What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

What the fuck is wrong with Americans?

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shit wrong board. pls ignore

We're retarded. Pic related is an actual facebook post I saw one day. Someone I know posted this to a religious person's wall and the one comment is their actual response.

If god doesnt exist then explain Kino


polls are fucked, it's more like 10% youngearthers. For some reason a lot of Americans get stuck on the idea that "humans couldn't have evolved from monkeys"

Poor education.
Constant propaganda on the radio in Southern states.

>George Carlin
I wouldn't watch either

You're afraid just like she was

They watch too much TV. They treat politics like American Idol.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board. The Sup Forumsirgin club is two blocks down.

"That" can be real.

4 in 10 americans took the redpill

>What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
The majority of them believe in evolution.

>Constant propaganda on the radio in Southern states.
This is 90% of the reason for the divide in the US by the way.


Patrician: God driven evolution
Contrarion: God created humans in their present state 6000 years ago
What the fuck are you doing tier: God doesn't exist but humans evolved anyway

>thinks he is red pilled
>still believes the earth is round

>Patrician: God driven evolution
>no explanation why one religion is the true religion and why the others are not

If evolution is true why do monkeys still exist?

>no explanation why 4 is the correct number and all the others are not

GOOD point

>Patrician: God driven evolution

why do you restrict an omnipotent God to be unable to create a system he doesn't have to micromanage?


>Someone I know posted this to a religious person's wall
Wow they are such a superior person for being ath*ist.


"American education"

If God doesnt exist who created everything? The universe had to be created somehow unless you believe something comes from nothing

Why are you so narrow-minded in your pursuit of skepticism?


If the universe was created, what was here before it?

>caring about what other people believe

i'm totally ok with saying God created the universe if by God we mean whatever it is that caused the universe to exist, a first mover of sorts. We have no way of knowing who/what that is, but calling it God rather than something else doesn't really make a big difference.
But going from to "god created the universe" to "[insert sacred text here] is the word of god" makes no sense at all.

If God creates everything, where did God come from? His ass?

But that's not true we can show this through mathematical proofs


May Yakub strike you down


God exists outside of time. Are you saying gsomething can come from nothing? If nrit then you de facto admit there is in fact a creator. His means may not be understood but everything requires an impetus

Holy shit...

why? A creator not having interaction with a creation makes less sense.

poor kid's mind cant into GOD, aka all powerful ie created itself

What makes no sense is how one can claim that one religion is the word of god while others are not, which is done on absolutely no basis.
Why do you believe the religion you believe is right and all other ones and different versions of it are wrong?

That's all you can do, answer with memes. Do it again.

Decades of indoctrination. Same reason they elected Trump.

check mate atheists
mfw people actually are persuaded by this

why aren't there a billion types of monkeys with trillions of small mutations?

That meme is like 8 years old as well. When the best argument you have for your religion is an 8 year old meme of a fashion that almost no one ever actually wore you know you're in trouble.

>stop believing in creationism
>suddenly get fedora PhD in mail
>get access to super secret club where models suck your dick
>suddenly understand the secrets of the universe
>laugh at ignorant Christians

You can't be so ignorant. You gotta love Sup Forumstards lol

I'm not even religious, but I'm just not a edgy 15-year-old rebelling against his conservative parents who blames all of humanities woes on le magic sky daddehxD. Militant atheists are mocked for a reason. Because they're the most obnoxious, pretentious faggots on the internet.

you know how they always post that map of the universe slowly zooming out with Jesus saying "don't masturbate" in the last panel?

Basically it argues that "the universe is so big why would an omnipotent god care what you do?" The problem with that logic is that an omnipotent god also possesses omniscience and omnipresence. If you know EVERYTHING and can observe everything simultaneously, then suddenly everything matters because it can all be observed. So whatever "god" exists is one that cares for us. How that leads to a personal god/religion is only natural.

I'm not much of a skeptic, but resorting to the "God of the Gaps" limits the omnipotency of God to "things we don't understand" and is the fastlane to atheism as human understanding of the universe increases.

Yeah that's not why but thanks for playing.

Well we didn't. We just share a common ancestor.

>implying all religions don't have a common ancestral origin that was lost during the Deluge.

There's a reason I put that in quotes, because that's literally what creationists have said to me.

I didn't think the "it's just a theory" meme was real either until I went to uni.

More memes, just like you were told. Do it again.

>More memes, just like you were told. Do it again.

People are irredeemably stupid.

In the early days of the internet mostly the smart kids and the nerds were on the internet and so it seemed like we were smarter, but then iphones and twitter and all this shit came to be and the dummies outnumber us again.


