What did everyone think of the latest Dark Matter episode?

What did everyone think of the latest Dark Matter episode?

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she deserves some dark matter in her pusy

I don't get it

>watching #WomenAreAlwaysBetterFightersThanMen the show

meh tier

DDark Matter

How big are they

Was it an Android episode? Or better yet, a Kiva episode?

It´s almost a crime having those behind the bars.

It was a the Raza crew from alt-verse were on the escape pod/shuttle and 3 gets to be a sexy bad ass

>the genetically engineered supersoldier and the beep boop lesbian literally made out of titanium are stronger than men
What a surprise

user, every female is a stronk fighter and literally beats up all the guys every time, even the prisoner woman this episode. They got rid of the only good male.

Android, genetically engineered asian, psychic black chick, soldier black chick, The only way for females to compete is in fiction, Even 5 can kick 3's ass

It show's how tiny their budget is that they're relying on BSG trick.

Also sad that 1 didn't show up. So instead of building an actual decent bad guy we're getting evil versions of the same characters.


Anyone watching Killjoys, More action, A hotter cast, sexy, and a better budget

I have no idea why 3 is even still around, he is fucking useless

Watching it right now. Well techincally not yet since it's on the last time on segment. I really want to hold hands with 5

I tried but really dislike it. It's no better than Dark Matter but I just dislike it so much

I preferred season 1 of Killjoys to DM season one and it was nice they seemed to know where they wanted to go with season 2, Season 3 seems solid enough expect they changed the actress who plays her




fuck that flashlight

He is the best character in the show

>they recast Clara
What the fuck?

Yeah, It sucks. The only other thing she's been in that's worth a watch that I'm aware of is Mirrormask


>hotter cast

You have the hot black chick, The hot tall white guy and everyone he sleeps with, the hot gay bartender, and for a time the hot redhead; All Dark Matter has is a pudgy asian, some lop sided lesbian in a tight fitting suit, scruffy looking nerfherder, asian twink warlord, and an average looking black muscle woman, The only good looking one on the show plays a child so they dress her in tents and she's barely part of the crew even though she's the best actress



What ethnicity is four? He looks kind of black but also Asian


Anything worthwhile from the other episodes?

>no evil lewd version of 5
>handwaving Corso as literally "fuck that nigga"
>best girl keeps jobbing out like a bitch
fuck this show

how did they recast her? some other chick found the gun and using it while they are searching for Clara

Skinned and now she's wearing someone else's

Does Five have a crush on Adrian?


Woman shows any attention to you
>She wonna fuck!

The only person she's shown any interest in is that blonde junkie doctor


She did kiss him on the cheek

I figured maybe they'd need a new plot for Five now that Six is probably dead

THICC in all the right places

>Be Android
>Super human strength
>Be Smug that you knocked out someone with a suckerpunch

lmao. my first laugh of the day


I want to ram my face between her ass checks and live of it as live support

Any lewds?

The music in Killjoys is... questionable.

It's "techy" and upbeat, The show seems to have gone for a more light hearted manor

Did you even watch it? That not the sort of music that I find questionable. You'll know when you hear it.

>You'll know when you hear it.
>Implying taste isn't subjective

>talking about killjoys
>shows dark matter picture
You faggot piece of shit are you fucking retarded

The tents they put her in do not work, though.

I know the difference between the two shows, What does posting a picture of one mean when talking about another?



She used to be fat, lost all the weight and became THICC

Why are their names numbers?

Woke up without memories so they started referring to each other as the numbers in the order that they woke up in.

Learned their names and found that they didn't like them so stuck with the numbers

So why do they keep writing out shipmates? 2, 3, 5, and the android are cool and all but some more permanent faces would do the show good.

5 men not one of them tries to fuck her yet? i would have been inside that gash or groomed her the moment we woke up in space

you just know shes getting blacked

more enrichment per episode. they need to get the average screen time of the remaining white characters as low as possible.
Dark lives Matter

Well done, You can spot the fictitious parts in a science fiction tv show

I think you mean RICED

Altho, Filipinos are the blacks of the Asian world lel

In the alternate universe they just airlocked her ass the moment they found her stowed away onboard

I'm impressed with how likeable she is in this compared to how she singlehandedly ruined Lost Girl

Killjoys' soundtrack has a free pass forever for featuring this

>dark matter
Is this show better than The Expanse?

It's more fun





Yes, Bond. All those women you slept with started off as children too.

No. If you haven't seen it watch Stargate Universe, and Babylon 5


comic relief. Take him or the android out of it and it'd be literally unwatchable.

>average looking black muscle woman
Wat, the average looking black muscle woman is the best looking of them all. Too bad she's black. And a muscle woman.

>biggest tits on the show
>obviously in her 20s
>playing a 16 year old
Why do they keep getting away with this

Because 16 year olds are CHILD LABOR
Also because who the fuck wants to put up with 16 year olds?

What are you talking it about it's way more better than fucking the expanse

Dark Matter is a fucking joke. Episode after episode, they keep shoving in muh stronk women characters. It's pathetically unrealistic

They had one (1) weak female, Five, who's supposed to be underage, and even she has been retconned as a stronk girl. Like, they mentioned in one episode that "she's been training". Fuck that show.

I didn't realise all the "stronk" women shit til this thread, now I feel fucking violated, how did I get so invested in this show? I liked the girl I wanted to protect her while secretley grooming her to maybe one day ask if she could sleep in my bed because she had a nightmare where she would then feel my stiff cock on her leg and eventually start stroking the shit out of it, but I completely missed the blatant feminist shit because of that whore. Im only mid season 2 but if they made her some stonk woman too then there's no diversity i like my submissive shit so think im gonna have to drop this

>he thinks 23 year old girls are somehow more bearable
user please. Jodelle is only 6 years younger from the woman who plays Two. It's retarded

im actually fucking a 21 year old, and can say ive met younger girls who are fucking smarter than this bitch

She's seeking attention from literallly all male characters on the show

The show initially had 7 faces, 5 of which are still around. It's good that they don't all have plot armor tbqh

Absolutely not. The Expanse is top tier sci-fi, while Dark Matter is 5/10 meh fantasy show you watch because nothing else is on. Kinda like Defiance, if anyone remembers it

Defiance was 8/10 by the end of it

I agree that it kept getting better. Too bad the start was so weak, the pilot was so retarded the ratings tanked too hard. To be honest I'm surprised that show somehow got renewed twice.

i'm still hoping One faked his death somehow. the way they wrote him out was really lame

>Please don't be another Ariel winter
>Please don't be another Ariel Winter
>Please don;t be another Ariel Winter

the black guy from the show already found his white bitch