ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong

ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong

I don't want to be friends with you, Rick. I want my burger.

get the quote right

>dude sorry breakfast is over
>threaten to shoot up a restaurant because of this
Yes, 'nothing wrong'

the customer is always right, they should have served him breakfast



Shit restaurant if they instantly have no more breakfast food during the change over.

dude was 3 minutes late for breakfast. it's not like they couldn't get him something.



well its a fast food joint so yeah

So the appropriate response was to take out a fucking gun?

I got that rabbit afterall.

he wasn't gonna shoot anyone you faggot

>it's okay to take a gun out if you don't plan on killing anyone!
Point one at a cop and come back.

As any true blood American should.

they weren't cops though and it's not like anyone was hurt, he even paid. literally a victimless crime.

In america it's a felony to deny a citizen mcdonalds.

>they weren't cops though
So that makes it okay to point guns at people?

I already know you're trolling. I don't know why i'm responding.

>make innocents fear for their life
>traumatized children
>DUDE victimless crime LMAO

Literally did nothing wrong


100 years ago American kids watched their families die of degenerative diseases and worked 12 hour days in coal mines and won 2 world wars because of it. One guy pulling out a handgun because he didn't get his order and not even shooting isnt gonna traumatize anyone.

no kids were traumatised you hysterical cunt.
there's a big difference between pointing a gun at someone and shooting them, and besides he spend most the time with the gun pointed at the roof.