/lbg/ - Letterboxd General

>0 hours 0 minutes
WE DID IT BROS:O *dances*

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Starring George E. Stone

*bumps thread* tehehehehe

Your house gets hit by lightning would you start shining the house?

Post your profile


Films are so good you guys
if anything they should make more of them

films were a mistake

Just watched "Blue Velvet" and i loved it.

recommend me something to watch

post more pics of Emily Jean Stone plz

Lost Highway

Under Siege

What happened to these threads

thank god for the pre movie commentary, i have enough time to finish shitting before the movie begins


why not just bring your phone or laptop with you while you take a shit

Previous groundbreaking thread: >3 days and almost 5 hours
This was something that was thought to be impossible in todays climate, I just want to thank the guys at /lbg/ we couldn't have done it without you guys *waves hand* I also wanna thank Cloister for the mental and sexual support, couldn't have done it without you *waves hand* and I wanna thank our sister general /esg/ *moonwalks*


what's your deal dude



Original name.

Does anybody watch 3D movies
Does anyone have any recommendation for 3D blu-rays to watch

Everest is nice if you have 3D and surround sound (5.1 or 7.1), if you wanna go arthouse watch Pieta & Goodbye to language, else it's mostly blockbusters.


>hollywood will never top this thicc again

reminder that if you're not watching at least 4 films a day you should give up film

you expect me to believe that you, anyone here is able to watch 1,200 films a year

reminder that approximately 1 film a day average is the perfect amount

any more and you are a neet loser idiot
any less and why bother

>1 film a day

hi everyone

kill yourself

dumb suicide poster

wahoo!!! i watched another movie that i liked!!!

Is originalname3 really watching 7 films in a day?

looks like it

pls give me your love

you should be ashamo of this profile

a-what now?

Cumily Jizz

You're a cocksucker

>1 film a day
nigger that's neet tier moviewatching.
normal people watch 2 films per week at most

tom cruise said he tries to watch 1 every day, why cant you?

Same with Tarantino

i don't have the time. i'm busy

but tom cruise is an insecure manlet and scientologist, so I'm gonna watch 2, are you ok with that?

only if you take a fap break inbetween

busy with what? busy not watching movies? thats not a life worth living!

i take care of my nana and have to set out time to be able to shitpost

>people who work 3 months a year and then live off the 10 millions or so they made during the rest of the year can watch a movie per day
>why can't you? proletarian that works 8 hours a day and then you come back to a house where you may or may not have things to take care of, a family to pay attention to, homework to do, etc etc?
beats me, man..

Go and watch a touch of Zen, my man. Incredible movie

when he only watches one film a day

i really dont think tom cruise got that much time, and why do you take the bait.


whats her favourite slasher movie


Everest doesn't seem like it would be very good. Seen pieta + goodbye to language already, definitely some of the best uses. Would suggest 3D rarities if you haven't watched.

I've actually watched 4 movies today that have all been good. Good day

do you mean me or the guy that posts these

that's not even hollywood you moron

Pieta + Goodbye to Language = 24

that's not neet tier movie watching

it's somebody that actually likes movies (but doesn't lead a hollow empty existence) tier

death wish is kinda shit

actually. it,s good


not that good

To me it is very good

first one is ok, then they become shit but fun

>very good


if you actually liked movies you would be watching them all the time

she doesn't really watch slasher movies

dont bully the babbys

>spending 2+ hours per day on your favorite hobby is bad!!!
Spoken like a true embryo left in the dust

>spending 2+ hours per day playing age of empire is bad

absolutely wolololo

Hey /lbg/

Tis a matter of God to conceal a matter, Tis a matter of kino to reveal that matter.

>spending 2+ hours per day playing age of empire is bad

absolutely wolololo

I must apologize for Smoothhands. He is an idiot. We have purposefully trained him that way, as a joke.


The fucking flip-flops!

God will forgive you.

good fucked up movie?

for me, it's An American Crime I was literally shaking by the end

Maybe I will watch that but I just thought it was a gore fest. I like movies like Funny Games, Oldboy, The Skin I Live In shit like that


yeah no, AAC it's more psychological-fucked up, the fact that is based on a true story makes everything worse, watch the pictures from the real girl after the movie

if you want gore, maybe Raw, Riaru onigokko or Cabin Fever (2002)

when that hobby is watching the jewbox, it's bad for you.

that would be the reaction pic of the year if her fucking hand wasn't in the fucking way
fuck jazz

thanks bro RAw and Riaru onigokko look good

dumb Sup Forumsposter

k, stay retarded.

I hope Slept shares a jail cell with Shia LaBeouf







Bravo to your tastes, sir. That's quite the selection.

dont make fun of me!


Oh wow, haha!

kill marry fuck

in that order

Are you literally 14 years old?

Holy fuck, the underageb& invasion is real.