2008 called. they want their dead meme back

You missed the point that I wasn't arguing for religion. You're just embarrassing.
>Dude, this ignorant Christcuck doesn't want to listen to Carlin's pseudo-intelligent ranting because she's just afraid of the truth.

Good. Now post another meme.


Checkmate atheists

I care when these fucking brain dead retards get to vote

>you shouldnt believe what you are told by THAT guy
>you should believe what you are told by THIS guy
who fucking cares

>Good. Now post another meme.

In the original fb book post the atheist was in the wrong. He (you) was publically forcing his religious belief on someone through facebook, that's incredibly pathetic.

>believing surveys with terrible sample groups

>What the fuck is wrong with Americans?
Nothing.Nothing at all.

IMG_0969.jpg (212 KB, 1024x866) Image search: [iqdb] [SauceNao] [Google]
IMG_0969.jpg Anonymous 2016-12-11 07:04:38 Post No. 102422290 [Report] Quoted by: Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,

Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.

The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.

This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.

Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras that will no doubt show up it this thread:



>literally just say something is bullshit at the end of every sentence for 30 minutes
>"MAN carlin had a new hour of material every year HOW did he do it he is so smart and funny" xD

>not realizing that whether God exists or not is irrelevant as long as it gives society a ideal to aspire to
Nihilism is death. This is why Muslims are going to conquer the West by the next century. They actually have conviction and a goal they consider sacred to accomplish while whites just roll over and die because nothing in life matters but the gratification of the individual.

Right wing radio. It's a scourge.

Count your fingers.

What's that atheists? You don't believe in God??? Well here's an argument for you that's guaranteed to shut you up: HAHAHA FAT LOSER FEDORA FEDORA FEDORA SUPREME EDGE NECKBEARD

Christians: +1
Atheists: 0

>unless you believe something comes from nothing
Isn't that literally what you're suggesting? A magic thing made the universe out of nothing?

That projection though.



Please, explain how the universe could come to be without a creator.
Go ahead.


It must hurt being that retarded.

there are still euphoric neckbeards on this site?

haven't you faggots embarassed yourself for long enough?



So is the whole "hurr neckbeard" thing supposed to conclude that it's now "cool" to be a creationist or something?

What's the end goal? It's not "to stop the tryhard teenage atheists" or whatever shit you're gonna claim now because I see the fedoraneckbeard thing posted for literally any mention of atheism in any form now.

>I don't know, therefore god

Seriously, lurk more.

Catholic school master race

Most smart people on Sup Forums realizes that whether god exist or not doesn't matter, both sides can't prove either wrong and its a pointless debate. What matters is human beings will always need religion and its better to steer them to the right one which doesn't have people blowing themselves out to take out innocent people and marry little girls.

Of course libcucks can only see in one dimension and will believe whatever a paid scientist will tell them to believe.


There's nothing wrong with americans, it's a fine nation full of hard-working people that's just constantly getting dragged by flyover shitholes - that's the issue

They're morons, obviously. They don't even want healthcare because they plan on never getting sick in their lives. Americans actively hate people with an education, the people that do get an education hate those that don't have one. So educated people share their educated opinions in an obnoxious holier-than-thou manner, morons (the majority) don't listen to educated statements because 'fuck those pointdexters'. This is also why the anti-vaxxer movement is an actual thing and America had to deal with a fucking measles outbreak in one of their counties. Measles outbreak, imagine that.

America is pretty much Sloth from the Goonies. This loveable, retarded, and ugly friend with a lot of power in him. Although Trump is kind of changing the loveable part.

So what makes (((God))) more real than say Poseidon?

The greco-roman gods did miracles too, at least their involvement was recorded in real world events like the siege of Troy. So they must be real too.

>huff post

Fuck right off with that. Just more propoganda to make people think they HAVE TO save America from le ebil fundies.

I di have an explanation: God.
What is yours for how the universe came to be?

>all religious people are atheist towards 99.999999% of human-created Gods except their own
Really gets the old noggin joggin

Christians are literally incapable of performing at a debate at the level of the average atheist--and they know this--so this was their last (hopelessly desperate) attempt to fuel for their inane delusions of their belief in magic and their accompanying powerlessness in argument. And you know this is their last defense because this shit meme has been going on for about five years now.

I thank based Poseidon every time a boat full of migrants sinks

if our spirituality and divinity isn't real, then how come Anita Moorjani survived cancer on its terminal stages and cured herself 100% after having her out-of-body experience?