid Vicious deadcopy

one job

>that filename

lucy, lynn and leni got the better end of the designs
everyone else looks like a bunch of dorks put together

Should we try to predict the names? Luke's already a given.

Lynn just looks like she got a haircut.

some of these dont sound legit, though

I wish he'd upload a high-res picture to his instagram

can't tell how different lola's design is but everyone else seems to look the same

What do you think is the censored picture at the top here?

meant to reply to fuck

Ronnie Anne

>savino is already balding

Let's give a round of applause for the best girl, shall we?

how old do you think he is?

can someone link the mega for all th eepisodes

What did she mean by this?

Why is she so perfect?

Because she's dumb as a brick, pretty and nice to everyone she meets. She's the whole package.

Traditionally, no. Junior and numbers are only added to boys' names. In the early 20th/19th C, girls named after living family members would either get Big or Little added to their name (Big Margaret the mom/Little Margaret the daughter) or would get diminutive nicknames (Margaret, Maggie, Peggy). This was because it wasn't like the girls would be carrying on the family name. She'd eventually just become Mrs. -husband's name here-.

Nowadays though, anything goes.

She needs to learn some manners.

Looking to him, I'd say 43.


I think I can manage that

Don't lewd the Leni.

Are you a femanon?

>taking a picture of your screen instead of just saving the picture
