This retard

This retard

>marry a Hezbollah lawyer
>Britain has too many Muslims for her
What's her endgame?

hopefully trump blocks them from entering the US

What'd he do?

go into the refugee camp to support these poor refugees only to get raped

>that snarky headline

is breitbart even trying to pretend it's doing journalism or have they completely given up?

No, please take them off our hands


Is the UK really that unsafe?


They're not as bad as CNN, Buzzfeed, Huffpo, or the other rags the left read.

And to beat an enemy, you have to fight them with the same weapons they fight you with.

move that faggot to Saudi Arabia where he belongs


went to a refugee camp with a large security team to show support
they were mobbed, attacked with rocks, several of his security personal were beaten and had their phones/wallets stolen

England is, but only where the brown people are

terrorist attacks every days
rapes every minute
no guns to stop these peaceful criminals who rape and kill people

>breibart. Com

Fake news

No. I imagine it has more to do with the house itself. 17th Century mansions are rather romantic, but not exactly up to modern standards when it comes to raising children in them.

Everyone in Hollywood is hypocrite.

People dying is not funny user

Yeah I'm sure that's why. I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that America is the greatest fucking country in the world.

t. Cucks oppressed by facts

Refugees for most, 20 foot walls and armed body guards for a few.



every time

Londoner here in a poor area, things feel less safe than they used to be. Doesn't feel like home anymore, I feel out of place


This. Try a legit website next time Trumptard.


sometimes, ever so rarely, there is justice in the world

why are you so slow this was on drudge yesterday

>two wrongs make a right

yeah, cause that's what we need, another source of strongly politicized op-eds disguised as poor excuses for journalism

t. CNN viewer

I'm not excusing it at all, it's poor journalism.

But if one side is going to use unethical tactics, the other side has to use unethical tactics back or they're fucked. From Rules for Radicals


Don't you have a safe space to get back to, libtard?

this is pretty on par with more mainstream leftist "news" outlets which is pretty damn bad if they're equally comparable to fucking Breitbart

its like these "refugees" are so barbaric that no amount of marketing or goodwill can get through to them, its really a remarkable accomplishment.

and oh the irony of these cucked actors, i wish there was video of his video.

this, places like breitbart just cause more harm, stop using them.

why is it so fucking hard to have an objective news outlet that doesn't have bias either outright or in the form of word choice, topic picking and shitty journos?

>being a libtard
kys, subhuman

see It's not right, but it is necessary if they want to be the opposition

Los Angeles is going to be the same way pretty soon.

England at least is way safer than LA.

Wow that was fucking amazing


Because they get very poor ratings. Sensationalism always wins

at least they have a good point to work with here, not like cnn publishing an article every day about why every of trumps remarks will lead to a new holocaust.

>jude law is a retarded cuck

no, amerifats have a murder rate of a third world country. the UK is very safe compared to the US, I don't know what Clooney is smoking

Because 99% of the national media is composed of corrupt far-leftist propagandists?

>actually linking a breitbart article

>Liberals are trying to go after anonymity.

Cultural fascism at it's finest.

fucking based

libcucks can't into banter

Clearly not in a poor area.

>he actually, legitmately believes any outlet in US is "far left"


Discarded. If I'm going to read breitbart, I might as well start reading the independant too and become all kinds of fucked up.

>be Ausfailian
>every Britbong I meet over here talks about how England isn't their country anymore
>mfw tea drinkers are bailing to the country their convicts built because they fucked up their own so bad


>being this retarded
How did you even figure out how to post? Did someone help you with it?

There's literally nothing wrong with Breitbart, being conservative and having a conservative slant isn't wrong like CNN tells you it is, somehow 95% of the MSM is liberal slanting yet you have no problems with those articles being linked

Also they more reputable than CNN at this point but thats not saying much

>shut down anything that I don't agree with

So fight fire with water, not with fire?

An objective news outlet that can't just be swept away with "oh fake news site is shit and biased and incorrect" would do much more harm to the MSM


>shill for open borders
>open borders actually happen
>vey gevalt it's too dangerous!
like pottery

But saying "they have to do it cause the other side is doing it" is literally excusing their behavior. There aren't any noble reasons behind their action, they're just competing for viewer numbers, money. What we need is an objective news source, not another player in the game.

Fascinating article, the fact that George Clooney might be a hypocrite impacts my life as much as the healthcare system or money in politics.


>>There's literally nothing wrong with Breitbar
apart from the fact that they're absolutely full of shit and utter trash journalism

stop going "muh cnn" as an excuse
two wrongs do not make a right

>17th century mansion
>poor area

Do you even think? It's simply because the house is probably protected under natural heritage laws and cannot be made safe without using authentic 17th century materials and shit.

I wonder if you are even capable of self-awareness.

Has anyone noticed a ton of more Reddit drones repeating the same damn dogma posting in the last few weeks? I mean even more than there was before. I hate having to defend fucking Breitbart but these losers are making it really damn easy to.

>tfw remember Sup Forums before the free speech nazis took over

I hate this place and what it's become, all of you could just go back to Sup Forums but you have to spread your "free speech" propaganda here.

>whites are literally being conquered
>they not only welcome it, they actively encourage it
What went wrong

>provides actual sources and not "sources say"
>trash journalism is anything that doesn't agree with my point of view

okay keep drinking the CNN koolaid

>someone disagrees with me
>they have to be from reddit

how do you deal with real life?

and yet the day of the rope is constantly being delayed

really bakes that noodle

>just keeps on going "muh cnn"

Poor areas in London and other cities feel completely foreign.

I'm saying poor areas in London are far worse than they used to be. I don't care about Clooney,

>Has anyone noticed a ton of more Reddit drones
Yeah. Same as last summer, but with fewer blacked threads.

>he actually believes "reddit" makes those blacked threads

how fucking new are you

Sup Forums has always been conservative and hate liberals

Breitbart is full of garbage and falsehoods. It's not a legitimate source of journalism. Neither is the Independant, neither is CNN and to a degree probably the Washington Post. Breitbart just straight up lies and it's laughable how people take it as gospel.

CNN is pure sensation. They may claim to be proper journalists but it's clear they're trying to keep a momentum of outrage going for the sake ratings. Some of it may be true, some of it may be overblown. Washington Post just distorts facts and makes shit up on occasion for the purpose of trying to get you outraged as well. The article about Pewdiepie was the last drop for me. He's a youtuber with a lot of viewers, did they really need to state he's a nazi because he was doing a comedy sketch? Garbage.

Honestly, the media in general is pretty shit these days. It's all about sensation. Integrity is really rare these days, both on the leftist side and the right side.

>implying Clooney lives in a poor area

does LA kick out all poor people or something? How is LA safer than London? you're 6 times as likely to get killed in LA than in london

>Being this utterly indoctrinated
I bet you watch nothing but CNN and MSNBC.

>someone disagrees with me
> I hate having to defend fucking Breitbart but these losers are making it really damn easy to.
they are making it so damn easy. I like to tell myself half of these are 4channers trolling.

>everyone on Sup Forums has to be a Sup Forumstard

is this what some of you retards actually believe or are you just ironically shitposting?

Sup Forums has been on the news so often lately, those people feel like they need to defend their ideology, and some are just getting paid.

with all the shit cnn was caught with we are far beyond muh cnn. theres probably at least an hour of footage of cnn "losing connection" during interviews when someone says something they dont like.


I thought he was dead

>George Clooney
He's probably just asspained that he can't have a hundred armed guards patrolling at all times and that his postman came close enough to say 'good morning' to him once.

I'm friends with a whole shitload of Brits on Twitter and irl. These guys truly hate what their country has become.

I think they were hoping that brexit could reinstill some HEALTHY xenophobia. Nationalism needs to thrive in the UK before some faggot calls it facism. Which it is.

>this Plebbit damage control

Same. They really are cancer.

That's the thing about the kebab attacks. White liberals are always the first to go.

>everyone I don't agree with is just shitposting!

Are libcucks this delusional? I bet you guys still live in a world where Trump didn't win in a landslide.

>Constant conspiracy theory peddling, fake sources, misleading reporting, fearmongering headlines, agenda pushing, paid for stories

Yeah man breitbart is just great. I mean, you like what they tell you, that means it's all true right?
Face it, you are absolutely no different from the idiots who just watch CNN or Fox New and mindlessly believe all of it. Breitbart is the exact same, and the fact that you think it's trustworthy means you're as big a mark as those other people you call drones.

>free speech nazis
is that a new talking point like drumpf? that sure worked out well

>if you're not a commie like me, you're from Sup Forums

>marry a Hezbollah lawyer
>still gets jobs in (((Hollywood)))
how come ?

holy cow the election sure brought in a lot of CTR shills

how much is Soros paying you guys, can't be a lot

He literally didn't.

This was meant for this

>brietbart links in the OP

wow Sup Forums is lost forever